2000字范文 > 出版业 publishing industry英语短句 例句大全

出版业 publishing industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-31 21:29:01


出版业 publishing industry英语短句 例句大全

出版业,publishing industry

1)publishing industry出版业

1.Investigation and thought on journal and bookpublishing industry in Germany and France;德、法两国报刊、图书出版业考察有感

2.A talk on the functioning of the e-business in thepublishing industry in China;谈我国图书出版业电子商务的运作

3.Studies on the human resource management ofpublishing industry;出版业人力资源管理的研究


1.The Interaction between Chinese Publishing Industry and International Publishing Industry;中国出版业与世界出版业的双向互动

publishing is a new tendency of the press industry.网络出版是出版业发展的新动向。

3.the department of a publishing business that edits material for publication.为出版物编辑材料的出版业部门。

4.Publication by Mibile Phone: A Golden Opportunity for the 21th-century Publishing Industry;手机出版:21世纪出版业的新机遇

5.Copyright Trading: The New Opportunity to Chinese Publishing Industries Development;版权贸易:出版业持续发展的新机遇

6.Prospering with Talent: Talent is the Base of the Core Competence of Publishing;人才兴业:出版人才是出版业核心竞争力的基础

7.With the development of electronic publishing and net publishing,the press industry is facing a severe challenge.随着电子出版、网络出版的发展,出版业面临着严峻的挑战。

8.Modernization of Traditional Publishing Industry--Combination of Digital Publishing and Traditional Publishing传统出版业的现代化之路——数字出版与传统出版的结合

9.China National Publishing Industry Trading Corporation deals with copyright licensing Business and joint publishing projects中国出版对贸易公司代理版权贸易及合作出版业务

10.On the Roles of Chinese Government during the"Going Out"of Chinese Publishing Industry论我国政府在出版业“走出去”中的角色

11.go into banking, publishing, teaching, etc从事银行业、出版业、 教学等

12.Technical Operations and Publications Service技术业务和出版物处

13.Foreign languages Publishing and Distribution Administration外文出版发行事业局

14.China Petroleum Industry Press中国石油工业出版社

15.Machine Press机械工业出版社(中)

16.China Architecture & Building Press中国建筑工业出版社

17.publishing in Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克出版事业

18.Publishing is flourishing.出版事业繁荣发展。



1.The Modernization ofPublication in the LatePeriod of the Qing Dynasty;晚清出版业的近代化历程

2.The Thought of Library Cause Development through the Journals and NewspaperPublication of Our Country;从我国图书报刊出版业看图书馆事业发展

3.Cataloguing in publication has greatly improved in China, but it is not without problems.图书在版编目在我国出版业得到了一定的发展 ,但仍存在不少问题。

3)publication industry出版业

1.Analysis of problems in China s bookpublication industry and some countermeasures——Starting from high rate of book returns;我国图书出版业存在的问题及其对策分析——从图书高退货率谈起

2.This paper expounds the important functions of human resource in the competition ofpublication industry from four aspects of authors, editors, decision-makers and marketing personnel.从作者、编辑、决策者和营销人员四方面阐述了人力资源在出版业竞争中的重要作用。

3.Row upon row of teahouses, wineshops, shuchang (public gathering places where professional entertainers perform storytelling) and whorehouses not only resulted in the rapid increasing population in Shanghai, but also brought about infinite commercial opportunities for the development of thepublication industry in this area.上海社区内鳞次栉比的茶楼、酒肆、书场、妓院,不仅使社区人气骤旺,也为出版业在该社区的发展提供了无限商机。


1.The Core Competence Force of a Publishing Enterprise and Its Cultivation;出版业核心竞争力及其培育

2.In this essay,the author will take thepublishing as an example to introduce some concepts and characteristics of the German professional education.本文以德国出版业的职业教育为例,介绍德国职业教育的理念和特征。

3.In accordance with the definition and features of publish andpublishing industry, their differences and relations were discussed.根据有关论著探讨出版业和出版产业的定义及其特征,以及出版业与出版产业的区别及联系。

5)publishing industry出版产业

1.In this globalization era,the core competence of thepublishing industry is regarded as a kind of cultural soft power,which is the essential part of the national international competitiveness.全球化时代,出版产业竞争力作为一种文化软实力,是提升一国国际竞争力的重要途径。

2.Maximizing the leading role of the market in allocating publishing resources is the necessary condition of thepublishing industry to develop in a orderly way,but insufficient.最大限度地发挥市场在配置出版资源中的基础性作用,是出版产业有序发展的必要条件,但不是充分条件。

6)publishing enterprise出版企业

1.There exists an institutional doorsill for Chinesepublishing enterprises coming into the market and the existence of ideological function makes Chinesepublishing enterprises unlikely to go into the market and be open to non - state - owned capital completely.中国出版企业上市存在着制度性门槛,意识形态功能的存在使中国出版企业不可能完全市场化和完全向非国有资本开放。

2.This paper expounds the core contents of information resource planning ofpublishing enterprise, and analyzes the case of IRP of the Commercial Press.阐述了出版企业信息资源规划的核心内容,并对商务印书馆IRP的案例进行了分析。

3.In this article,the social responsibility of thepublishing enterprise is discussed from the angle of improving social benefit.从提高社会效益的角度来看,出版企业应该积极履行和承担社会责任,因为出版企业承担社会责任有助于社会效益的提升,能增强出版企业的核心竞争力。


爱尔兰出版业自20世纪初以来,爱尔兰传统的"印刷-出版-售书"三位一体的出版社,逐渐演变成专门出版的出版社。70年代,每年出书 150~200种。全国已拥有727家出版社,其中大型出版社11家。出版社集中在都柏林、科克、戈尔韦、利默里克。主要的出版社有:吉尔与麦克米伦出版公司、法伦出版公司、爱尔兰学术出版公司、爱尔兰大学出版社、国际出版公司。书刊发行渠道是:出版商-书商-读者,出版商-批发商-书商-读者。全国有 130家书店。全国性行业组织有:英国与爱尔兰书商联合会、爱尔兰出版商联合会。政府对图书免税,对期刊征收23%增值税,对进口图书免税。最大的图书俱乐部是利伯尔俱乐部。1947年,加入《伯尔尼公约》。1956年,加入《世界版权公约》。采用国际标准书号(ISBN),语区号为○。1984年,年度出书799种。主要同英国、美国进行书刊贸易。
