2000字范文 > 赋税论 Treatise on Taxes and Contributions英语短句 例句大全

赋税论 Treatise on Taxes and Contributions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-17 02:36:36


赋税论 Treatise on Taxes and Contributions英语短句 例句大全

赋税论,Treatise on Taxes and Contributions

1)Treatise on Taxes and Contributions赋税论

2)theory of taxation赋税理论

1.The principle that"The King Shall Live of His Own"was important in Englishtheory of taxation.国王财政自理原则是英国基本赋税理论的重要内容。


1.public demand theory公需说(赋税理论)

2.insurance theory保险说(法国狄亚尔倡导的一种赋税理论)

3.Some Concepts and Their Definitions in Medieval Chinese and Western Taxation Theories;中西中古赋税理论中的一些概念及其界定

4.Chinese Emperors "Justified" Right of Levying Taxes and Corvee--A Comparison with the Western Theory of Taxation;从“家天下论”看中国皇帝天经地义的征赋役权——兼与西方赋税理论的比较

5.The principle that "The King Shall Live of His Own" was important in English theory of taxation.国王财政自理原则是英国基本赋税理论的重要内容。

6.Land Taxation Administration in the Qing Dynasty: Jianyang County Land Tax Case during Qianlong Period从乾隆建阳田赋案论清代的赋税管理

7.On Theoretical Basis and Orientational Selection of Local Tax Legislative Power;论赋予地方税收立法权的理论依据与取向选择

8.The Medieval English Basic Theory of Taxation in the Perspective of Private Ownership由私有制形态看英国中古赋税基本理论

9.The Differences between Chinese and British Basic Theories of Taxation in the Perspective of Ownership in the Middle Ages由所有权形态看中英中古赋税基本理论的差异

10.On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation《政治经济学及赋税原理》

11.Principles of Political Economy and Texation政治经济学及赋税原理

12.Discussing the relation of the sui dynasty production--the uniformed soil institution and the levied institution论隋朝的生产关系——均田制和赋税制

13.On Developing studerts Sense of Taxes in ElementaryEducation;论基础教育阶段学生税赋观念的培养

14.But a few advanced people put forward an entirely new reform plan for the feudal land tax system in the light of the finance and tax theory and system in the modern West.也有极少数先进人士以西方近代财税理论和制度为依据 ,对田赋制度提出了全新的改革方案

15.Theorizing Chiefly of the Literary form of Fu:on the Major Idea of Wen Fu;以赋为主体的理论归结——论《文赋》的思想主旨

16.On Chinese Township Government Function Adjustment in the Agricultural "Zero Taxes and Levies" Period;论农业“零税赋”时期中国乡镇政府职能定位

17.The Villages and Towns Government Function Orientation in the Period of "Zero Tax";论农业“零赋税”时期乡镇政府的职能定位

18.On Ban Dun Man s Tax Payment and the Social Turbulence in the Three Gorges Area;论三峡地区板楯蛮的赋税缴纳与社会动荡


theory of taxation赋税理论

1.The principle that"The King Shall Live of His Own"was important in Englishtheory of taxation.国王财政自理原则是英国基本赋税理论的重要内容。

3)basic theory of taxation赋税基本理论

1.In turn the low-degree private owned pattern led to abasic theory of taxation that was characterized by levying a light or even no land tax.而“低度私有”又必然造成赋税基本理论少征直至杜绝土地税征收的重要特征。

4)specific theory of taxation赋税具体理论

5)ability theory of taxation赋税能力理论

6)On the Ecological Tax-charge System论生态税赋制度


