2000字范文 > 指定辩护 assigned defense英语短句 例句大全

指定辩护 assigned defense英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-19 23:12:22


指定辩护 assigned defense英语短句 例句大全

指定辩护,assigned defense

1)assigned defense指定辩护

1.We suggest that the competence for mental patients be classified into three grades according to our national situation, and that the litigious right of mental patients be taken care of in the law system ofassigned defense.本文讨论了受审能力的概念,针对精神病人的特点阐述了受审能力的评定标准,将中外有关此方面的立法和实践进行了对比,指出现阶段我国立法方法的不足之处,提出了根据国情对受审能力实行三分法的设想,并建议指定辩护制度应惠及精神病人以维护他们的诉讼权利。

2.This article takes judicial system revision as a basis to elaborate several aspects correlations such as theassigned defense,the examination before courtyard,the evidence system and so on,hoping to provide inspiration to the revision of inland Criminal Procedure Law and the legislation work.笔者以对审判制度的修正为法典基础,阐述了新法关于指定辩护、庭前审查、证据制度几个方面相关规定的具体内容和法律思想,以望能对内地刑事诉讼法的再次修订以及我国刑事法理论与制度创新有所启发和借鉴。


1.Shortcoming and Perfection of Appointed Defensive System;略论指定辩护的制度性缺陷及其完善

2.Research on Appointed Defense System Defects and Perfection in China;论我国指定辩护的制度性缺陷及其修缮

3.When the public prosecutor institutes a case before the court, if the accused does not entrust his defense to a lawyer, the people"s court can appoint one for him.对公诉人出庭公诉的案件,被告人没有委托辩护人的,人民法院可以为其指定辩护人。

4.Appointment of counsel for those who cannot afford to retain one is another matter.为那些没有财力聘请律师的人指定辩护律师是另一个问题。

5.in vindication of...辩护 [拥护] …

6.He defended me against the accusation of being a thief.他做我的辩护律师,对指控我盗窃进行辩驳。

7.The newspaper defended her against the accusations.报纸为她辩护, 驳斥对她的指责.

8.To sue in court in response to an earlier pleading.控告在法庭上回应早先的辩护而指控

9.I wanted the full Vindication for testing purposes.我点满了辩护是想测试一下它的效果[按:指2.3的辩护改动]。

10.His public defender says he expects Stiles to fight the more than 20 felony charges against him.他的公设辩护人则希望帮他辩护20多项重罪指控。

11.I defended the decision that it was now too late to change it, and rounded on Haldeman for mixing into substance.我为这个决定辩护,并且强调当时再改命令已为时过晚,还指责霍尔德曼干涉实质性问题。

12.Skillful repartee, especially as a defense against having to give direct answers.雄辩巧妙机敏的应答,尤指作为反对必须直接回答的辩护

13.He will have to free himself of this charge of stealing她一定得为自己辩白盗窃的指控。

14.Failed to resolve hostname specified, network failure.没能辩识指定的主机名,网络失败。

15.The act of vindicating or condition of being vindicated.辩护辩护的行为或受辩护的状态

16.The Defence of the Right to Counsel Defense:the Criminal Right to Counsel Constructs Initially;辩护权的辩护:刑事辩护权改革初探

17.(law) a defense by an accused person purporting to show that he or she could not have committed the crime in question.(法律)证明被告不可能犯指控罪行的辩护。

18.You will soon get your turn to reply to these charges.很快就该轮到你对这些指控进行辩护了。


appointed defense指定辩护

3)The pertaining to crime specifies to vindicate刑事指定辩护

4)appointed defense system指定辩护制度

1.According to Criminal Procedure Law and Law of the People s Republic of China on Lawyers,the criminal defense system begins with prosecution stage while theappointed defense system only applies to the trial stage.根据我国《刑事诉讼法》和《律师法》的规定,刑事辩护制度始于起诉阶段,而指定辩护制度则只适用于审判阶段。

5)The Study of the Designated Defense in China指定辩护探析

6)compulsory designated defending强制指定辩护


