2000字范文 > 人性本善 human goodness by nature英语短句 例句大全

人性本善 human goodness by nature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-08 06:47:48


人性本善 human goodness by nature英语短句 例句大全

人性本善,human goodness by nature

1)human goodness by nature人性本善

1.By now,idea of “human goodness by nature ”has a great influence in the moral education.人性本善”的德育主张 ,当前颇有势头。


1.This doctrine holds that people are inherently good.这种教义强调人性本善

2.The student discus the proposition that man be basically good学生们讨论了这麽一个论点,即人性本善

3.Believe in the goodness of others and remeber that anger and depressin coutered by love and hope.相信人性本善,记住爱和希望能化解愤怒和沮丧。

4.The students discused the proposition that man is basically good.学生们讨论了这么一个论点,即人性本善。

5.Everyone can discern between right and wrong, and everyone can develop their conscience through compassion because people are inherently good.每个人都可以分清好坏,可以通过同情之心培养道德之心,因为人性本善。

6.He is essentially a good man.他是个本性善良的人。

7.It is the essence of humanness to try to improve the world and oneself.人性本就是想要改善世界、改善自己。

8.Human nature is not intrinsically corrupt--it is intrinsically good.人的本性并非本来堕落,而是天生善良。

9.The worker appears to be a very rough diamond.那位工人表面粗野,实则本性善良。

10.an act of human kindness.一个表现出人类善良本性的行动

11.The Chinese are friendly by nature(=because of their natural instincts).中国人秉性友善(=由于其自然本能)。

12.Human Nature:Good or Evil?--On Kant"s View of Morality From Evil Human Nature人性:善焉? 恶焉?——从《人性本恶》看康德的道德观

13."People Oriented"-The Basic Principle in Solving Group Affairs论“以人为本”妥善解决群体性事件的基本原则

14.Mencius and Aristotle converge in their vision that human nature is essentially good.孟子和亚里士多德都洞悉到人类性本善。

15.Out of what that man and woman first tried sex? Out of instinct? No, the willing to do good!之初,性本善是什么。我自己的界读是这样的:人呀,初尝性事,是本能?是行善!

16.a person who is inwardly evil but outwardly professes to be virtuous.外表善良而本质坏的人。

17."A fox may grow gray, But never good"狐狸善变,本性难移

18.The Original Meaning of Goodness--The Nature of Mengzi s Good in Nature Theory;本原意义的善——孟子性善论的理论旨归


Man"s nature at birth is good.人之初,性本善

3)postulate the inherent goodness of man假定人性本善

4)kind nature善良本性

1.On the way there they encountered all kinds of hardness of life, and showed us theirkind nature and revolting spirits against the ruling class and their religion.本文从哲学的深度以及人们生活中的共识对人的本性进行了分析,对统治阶级的残酷进行了抨击,对劳动人民生活的艰辛深表同情并对社会底层阶级的善良本性和反抗精神进行了高度的评价。

5)human nature is goodness when he was born性本善

1.Mencius\" the ideal ofhuman nature is goodness when he was born is a interpretation for Confucian\"s vision of Jen(goodness),and that Wang Yang-Ming explains innate knowledge of the good is an inheritance and developing of Mencius\" concepts.借助概念分析方法,讨论了王阳明对孟子的继承与发展;孟子的"性本善"思想是对孔子的"仁"的一种阐释,而王阳明对"良知"的解说又是对孟子的这一观念的继承和发展。

6)basic human goods基本人类善

1.This paper deals with its main aspects, including the first practical principle,basic human goods, first moral principle and intermediate principles (modes of responsibility or the basic requirements of practical reason), and moral norms, etc.新自然法理论的主要内容包括其关于实践理性的第一原则、基本人类善、道德第一原则和居间原则(责任模式或实践理性的基本要求)以及道德规范等方面。




本书是为纪念伏尔泰逝世100周年而写,同时也出自作者对早年崇拜的音乐家瓦格纳的失望情绪。全书用格言体写成,分两卷。第一卷共九章,从各方面探讨了世界与人生的基本问题。第二卷的两个部分《见解与箴言杂录》和《漫游者和他的影子》,继续作者在第一卷中开始的对西方形而上学传统及其影响下的西方文化的全面批判。作者一方面肯定人性中值得肯定的方面,希望挖掘人的潜力,使人类变得更优秀;另一方面又对人性的弱点和缺点,尤其对西方文化传统下形成的这种弱点和缺点,进行了尖刻的讽刺和挖苦。 作者寄希望于"自由精灵",也就是能超越传统思维方式、传统道德观念而自由思想的人。本书作者弗里德里希•尼采(nietzsche, friedrich, 1844-1900)是19世纪德国哲学家,唯意志论和生命哲学主要代表之一,被认为是世界最伟大的思想家之一。早年在波恩大学和莱比锡大学学习,获博士学位。不到25岁就被聘为瑞士巴塞尔大学的古典语文学副教授,并在一年以后成为正教授。一生著述颇丰,如《悲剧的诞生》、《查拉图斯特拉如是说》、《善恶的彼岸》、《强力意志》等,对20世纪的思想界产生重大影响。1889年初,在意大利的都灵街头摔倒,就此精神错乱,于后在德国的魏玛去世。
