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辩护 defense英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-05 12:13:15


辩护 defense英语短句 例句大全



1.Right todefense is very important defensive right for criminal suspect in the procedure of investigation.辩护权是刑事诉讼中犯罪嫌疑人的一项最为重要的防御性权利。

2.Effectivedefense pursues not only formality but also actuality.有效辩护是一种目的、手段、效果相统一的活动。


1.in vindication of...辩护 [拥护] …

2.The act of vindicating or condition of being vindicated.辩护辩护的行为或受辩护的状态

3.The Defence of the Right to Counsel Defense:the Criminal Right to Counsel Constructs Initially;辩护权的辩护:刑事辩护权改革初探

4.The counsel argued the case.辩护律师辩论案件。

5.A formal defense or justification.正式辩护,正式辩解

6.A formal defense or apology.正式辩解,正式辩护

7.Justifying or defending in speech or writing.书面辩解,口头辩护书面或口头辩解或辩护的

8.The action of the defendant in opposition to complaints against him or her.答辩,辩护被告对起诉进行的答辩

9.To make a formal defense or justification in speech or writing.辩解,辩护以口头或书面形式作的正式辩解或辩护

10.A person who argues in defense or justification of something, such as a doctrine, a policy, or an institution.辩解者,辩护士为某事物,如教义、政策或制度而辩解或辩护的人

11.The defense attorney pleads against the jury.被告的辩护律师向陪审团提出抗辩。

12.An allegation offered in pleading a case.请愿为案件辩护时提出的辩解

13.a pleading made by a defendant in response to the plaintiff"s replication.被告驳复原告答辩的辩护。

14.a pleading by the defendant in reply to a plaintiff"s surrejoinder.被告驳复原告第二次辩驳的辩护。

15.excuse oneself for one"s misbehavior为自己的错误行为辩护

16.being defended by a Christmas beetle.一只食根虫为我辩护。

17.and I defend you all.我为你们大家辩护。”

18.She spoke in defence of her religious beliefs.她为其宗教信仰辩护.



1.Infinitism is a new theory ofjustification recently developed by Professor Peter Klein.无限主义是这样一种辩护理论,它主张辩护的理由的结构是无限且不重复的,克莱因认为这是知识论的无穷后退问题所蕴含的要求,因而也是解决这一问题的正确途径。

2.In this paper, I ll retain the formerjustification, and give some correction and supplement to the latter; 1.一是“最少初始概率原则”,用以为主观主义概率归纳逻辑的动态假设进行辩护;二是“试验机制无差别原则”,用以为主观主义概率归纳逻辑的意见收敛定理进行辩护。


1.Whether the procuratorial organization should charge the accusation clearly and whether the court has the right of altering the accusation are the matters that can make deep influence to the justice of judicature,to the logic of trial and to the method ofdefence;it is also connected with how we define the theory of crime.检察机关是否在公诉书中指控被告人具体的罪名熏法院应否拥有变更罪名权,对司法公正有着深层的影响,同时影响到法院的司法审判的逻辑与被告人辩护的方式熏并涉及到犯罪理论的界定。

2.The first is the separation of discovery anddefence and the second is the confrontation of ration and irration.如此分割是从两个要点进行的 ,一是发现和辩护的分家 ;二是理性和非理性的对峙。

3.Thedefence system is of great importance in realizing the objective of values of criminal litigation,ie,substantive justice,procedural justice,and the litigation efficiency s raising.辩护制度对实现实体正义、程序正义和提高诉讼效率的刑事诉讼价值目标具有重要意义。


1.Utilitaristic value trend and its rationalitydefend of teachers behaviors;教师行为的功利主义价值取向及其合理性辩护

2.Confirming the ability and possibility of science s objective recognition,the paperdefends the science objectivity from seven aspects.在肯定科学具有和达到客观认识的可能性之后,从七个方面为科学客观性做了辩护。

3.Under the circumstance which has kinds of limited conditions for thedefendant, so he couldn t fulfill his self-defense right .在犯罪嫌疑人受各种条件的限制不可能实现其自行辩护权利的情况下,犯罪嫌疑人辩护律师辩护职能的充分发挥无疑对达到这种“平等对抗”具有至关重要的作用。


6)dalectical nursing辩证施护

1.Objective To explore thedalectical nursing of complications after operation on thoracic and abdominal vertebra fractures in middle-aged and old patients.方法37例中老年胸腰椎暴裂性骨折患者行侧前方减压植骨内固定术后出现并发症,对其进行中西医结合辩证施护。


