2000字范文 > 消费倾向 propensity to consume英语短句 例句大全

消费倾向 propensity to consume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-10 21:28:45


消费倾向 propensity to consume英语短句 例句大全

消费倾向,propensity to consume

1)propensity to consume消费倾向

1.The Change of the Resident"s Consumption Demand and the Propensity to Consume in China;中国居民消费需求和消费倾向的变化研究

2.Its deep causes are that our country spropensity to consume is low, and there are many barriers to fund precipitation and investment consumption turnover.究其产生的深层原因主要是我国消费倾向低、资金沉淀以及投资消费周转壁垒过多等因素。

3.By using the data provided by Statistical Yearbook of Shandong province, the changing tendency ofpropensity to consume, marginalpropensity to consume and income elasticity of consumption about the consumption of Shandong province are analyzed.利用山东省统计年鉴提供的数据,分析了山东省的消费倾向、边际消费倾向及消费收入弹性的变动趋势,利用神经网络方法预测了它们的值;利用变分法确定了使经济快速发展的最优消费比率;分析计算了消费变动对经济增长的影响程度。


1.Research on the attitude and tendency of buyers on the Internet;网络购买者消费观念与消费倾向研究

2.The Change of the Resident"s Consumption Demand and the Propensity to Consume in China;中国居民消费需求和消费倾向的变化研究

3.Study on Chinese Residents Propensity to Consume and Macro-Consumption Polices;我国居民消费倾向及宏观消费政策研究

4.Study of consumption function based on marginal consumption tendency descending;基于边际消费倾向递减的消费函数研究

5.Improving Marginal Consumption Tendency and Enlarging Sport Consumption Demand;提高边际消费倾向与扩大体育消费需求

6.The Empirical Study of Marginal Transportation Consumption and Demand;交通运输消费倾向与需求的实证研究

7.A Study on Chinese Farmers Preference of Consumption;我国农户消费倾向“名高实低”现象研究

8.A Tentative Analysis on the New Hot Consumption Tendency of Our Country s Residents;试析我国居民未来消费倾向的新热点

9.Positive Analysis of the Consumption Trend ofChinese Residents in the 1990′s;中国居民90年代消费倾向的实证分析

10.The Influence of Marginal Consumption on the Effectiveness of Financial Policy;边际消费倾向对财政政策效果的影响

11.On The Consumption Tendency of the Cities and Towns in Jilin Province;吉林省城镇居民消费倾向及对策分析

12.Adjusting the Distribution of People s Income, Enhancing Household s Average Propensity Consumption;调整收入分配 提高居民平均消费倾向

13.Effect of Income Gap Upon Consumption Demand from the Perspective of Propensity to Consume;从消费倾向角度看收入差距对消费需求的影响——以长三角地区为例

14.Influence of Consumption Credit on The Consumption Tendency of the City Dwellers in China;论发展消费信贷对我国城镇居民消费倾向的影响

15.Research of the Effect of Consumers Identity onSportswear Consumption Tendency of Shanghai;上海地区消费者个体特征对休闲服消费倾向的影响分析

16.Bound Consumes the Inclination Chaos Phenomenon and Their Research that Chaos Controls;边际消费倾向的混沌现象及其混沌控制的研究

17.Analysis on the Stratification of Consumption and the Tendency of Consumerism in Small Town;小城镇社会消费分层及其消费主义倾向之分析

18.The Study of Existing Situation of Consumerism and Consumerism Tendency in Small Town;小城镇居民消费现状及其消费主义倾向


consumption tendency消费倾向

1.The paper indicates that urban residents basic demands tend to stabilization and more slowly rise than basic income,urban residents marginalconsumption tendency is mostly affected by non-income factor,with the rise of citizen income,the income elasticity of commodity taking on different change tendency.计量结果表明:城镇居民的基本需求量增长慢于收入增长速度、基本需求量结构趋于稳定、低收入者的消费支出低于基本需求量水平;城镇居民的边际消费倾向受非收入因素的影响较大;随着居民收入水平的上升,各种商品的收入弹性呈现出不同的变化趋势。

2.We point out that the major factor for slow increase of urban residents consumption is not income but theconsumption tendency.本文深入分析了我国居民消费的城乡差异,指出收入并不是城镇居民消费增长缓慢的主要原因,消费倾向显著下降才是关键因素;而对于农村居民而言,情况正好相反,消费倾向已达极限,提高农村居民收入水平成为刺激农村居民消费的唯一途径。

3.On the basis of the changes in theconsumption tendency, the author tries to explain the significance of consumption credit.本文对我国城镇居民近年来收入及消费需求进行了研究 ,并根据消费倾向的变动说明了开展消费信贷的意义。

3)Consumption Propensity消费倾向

1.Rural ResidentsConsumption Propensity——A Time-varying Estimation and an Analysis on Its Evolvement Mechanism;农村居民消费倾向的变参数估计及其演化机理分析

2.The effectiveness of an expansionary fiscal policy is determined by investment multiplier, which in turn, has direct relationship with residents consumption propensity.扩张性财政政策效果如何 ,取决于投资乘数的大小 ,而投资乘数又与居民消费倾向有直接关系。

3.Furthermore,it measures the evolution of urban-rural income gap from residents\" consumption propensity,consumption rate as well as consumption structure,making some suggestions on decreasing the urban-rural income gap such as improving residents\" consumption structure,advocating moderation consumption and so on.然后,从居民消费倾向、消费率和消费结构三个方面对城乡收入差距的演变做出进一步的计算分析,从而提出改善居民消费结构、提倡适度消费等缩小城乡收入差距的建议。

4)consumption trend消费倾向

1.This paper researches the Jiangxi urban consumption structure by ELES model, and analyzes the Jiangxi urban householdsconsumption trend based on the data of Jiangxi province.本文运用计量经济学扩展的线性支出系统(ELES)模型,对江西省城镇居民的消费结构进行研究,以江西省数据为依据,分析了江西省城镇居民的消费倾向,指出了其消费结构存在的问题,并提出了若干对策建议。

2.Consumption is an internal force for economic development andconsumption trend reflects people s desire and capability of spending.消费是经济发展的内在动力,消费倾向是人们消费意愿及消费能力的反映。

5)intended consumption倾向消费额

6)tendency of consuming valley electricity谷电消费倾向


