2000字范文 > 民族出版业 ethnic publishing industry英语短句 例句大全

民族出版业 ethnic publishing industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-04 01:39:32


民族出版业 ethnic publishing industry英语短句 例句大全

民族出版业,ethnic publishing industry

1)ethnic publishing industry民族出版业

1.Dealing with the relation among the nationality,the sociality and the economical character of ethnic publications are both the foundation for the existence ofethnic publishing industry and the key for the development of it.处理好民族出版物民族性、社会性与经济性之间的关系,既是民族出版业生存的基础,也是民族出版业发展的关键。


1.Reflection on Ethnic Pulishing s Meeting WTO.Chllenge in Guizhou Province;贵州民族出版业迎接WTO挑战的思考

2.The Publishing Industry:A Catalyst for the Accelerated Development of Ethnic Minority Areas;民族地区加速发展的催化剂:出版事业

3.March2001," Monograph on Tibetan Culture at Jiuzhaigou" published by Sichuan Nationalities Publishing House.2001年3月,出版学术专著《九寨沟藏族文化散论》,四川民族出版社出版。

4.On the Nationality,Sociality and Economical Character of Ethnic Publications;论民族出版物的民族性、社会性与经济性

5.Report on the Survey to the Publishing in Minority Languages;全国民族图书出版现状及其发展对策

6.The Clanization of the Relationship among the Staff in State-Owned Enterprises,Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2002 .《国有企业的家族化》,社会科学文献出版社,2002年版。

7.a good example is the Bai nationality in Yunnan. according to a survey of the Bai Nationality Folk Dance (December 1994, by the Yunnan Ethnic Groups Press),例如云南的白族,据《白族民间舞蹈》(云南民族出版社1994年12月版)的调查,

8.Creating China s Prosperity and Founding the National Spirit--congratulating the publishingof “ The Establishment of China ” series;创中华辉煌 铸民族精──神写在《各民族共创中华》丛书出版之际

9.Spoken and written languages of ethnic minorities are widely used in journalism, publications, radio, film and television.新闻、出版、广播、电影、电视广泛使用民族语言文字。

10.More than 20 writings and books on Tibetan folk culture have been published.20余部藏族民间文化作品和著述已经出版。

11.The Present Situation and Development Trend of Publication of Ethnic Education Textbooks;民族教育教材出版发行现状及其发展策略

12.A Brief Statement on the Contents of Chinese Minoritiy Documents Published by Japan;日本出版的中国少数民族文献目录概述

13.Western Missionary and the Foundation of Modern Private Publication;西方传教士与近代民营出版业的崛起

14.Executed by Bamo Sisters" Studio on Yi-Studies. "The Folkloristic Ethnology of the Yi Nationality," Beijing: Central University for Nationalities Press.《彝族风俗志》,巴莫姊妹彝学小组编著。北京:中央民族大学出版社。

15.(4) For relevant laws, see A Selection of Laws and Regulations on Ethnic Policies of the People"s Republic of China, China Civil Aviation Press, 1997.④相关法律条文,参见《中华人民共和国民族政策法规选编》,中国民航出版社1997版。

16.The development of the press and publishing has provided favorable conditions for ensuring citizens" freedom of speech and the press.新闻出版事业的发展,为公民行使言论、出版自由提供良好的条件。

17.they enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration;各民族公民都有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由;

18.Cultural mosaic: Canadian immigrant history".(2,003). Chief editor. Ethnic press of China.文化马赛克:加拿大移民史》。(003)主编。北京民族出版社。


national publication民族出版

1.This article makes on theoretical analysis on thenational publication and its orientation,the direction of topic selected and attribution.本文从民族出版及其定位、民族出版的选题方向以及民族出版的属性等几个方面对民族出版进行简单的理论分析。

3)ethnic publications民族出版物

1.Theethnic publications have not only the sociality and economical character,but also the nationality.民族出版物不仅具有社会性和经济性,同时还具有民族性。

4)Publishing House of Minority Nationalities民族出版社

5)Private Publishing Industry民营出版业

1.A Study on the Financing Issue of ChinesePrivate Publishing Industry in Modern Times;中国近代民营出版业融资问题研究

6)the study of ethnic publishing民族出版研究


奥地利出版业20世纪初,奥地利的科学技术出版业已具有一定规模。1945年之后,文学出版业开始发展。1969年,年度出书6808种。1986年奥地利拥有 376家出版社,其中大型出版社33家。出版社主要集中在维也纳。主要的出版机构有:欧洲出版公司、保罗·施特鲁茨博士学术印刷与出版学校、贝茨出版公司、曼茨出版社与大学书店、施蒂里亚出版社、绍尔奈出版公司。书刊发行渠道是:出版商-批发商─书商─读者,出版商─书商─读者。全国有10多家批发公司。全国共有 918家书店。全国性行业组织有奥地利出版商与书商联合会。政府不干预出版活动,但实施追惩制(见出版法)。政府对图书、期刊征收10%增值税,对进口图书、期刊征收10%进口税。1936年颁布版权法。1948年加入《伯尔尼公约》,也是《世界版权公约》成员国。采用国际标准书号(ISBN),语区号为3。全国性出版物目录是《奥地利图书目录》。1986年,年度出书 10281种。主要同联邦德国、瑞士、法国进行书刊贸易。
