2000字范文 > 汉语言专业 major of Chinese language英语短句 例句大全

汉语言专业 major of Chinese language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-11 12:42:42


汉语言专业 major of Chinese language英语短句 例句大全

汉语言专业,major of Chinese language

1)major of Chinese language汉语言专业

1.Themajor of Chinese language for foreign students is themajor of Chinese language to foreigners,and its goal is to train practical,advanced,and international Chinese talent.留学生汉语言专业属于对外汉语言专业,其目标是培养适应社会需求的实用型高级国际汉语人才。


1.Simple Discussion of Professional Teaching of Spoken Chinese for Students of Ethnic Minority in Xinjiang新疆少数民族汉语言专业口语学习现状刍议

2.Promoting Undergraduate Degree Program Education in the Major of the Chinese Language;加强汉语言专业学历教育,推进对外汉语教学学科发展

3.Some Ideas on the Second Year Teaching of Reading in Chinese Specislity;汉语言专业二年级阅读教学的几点思考

4.Conception on improving the quality of graduation dissertations of undergraduates majoring in Chinese language in open education;提高开放教育汉语言专业本科毕业论文质量的构想

5.I used to work as a translator during my vacations.英语专业并辅修汉语言文学,擅长汉语和英文。

6.Some Thinking of the Practicality of Chinese Literature Major;汉语言文学专业“应用性”的当下之思

7.On Chinese Language and Literature Specialty and Its Developing Factors;汉语言文学专业及其发展性因素简论

8.Several Ideas on the Reform Research of Chinese Literature Teaching;关于汉语言文学专业教改的几点思考

9.Trying Researchingen the Major Skills Cultivating for Chinese Language and Literature Education;汉语言文学教育专业(专科)技能培养初探

10.With Employment orientation to deepen Chinese Language and Literature Teaching Reform;以就业为导向,深化汉语言文学专业教学改革

11.On the Employment and Strategies of Chinese Literature Majors in Local Colleges地方高校汉语言文学专业就业现状及对策分析

12.Transferring Knowledge into Capability--On Specialist Characteristic of Chinese Language and Literature;将知识转化为能力——谈汉语言文学专业特色建设

13.Curriculum Reform in Chinese Literature Education in Normal Colleges and Universities;高师汉语言文学教育专业课程改革之我见

14.On the Modern Transference of Traditional Disciplines──With the Discipline of Chinese Language and Literature as the Starting-point of Discussion;论传统专业的现代转型──以“汉语言文学”为缘起

15.On the Significance of Elocnting Science in Specialty of Chinese Literature Education;论朗读学在汉语言文学教育专业中的意义

16.Study and practice on the course offered ofspeciality of the Chinese language and literature in ordinary university of science and engineering;普通工科院校汉语言文学专业课程设置研究

17.The theory and practice of the blocking curriculum system of Chinese language & literature program;汉语言文学专业板块课程体系理论与实践

18.Construction of Practical Education Curriculum In Teachers of Chinese Language and Literature汉语言文学专业教师教育实践性课程的构建


Chinese Language and Literature汉语言文学专业

1.With Employment orientation to deepenChinese Language and Literature Teaching Reform;以就业为导向,深化汉语言文学专业教学改革

3)the Han Chinese language汉语言文字专业

4)speciality of Chinese language and literature education汉语言文学教育专业

1.In the context of curriculum reform of the elementary education,the case study on the curriculum reform of the faculty of arts in normal university can be a reflection on a number of universal problems about the existing curriculum models of thespeciality of Chinese language and literature education in normal universities.在基础教育课程改革背景下对大学文学院的课程改革进行个案研究,可以折射出我国高师院校汉语言文学教育专业现行的课程模式所存在的一些普遍性问题,即人才培养方案和课程体系已经不能很好地适应时代的发展和新课改的需要。

5)Special Chinese专业汉语

1.Guiding Idea for the Content and Construction of the Course "Special Chinese for Sports";谈《体育专业汉语》课程内容与课程建设的思路

6)Chinese major汉语专业

1.Some measures in the development of these courses for theChinese major students can adopted as following: to arouse the students\" attention,to carry on the full-ranged training,to improve the quality of the teachers and the teaching,to strengthen the inspection system,to better the teaching facilities,to focus on the practice and to meet the students\" individual needs.要打造汉语专业学生的就业力,就要加强就业指导课程的建设,具体措施为:一是注重课程宣传,引起学生的重视;二是进行全程化的就业指导,厚实学生学习的成果;三是加强师资队伍建设,提高就业指导课的教学质量;四是强化常规教学检查,进行教学质量监控;五是提高教学条件,提升教学效果;六是理论联系实际,注重实践性教学环节;七是因材施教,进行针对性的教学。

2.According to the statistic analysis of the survey of the vocational skills on theChinese major graduates in a certain college during these two years,it is found that there still exist many probloms in the skill-development on the vocational students.通过对某校近两年汉语专业毕业生职业技能状况进行统计分析,可以看出,目前高职学生职业技能培养仍存在许多的问题,由此,必须建构能够突出高职特色的课程体系,加强产学研合作,引进技能型师资和建构新的考评体系,突显学生技能特征。


汉语言专业业务培养目标:本专业培养具备汉语及语言学、中国文学等方面的系统知识和专业技能,能在高校、科研机构和机关企事业相关部门从事汉语言文字的教学科研、对外汉语教学、语言文字管理及语言应用方面实际工作的语言学高级专门人才。业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习汉语及语言学、中国文学的基本理论和基本知识,受到有关理论思维和专业技能的基本训练,掌握调查研究、语言教学的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1.掌握马克思主义基本原理,汉语及语言学、中国文学的基本理论、基本知识;2.掌握语音实验技能、中文信息处理技术、汉语教学法;3.具有哲学和文史知识基础,以及较强的写作能力和社会调查能力;4.了解我国有关语言文字的方针、政策、法规和当前语文文字工作任务;5.了解语言文字研究的理论前沿和汉语科技应用的前景;6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。主干课程:主干学科:中国语言文学主要课程:语言学概论、现代汉语、古代汉浯、文学概论、中国文学史、中国语言学史、计算语言学、汉语史、汉语方言调查、逻辑学、欧美语言学、实验语音学、中文信息处理等。主要实践性教学环节:包括语言调查、教学实习、论文写作等,一般安排10--15周。修业年限:四年授予学位:文学学士相近专业:汉语言文学 汉语言 对外汉语 中国少数民族语言文学 古典文献 中国语言文化 应用语言学 华文教育
