2000字范文 > 边际消费倾向 marginal propensity to consume英语短句 例句大全

边际消费倾向 marginal propensity to consume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-02 01:32:27


边际消费倾向 marginal propensity to consume英语短句 例句大全

边际消费倾向,marginal propensity to consume

1)marginal propensity to consume边际消费倾向

1.Appraisals of the Methods of Marginal Propensity to Consume;对中国现有的几种边际消费倾向计算方法的评析

2.Chinese urban residents′ consumption structure during ten vears′ period is andlysed,the Engel coefficient is measured and by using extended linear expenditure system,an analysis and forecast of themarginal propensity to consume along with the income elasticity of demand are pro.通过运用扩展线性支出系统模型(ELES)对城镇居民边际消费倾向和需求收入弹性进行实证研究,得出我国城镇居民满足吃、穿为主的生存型消费需求阶段已经结束,逐步向以发展型和享受型阶段过渡。

3.Further more some political suggestions were proposed in two aspects,which are increasing the permanent income and raising the relevantmarginal propensity to consume,to improve farmer s consume.影响农村居民消费需求的因素很多,文章选择弗里德曼的持久性收入假说分析我国农民的消费问题,并运用农民消费的历年数据进行计量经济学分析,进而从增加持久性收入和提高持久性收入的边际消费倾向两方面提出增加农民消费的政策建议。


1.The Influence of Marginal Consumption on the Effectiveness of Financial Policy;边际消费倾向对财政政策效果的影响

2.Study of consumption function based on marginal consumption tendency descending;基于边际消费倾向递减的消费函数研究

3.Improving Marginal Consumption Tendency and Enlarging Sport Consumption Demand;提高边际消费倾向与扩大体育消费需求

4.Bound Consumes the Inclination Chaos Phenomenon and Their Research that Chaos Controls;边际消费倾向的混沌现象及其混沌控制的研究

5.An Empirical Study on the Marginal Consumption Tendencies of the Urban Residents of Our Country;我国城镇居民边际消费倾向的实证研究

6.Improving the Rural Marginal Propensity to Consume and Constructing the New Socialist Countryside;提高农村边际消费倾向 构建社会主义新农村

7.The Analysis on Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) of China;对于我国边际消费倾向的分析及对策研究

8.Improve the Marginal Consume Tendency and Develop the Sports Industry;论提高边际消费倾向与发展我国体育产业

9.A study on relationship between interest rate and marginal propensity to consumption of Chinese town residents;我国城镇居民边际消费倾向与利率的关系研究

10.Analysis of urban population s marginal consumption tendencies in;黑龙江省城镇居民边际消费倾向分析及对策

11.A Thinking on Excessive Money-- Hypothesis of Marginal Propensity to Consume;对我国超额货币的思考——边际消费倾向说

12.The Influence On Investment Multiplier from Our Country Dweller s M.P.C;我国居民边际消费倾向对投资乘数的影响

13.The Study of the Marginal Propensity of Consumption of Urban and Rural Residents in China我国城乡居民边际消费倾向变化及政策含义

14.An Analysis of the Function Relations between the Gini Coefficient and the Marginal Propensity to Consume基尼系数与边际消费倾向的函数关系分析

15.An Approach to the Marginal Propensity to Rural Housing Consume and the Model of Construction--A Case Study of HuBei Province;农村住房边际消费倾向与建设模式研究——以湖北省为例

16.A Study on the Inverted-U Relationship between Income and MPC in China;我国居民收入水平与边际消费倾向之间“倒U”型关系研究

17.Regional Differences of the Insurance Marginal Consumption Propensity in China:A Study Based on Panel Data Model;我国区域性保险边际消费倾向比较——基于Panel Data模型的研究

18.Appraisals of the Methods of Marginal Propensity to Consume;对中国现有的几种边际消费倾向计算方法的评析


marginal consumption tendency边际消费倾向

1.Based on the data of Jini index andmarginal consumption tendency,we explore the influence extent on the whole society consumption stagnation imposed by the income gap of Chinese residents.在此基础上,利用基尼系数和边际消费倾向等统计数据进行回归分析,探讨了我国居民收入分配差距拉大对全社会边际消费倾向下降的影响程度。

2.Drawing the conclusions: First, urban and rural residents expenditure behaviors can be explained by persisting income model and absolute income model adopting dummy variable individually;Second, rural residents expenditure level is descending, and the income gap between them is expanding, butmarginal consumption tendency of the rural residents is larger than the urban resi.得出以下结论:一是我国城镇居民和农村居民的消费行为分别能由持久收入模型和引入虚拟变量的绝对收入模型来解释;二是农村居民的基本生活水平有所下降,城乡居民收入差距进一步扩大,但农村居民的边际消费倾向高于城镇居民;三是我国城乡居民的收入和支出的不对称性,导致了农村居民在支出上“捉襟见肘”。


1.Microcosmic Base for Promoting Domestic Demand under the Global Financial Crisis——A Study onMPC of China Inhabitants全球金融危机下拉动内需的微观基础——中国居民边际消费倾向研究

2.This article takes an empirical study on the trend of Chinese urban resident sMPC(marginal propensity to consume) of 1978-,with the method of gradient regression.采用梯次回归方法对1978-我国城镇居民边际消费倾向的变化趋势进行了实证分析,发现我国城镇居民期间的边际消费倾向是递减的。

3.This paper points out that under the conditions of new economy the co nsumption takes immaterial one to heart, therefore theMPC (marginal propensity to consume) goes up, and several positive data proves this conclusion, and expla ins the sustainable growth and growth recession of the new economy and some othe r problems oc the development of the new economy.提出新经济条件下消费以知识产品等非物质消费为主,从而边际消费倾向是上升的,并以数个实证数据佐证了这个结论,从而解释了新经济的持续增长和增长下滑,并就一些新经济发展问题提出了一些看法。

4)marginal consumption propensity边际消费倾向

1.Study of the changes in themarginal consumption propensity of Chinese town residents;我国城镇居民边际消费倾向的变化

2.It then examines and compares the different insurancemarginal consumption propensity in China.保险边际消费倾向反映了人们对待风险的态度和保险消费的意愿。

5)marginal consumption inclination边际消费倾向

6)hypothesis of marginal propensity to consume边际消费倾向说


