2000字范文 > 可接受度 acceptability英语短句 例句大全

可接受度 acceptability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-08 18:34:21


可接受度 acceptability英语短句 例句大全



1.It is a great long-term task to improve the moral educationacceptability to the university students.如何提高大学生德育的可接受度,是高校德育长期关注的重大课题。


1.A survey and analysis of degree of acceptability of carbon dioxide capture and sequestration(CCS)关于二氧化碳捕集与封存可接受度的调查分析

2.A Multi-Perspective Survey of the Degree of the Acceptability of New Words and Expressions;新词语可接受度的多角度审视——兼谈新词语的规范问题

3.No degree of acceptance can ever change the facts.没有任何限度的接受可以改变现实。

4.An Investigation on Mathematics Acceptability of the Moderate Mentally Retarded Students;中度弱智儿童数学可接受能力的调查

5.The correspondance or not correspondance of visual perception of the outer vue of the packing for each commodity could be determinated by Buyer.每个产品包装外观的可接受和不可接受的程度由买方决定。

6.assistant will help you decide whether or not you wish to accept this Certificate and to what extent.助手程序可以帮助您决定是否要接受此证书,接受的程度如何。

7.The state of being accepted or acceptable.领受,受理被接受或可被接受的状态

8.To be valid, acceptable, or adequate.有效,可接受,足够

9.Speed control switch input above the maximum acceptable voltage.速度控制开关输入高于最大可接受电压。

10.Speed control switch input below the minimum acceptable voltage.速度控制开关输入低于最小可接受电压。

11.Intake air temperature sensor input above the minimum acceptable voltage.进气空气温度感知器输入高于最小可接受电压。

12.Your limit unworkable drastic decrease essential.贵方所提限价不可接受,必须再次大幅度减价。

13.Battery temperature sensor input voltage below an acceptable range.电池温度感知器输入电压低于可接受范围。

14.the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true.认为事情可信并应该接受为正确的精神态度。

15.People chronically exposed to chlorine develop some degree of tolerance.人长期接触氯气可以产生某种程度的耐受性。

16.But other issues may slow the path of cable"s acceptance.但其它的问题可能放慢(人们)接受线缆(Modem)的速度。

17.She accepted the whole thing with humorous resignation.她以幽默的无可奈何的态度接受了这件事。

18.The Acceptability of Audiovisual Translation;从规范理论的角度谈影视翻译的可接受性


thermal acceptability热可接受度

3)risk acceptability风险可接受度

4)maximum acceptable concentration最大可接受浓度

5)acceptable level可接受的程度


1.Acceptability of Female Condom Among Female Sex Workers;女用安全套在女性性工作者中可接受性研究

2.Survey on the Acceptability of the Japanese B Encephalitis Vaccine of the Vaccination Staff in Baoji City of Shaanxi Province;宝鸡市预防接种工作人员对流行性乙型脑炎疫苗可接受性调查

3.Acceptability study on "partner notification" in reproductive tract infections patients in one of centered districts of Shanghai;上海市某中心城区生殖道感染“性伴通知”的可接受性研究


