2000字范文 > 血证论 A Treatise on Blood Troubles英语短句 例句大全

血证论 A Treatise on Blood Troubles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-03 08:28:37


血证论 A Treatise on Blood Troubles英语短句 例句大全

血证论,A Treatise on Blood Troubles

1)A Treatise on Blood Troubles血证论

1.Discussion on Blood Out of Channel:According to Blood Stasis in the BookA Treatise on Blood Troubles论离经之血——谈《血证论》中之血瘀


1.Discussion on Blood Out of Channel:According to Blood Stasis in the Book A Treatise on Blood Troubles论离经之血——谈《血证论》中之血瘀

2.The Influence of 《Blood Syndrome Theory》 on the Treatment and Prescription of Morden Hematonosis Blood Syndrome;《血证论》对当代血液病血证中医治法方药的影响

3.The Inter-relation of the Formation of Blood Stasis Type and the Liver Failing to Maintain the Normal Flow of Qi论血瘀证形成与肝失疏泄的相互关系

4.Theoretical Research of Inter-relation of the Formation of Blood Stasis Syndrome Type and Not Liver Freely Distributing;血瘀证形成与肝失疏泄相互关系的理论研究

5.The Theory of Xue yu Yun du about Endometriosis in Tranditional Chinese Medcine子宫内膜异位症中医辨证的血瘀蕴毒理论

6.On the Theory From the Network"s Disease Treating Patients After a Stroke in Blood Disorder从络病理论探析中风病后血瘀证的辨治

7.It has curative effects in promoting absorption of eyeground hemorrhage and improving eyesight in treating eyeground hemorrhage by syndrome differentiation.结论:辨证治疗眼底出血有促进出血吸收和提高视力的作用。

8.Theoretical and Experimental Research on the Pathological and Physiological Mechanism of Spleen Failling to Control Blood Syndrome in Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding;功能失调性子宫出血脾不统血证病理生理机制的理论与实验研究

9.Theoretical and Experimental Research on the Pathological and Physiological Base of Spleen Failing to Control Blood Syndrome in Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding;功能失调性子宫出血脾不统血证病理生理基础的理论与实验研究

10.Pattern Characteristic and Efficacy Evaluation of Treatment Based on Pattern Identification of SHR Rats自发性高血压大鼠证候特征及辨证论治疗效评价

11.all the evidence argued against the theory that the disease was infected through blood所有的证据表明,此病由血液传染的理论是站不住脚的。

12.Conclusions: 1、 It is proved that the pathogeny of amblyopia is insufficiency of liver and kidney ,insufficiency of spleen and stomache, deficiency of qi and blood.结论:1、从临床观察证实了弱视肝肾精亏、脾胃虚弱、气血不足的病机。

13.The Study of Theory and Experiments about the "Dushangnaoshen" Syndrome of the Ischemia Stroke Treated by the Effective Ingredient of the "Qingkailing";清开灵有效组份对缺血性中风病“毒伤脑神”证的理论及实验研究

14.The Study on Therapy of Unstable Angina by LUO Disease Theory;络病理论指导气虚血瘀型冠心病不稳定型心绞痛证治临床研究

15.Academic Research of the Detection of Hemodynamics and Morphology in Surgical Diseases and Syndromes外科痰瘀病证血流动力学和形态学检测的理论探讨

16.Conclusion The absolute débridement of the damaged arteries and the high quality of arterial grafting for reconstructing the blood circulation are important guarantee for the success of the replantation of longitudinally severed palm.结论血管彻底清创及高质量血管移植重建循环是纵劈形断掌再植成功的重要保证

17.The Mechanism and Clinical Research of the Therapeutic of Yiqiyangyinhuoxuefang on Ⅴ Stage of Diabetic Due to Dificiency of Qiyin and Blood Unsmooth;益气养阴活血法治疗糖尿病肾病Ⅴ期气阴两虚血瘀证的理论及临床研究

18.A blood test is required to get a marriage license.拿结婚证必须先验血。


differentiation of syndromes according to pathogeneses of QI and blood气血辨证论

3)Blood evidence four issue of theories血证四期理论

4)Chinese Medical Treatment of Blood中医论治血证

5)blood syndrome血证

1.Although fire and heat are the basic pathogenesis ofblood syndrome at its acute stage,deficiency and cold syndromes are not excluded.“火”、“热”虽为血证急性期的基本病机,但亦不能排除虚寒证。


1.The explore heart monitor reasonable disposedemonstration;关于心电监护仪合理配置论证的探索

2.The Application of the Method of Technologic Economics in the Demonstration for Purchasing Medical Equipment;医疗设备购置论证中技术经济学方法的运用


