2000字范文 > 东部经济发达地区 The eastern developed area英语短句 例句大全

东部经济发达地区 The eastern developed area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-14 21:48:46


东部经济发达地区 The eastern developed area英语短句 例句大全

东部经济发达地区,The eastern developed area

1)The eastern developed area东部经济发达地区


1.A Strategic Consideration of Guangxi Undertaking the Industrial Transfer of the Economically Developed Eastern Areas;广西承接东部经济发达地区产业转移的战略思考

2.Water resource accounting and adjustment of GDP-A case study of the developed areas in the eastern part of China;水资源核算及对GDP的修正——以中国东部经济发达地区为例

3.along the eastern coast region, because of developed economy there are a lot of advertisement.东部沿海地区﹐经济发达广告就多。

4.A Study on the Number Legal Problems of Economic Cooperation;青藏高原地区与东部发达地区区域经济合作若干法律问题研究

5.On Establishment of Legal Institutions about Regional Cooperation of Economy between Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Eastern Developed Area of China;试论青藏高原地区与东部发达地区区域经济合作法律制度构建

6.The company is headquartered in Huangyan District of Taizhou, a coastal city in the east of Zhejiang Province enjoying prosperous economy and charming scenery.公司总部位于经济发达,风景秀丽的浙江东部沿海地区---台州黄岩.

7.Induced by economic benefit, rural labor in the Western region has been transferring to urban areas and to the more developed Eastern region.在经济利益诱导机制的作用下,西部地区农村劳动力向西部城镇地区和东部发达地区迁移。

8.Evaluation of Circulareconomy Development in Eastern Area of Chaidamu Basin Based on AHP Data Analysis;基于AHP分析的柴达木盆地东部地区循环经济发展评价

9.Research on Governmental Behaviors of Eastern Coastal Less-developed Areas of China in Local Economy Development;东部沿海欠发达地区经济发展中的政府行为研究

10.Discussion about the developmental orientation of small towns on the fringe of cities in developed southeast littoral area.;东部沿海经济发达地区城市边缘小城镇发展导向研究

11.The Industries Transferences in Eastern Region and the Economic Development in Middle Region;东部地区产业转移与中部地区经济发展

12.Research on The Countermeasures for The Economical Development of Center Ill-developed Area;中部欠发达地区经济发展的对策研究

13.Inquiry into the Promotoin of Urbanization of Underdeveloped Areas in Eastern Part of China --Taking Binzhou as an Example;对我国东部经济欠发达地区推进城市化问题的探讨——以滨州市为例

14.Preliminary Study on a New Approach to Rural Urbanization in the Coastal Areas of East China;我国东部沿海经济发达地区农村城镇化道路初探

15.Study on the High- technology Economy Strategy and the Development of East Area论高技术经济战略与东部地区的发展

16.A Study on the Development Countermeasures of County Economy in Eastern Handan邯郸东部地区县域经济发展策略研究

17.The disparity-economic, social and cultural-between the poverty-stricken areas and other areas, especially that between the poverty-stricken areas and the coastal advanced areas in the east, gradually widened.贫困地区与其他地区,特别是与东部沿海发达地区在经济、社会、文化等方面的差距逐步扩大。

18.The Strategic Study of the Balance Devetopment of the East and the West in Shandong;山东省东西部地区经济协调发展战略分析


Eastern developed area of China东部发达地区

1.In order to solve problems of development of economy in Qinghai-Tibet plateau,after analyzing the possibility of economy cooperation and co-development between Qinghai-Tibet plateau andEastern developed area of China,this article inquires positively int.本文针对青藏高原地区经济发展问题,在分析其与东部发达地区经济合作、共同发展的现实可能性的基础上,从法治的视角,积极探讨区域经济协调发展的制度保障。

3)Developed district经济发达地区

1.A Study on the Problems of the Moral Education Effectiveness in Rural Senior Schools in Developed District;经济发达地区农村普通高中德育实效性存在问题的调查研究

4)developed areas经济发达地区

1.A Study on Youth Religion Phenomenon in Modern Developed Areas;当代经济发达地区青年信教现象研究

2.Study on the developing model of rural tourismin thedeveloped areas经济发达地区乡村旅游开发模式探讨

3.Starting with the expounding of the main contradictions in land use, this paper analyzes the natural causes and the deep essentials of land use indeveloped areas of China, such as strategic windage, structural windage and profit windage, etc.本文从阐述土地利用的主要矛盾特征入手 ,分析了经济发达地区土地利用矛盾的自然成因及战略偏差、结构偏差及利益偏差等深层实质 ,提出了解决我国尤其是经济发达地区日益尖锐的土地利用矛盾以及实现土地资源可持续利用的根本途

5)developed area经济发达地区

1.Since urbanization is a continued process, this paper considers the integration and restructuring of some rural settlements indeveloped areas demonstrates that the rural life style is gradually transferring to urban life style.实际上 ,城市化是一个连续、渐进的过程 ,近年来在经济发达地区出现的农村居民点的整合与重构 ,使农民的生活方式逐步实现由农村向城市的转化。

6)Underdeveloped areas经济欠发达地区

1.The Practice in and Reflection on Perfecting and Implementing the Benefits Mechanism Related to Population and Family Planning in Underdeveloped Areas——An Example from Lianyungang City;经济欠发达地区完善和落实计划生育利益导向政策体系的实践与思考——以连云港市为例

2.Increasing farmers income in underdeveloped areas——An investigation in the east Fujian;经济欠发达地区农民增收问题——闽东地区农民增收调研的思考

3.The development of township enterprises in underdeveloped areas plays an important role in the settlement of Three Issues concerning the rural areas and an overall construction of well-to-do society.经济欠发达地区乡镇企业的发展是解决“三农问题”、全面建设小康社会的重要环节。


