2000字范文 > 汉语诗性 poetical nature of the Chinese language英语短句 例句大全

汉语诗性 poetical nature of the Chinese language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-05 20:45:57


汉语诗性 poetical nature of the Chinese language英语短句 例句大全

汉语诗性,poetical nature of the Chinese language

1)poetical nature of the Chinese language汉语诗性

1.Thepoetical nature of the Chinese language is a fact as well as a concept to be interpreted.汉语诗性既是一个基本事实,也是一个有待解释的概念。


1.The Poetic Chinese Language Glittering in the New Poem Texts in Combination of Form,Sound and Meaning;新诗的汉语诗性灿亮于形音义一体的文本

2.1896-1923: A Theoretical Study on the Musicality of Modern Chinese Poems;1896-1923:现代汉语诗歌音乐性理论研究

3.The Affection of the Chinese and English Discourse Structure s Differences to the Translation of Chinese Poems;英汉语篇结构的差异性对汉诗英译的影响

4.Poetic Space in Modern Han Language--On Problems Concerning the Language of New Verse during the 20~(th)Century in China;现代汉语的诗性空间——论20世纪中国新诗语言问题

5.The Discourse in Modern Chinese Poetics(1917-1937)现代汉语诗学话语(1917—1937)

6.The Linguistic Functions and Layers of Meanings of English and Chinese Poems--A Case Study of Chinese and English Poems from the Perspective of Functional Linguistics;语言功能与英汉诗歌的意义多层性——英汉古典诗歌语篇的功能语言学个例探讨

7.On the Practicality of C-E Translation of Classic Chinese Poems;汉语古诗英译的实用性——兼谈许渊冲先生的“形美”

8.Modernity of Modern Chinese Language and Modernization of Modern Chinese Poetry;现代汉语的现代性与现代新诗的现代化

9.Getting to Permanence by Means of Silence--A Study on Evolution of Musical Character of Chinese Poem;通向寂静之途——论汉语诗歌音乐性的变迁

10.On the Simple Spirit of Chinese and the Cultural Features of Chinese Poems;汉语的简易精神与中国诗歌的文化特性

11.On the Chinese Poetry in Modern Tibet;在隐喻世界里诗意地栖居——论当代藏族汉语诗歌的审美属性

12.Natural Instincts" and "Giving advice to one s superior, remonstrating with ruler by clever analogy":One Difficult Selection for Poetics;“情性”与“讽谏”:一个艰难的诗学选择——汉代诗学话语的文化阐释

13.Muscic,Poetry and Fu in Han Dynasty--Musicogenic investigation of the poetry and fu of Han dynasty;汉乐、汉赋与汉诗——汉代诗赋的音乐性考察

14.Antitranslatability and Tactful Treason of Classical Chinese Poetry--From the Perspective of Interlingual Translation;从语际翻译中看汉语古典诗歌翻译的抗译性及策略性叛逆

15.Poetic Set Phrases--On the Interaction of Chinese Poetry and Set Phrases;诗化成语——试论中华诗词与汉语成语的互动

16.Mixed Discourse:An Important Pattern of Modern Chinese Poetics Discourse;“杂语”:现代汉语诗学话语的重要方式

17.Some Critical Reflections on Modernity of Chinese Poetry;超越“文化决定论” 重建“汉语文化共享体”——对汉语诗歌现代性的批判性反思

18.On Structural Differences in Expression between Chinese and English in Translating Classical Chinese Poetry into English;英汉语结构差异在汉诗英译中的表现


poetic Chinese诗性汉语

3)Chinese Character of New Poetry新诗汉语性

4)Poetic Wisdom of Chinese汉语诗性智慧

1.Language Consciousness of New Poetry andPoetic Wisdom of Chinese;论新诗的语言意识与汉语诗性智慧

5)Chinese Poetry汉语诗歌

1.Proceeding from cultural tradition,stylistic characteristics and poetic principles,the author points out that rhyme comes from Chinese phonetics,and it is an essential element and assumes an ontological position in Chinese poetry.文本依据对汉语诗歌作品的分析、概括,集中阐述韵在诗歌中的多种功能。

2.The occurrence of Chinese poetry can be rooted to Song of Waiting and Swallow Song recorded in Lushi Chunqeu,which are regarded respectively as the genesis of the northern poetry and the genesis of the southern poetry of ancient China.汉语诗歌的发生可以追溯到《吕氏春秋》记载的《燕燕歌》和《候人歌》,它们分别作为“北音之始”和“南音之始”,不但从神话学角度记载了诗歌发生的不同地理位置,同时也在寥寥数字中留下汉语诗歌不同发生状态的若干信息。

3.Poetry articulates what is on the mind intently ”is the most fundamental prescription and description of Chinese poetry.“诗言志”是对汉语诗歌最基本的规定和描述,其中,“志”可同时训为“记忆”、“止于心上”、“心之所至”。

6)Chinese poetics汉语诗学

1.But the target of the modern poetics couldn t be achieved until theChinese poetics was found,even the direction of the way of the modern poetics has been lost.创建中国现代诗学需要重新回到现代问题,需要重启汉语诗学。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
