2000字范文 > 东部发达地区 Eastern developed area of China英语短句 例句大全

东部发达地区 Eastern developed area of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-17 17:30:25


东部发达地区 Eastern developed area of China英语短句 例句大全

东部发达地区,Eastern developed area of China

1)Eastern developed area of China东部发达地区

1.In order to solve problems of development of economy in Qinghai-Tibet plateau,after analyzing the possibility of economy cooperation and co-development between Qinghai-Tibet plateau andEastern developed area of China,this article inquires positively int.本文针对青藏高原地区经济发展问题,在分析其与东部发达地区经济合作、共同发展的现实可能性的基础上,从法治的视角,积极探讨区域经济协调发展的制度保障。


1.Industrial Development in Central China: A Study Based on Industrial Transfer of East China;基于东部发达地区产业转移的中部地区工业发展分析

2.Reason of Peasants Behavior in East Flourishing Region Cultivable Land Transfer Process;东部发达地区农地流转过程中农户行为研究

3.Thinking on about Rationally Carrying on the Industrial Transfer from Developed Eastern Regions by Jiangxi Province;江西理性承接东部发达地区产业转移的思考

4.The Study on the County Level Government"s Finance Current Situation and Countermeasure of the East Developed Region东部发达地区县级政府财政现状与对策研究

5.A Study on the Number Legal Problems of Economic Cooperation;青藏高原地区与东部发达地区区域经济合作若干法律问题研究

6.On Establishment of Legal Institutions about Regional Cooperation of Economy between Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Eastern Developed Area of China;试论青藏高原地区与东部发达地区区域经济合作法律制度构建

7.Induced by economic benefit, rural labor in the Western region has been transferring to urban areas and to the more developed Eastern region.在经济利益诱导机制的作用下,西部地区农村劳动力向西部城镇地区和东部发达地区迁移。

8.Analysis of Sustainability of Small Towns in East China;东部发达地区小城镇实施可持续发展战略的态势分析

9.along the eastern coast region, because of developed economy there are a lot of advertisement.东部沿海地区﹐经济发达广告就多。

10.The Choice of the Industrialization Way of the Insufficient Developed Areas in the Eastern Coast;东部沿海欠发达地区工业化路径选择

11.Study on Village Level Cadres Training in the Eastern Relatively Developed Area of Agriculture;东部(农业较发达)地区农村基层干部培训研究

12.Issue of Sustainable Development of Agriculture in the Less-development Areas of Southeast China;东部沿海欠发达地区农业的可持续发展问题

13.Research on the Urbanization of the Less-developed Area along Chinese Eastern Coast;中国东部沿海欠发达地区城市化发展研究

14.The Development of Manufacturing and Adjustment of Industrial Structure in the Less-developed Areas of Southeast China;东部沿海欠发达地区制造业发展及其结构调整

15.Less-developed Eastern Region in the Choice of Development Models--Shandong Jining as an Example;东部欠发达地区区位发展模式的选择——以山东济宁为例

16.Social Security Research on the Rural Areas of the Eastern Coastal Developed Regions of China;我国东部沿海发达地区农村社会保障问题研究

17.Thinking about the Construction of Personnel in China s Underdeveloped Eastern Region;我国东部欠发达地区人才队伍建设的思考

18.a Step Forward;东部沿海欠发达地区推进工业化的制约因素


The eastern developed area东部经济发达地区

3)the eastern coastal developed districts东部沿海发达地区

1.789 students of Chinese elementary schools and junior high schools in Shanghai,Wenzhou and Aojiang,which are inthe eastern coastal developed districts were measured by the questionnaire of Hong Kong Classroom Environment Scale developed by Lee Chi-Kin John,Lee Lai-Mui Frances & Wong Hin-Wah().运用《香港课堂环境量表》对东部沿海发达地区的上海、温州、鳌江三地的小学、初中共18个学校789名学生开展了调查,结果表明,在新课改现阶段,东部沿海发达地区课堂环境的现实状况是:(1)学生的满意度是中等偏上,教师的支持和投入高于学生的合作、课堂秩序、学生学习参与;(2)存在显著的城乡差异,在合作、教师参与和教师支持方面都是大城市好于中等城市、中等城市好于乡镇;在秩序和学生参与情况上,大城市好于乡镇,乡镇好于中等城市;(3)可以分成高值、中值、低值三种类型,三种类型在地区上的分布为大城市、中等城市、乡镇依次递减;(4)地区人均GDP是影响课堂环境的一个主要因素。

4)the Eastern Coastal Developed Regions of China我国东部沿海发达地区

1.Social Security Research on the Rural Areas ofthe Eastern Coastal Developed Regions of China;我国东部沿海发达地区农村社会保障问题研究

5)East Wanda Mountains完达山东部地区

1.Simulation on spatiotemporal dynamics of main prey populations of Panthera tigris inEast Wanda Mountains;完达山东部地区东北虎主要猎物种群的时空动态模拟

2.Based on the long-term research about the prey of Amur tiger-Panthera tigris altica inEast Wanda Mountains, we adopt the spatial explicit approach to constructing the LAPS model.在完达山东部地区对东北虎(Panthera tigris altica)主要猎物长期研究基础上,采用基于个体的空间直观模拟途径构建空间直观种群模型LAPS,并通过敏感性分析识别对种群动态有重要影响的关键因子,为东北虎猎物种群保护提供科学依据。

6)the developed residential area of Guangdong Province广东发达地区


