2000字范文 > 消灭分工 Elimination division of labor英语短句 例句大全

消灭分工 Elimination division of labor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-09 19:25:41


消灭分工 Elimination division of labor英语短句 例句大全

消灭分工,Elimination division of labor

1)Elimination division of labor消灭分工


1.Objective To summarize the technical measures in achieving the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Tengzhou city.目的总结滕州市消灭丝虫病的技术措施。

2.After the foundation of the People s Republic of China, the CPC s policy to capitalism has changed from exploitation, limitation, reformation to elimination.建国后党对资本主义的政策经历了一个从利用、限制、改造、消灭再到利用的过程,对资本主义认识的变化,直接关系到我国向社会主义过渡的形式和进程。


1.The act or process of annihilating.歼灭,消灭,毁灭消灭的行为或过程

2.But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me!我却说,我消灭了,我消灭了,我有祸了。

3.Mankind must put an end to war or will put an ent to mankind.人们不消灭战争,战争就消灭人类。

4.They are afraid to speak of the extinction of classes, state power and parties.他们怕说阶级的消灭,国家权力的消灭和党的消灭。

5.We should try hard to fight several battles of annihilation.要消灭,要争取打几个歼灭仗。

6.Mosquitoes kill easily when incubating.蚊子在产卵时易于消灭。

7.rid the house of mice把房子里的老鼠消灭光.

8.rid the house of rats把屋里的老鼠消灭掉

9.destroying bacteria or inhibiting their growth.消灭或抑制细菌生长。

10.It takes a very long time to abolish classes.消灭阶级,要很长的时间。

11.To rid of vermin.驱除害虫,消灭害虫

12.They had killed off the pests by wholesale.他们大规模消灭害虫。

13.The insecticide will kill off the insect pests.这情形剂可消灭害虫。

14.use chemicals to keep pests down用化学药品消灭害虫.

15.eliminating trouble some weeds消灭难以根除的杂草

16.incapable of extermination or extirpation.不能够被消灭或者根除。

17.able to be eradicated or rooted out.能够被根除或者消灭。

18.Slack seasons and wretchedness were unknown.失业和苦难都已消灭。



1.Objective To summarize the technical measures in achieving the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Tengzhou city.目的总结滕州市消灭丝虫病的技术措施。

2.After the foundation of the People s Republic of China, the CPC s policy to capitalism has changed from exploitation, limitation, reformation to elimination.建国后党对资本主义的政策经历了一个从利用、限制、改造、消灭再到利用的过程,对资本主义认识的变化,直接关系到我国向社会主义过渡的形式和进程。


1.Eradication of remaining infectious sources through horizontal surveillance was carried out during 1980 -1990 .方法按照“科研先导、科学防治,灭源为主、综合防治,因地制宜、分类指导”的原则,从20世纪50年代开始流行病学调查、60年代试点防治、70~80年代大面积防治,直至净化监测、消灭达标监测等,以消灭传染源为主的防治策略贯穿始终。


1.An outstanding phenomenon was that the landlord class had beeneliminated, and the rich peasant had become the stratum with the largest economic force in rural areas, and the rich peasant was becoming increasingly the chief object of being restricted and struggled against.土地改革后,中国农村社会结构发生了重大变化,其中比较突出的现象是,地主作为一个阶级已经被消灭,富农成为农村最有经济势力的阶层,并日益成为限制和斗争的主要对象。


1.Study on the Creation, Transfer andExtinguishment of Maritime Lien;论船舶优先权的取得、转移和消灭

2.Study onExtinguishment of Security Right on Ships;船舶担保物权的消灭问题研究


1.From the view of combination theory and practice,the thesis probes deep into the essentials of establishment,ways of exercising,effect andextinction of right of plea for preference claim.从理论与实践相结合的角度,对先诉抗辩权的成立要件、行使方式与效果、先诉抗辩权的消灭等问题进行探讨,在此基础上,对我国现行立法存在的不足进行了剖析,并提出了完善相关立法的具体建议。


