2000字范文 > 社会可接受性 Society acceptability of land use英语短句 例句大全

社会可接受性 Society acceptability of land use英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-21 04:49:15


社会可接受性 Society acceptability of land use英语短句 例句大全

社会可接受性,Society acceptability of land use

1)Society acceptability of land use社会可接受性

2)social reception社会接受

1.Thesocial reception of the target culture deeply affects his reception as a translator,the special reader.鸠摩罗什的佛经翻译体现了译者个体接受的主体性和客体性,而其客体性突出体现在深受当时对译入文化的社会接受的影响。


1.She was taken up by swelldom.她被上流社会接受了。

2.basic standards of taste and public decency expected by the community社会接受的品味和雅俗标准

3.On the Social Acceptable Psychology in Scot s Historical Novels;刍议司各特历史小说的社会接受心理

4.Effect of Current Social Reception Orientation on Literary Writing;当前社会接受取向对文学创作的影响

5.Social Responsibility of the Mass Media and the Acceptance of the Publics;新闻舆论的社会责任及受众接受规律

6.Unacceptable or undesirable according to social convention.不被接受的不能被社会常理接受的或欢迎的

7.Social Exclusion and Passively Acceptance: Study of Social Security about Peasant Workers;社会排斥与被动接受:农民工的社会保障研究

8.Restrictive immunity is easier to be accepted in modern international immunity.当今的国际社会,限制豁免更易被接受。

9.accept young people into society, usually with some rite.通常通过一些仪式接受青年人到社会。

10.A host of compelling socioeconomic problems.许多令人不得不接受的社会经济问题

11.rules governing socially acceptable behavior.支配社会上可以接受的行为的规则。

12.31、Come In From The Cold31.被接受为社会的合法角色

13.Statistical work shall be subject to public supervision.统计工作应当接受社会公众的监督。

14.a word unacceptable in polite society; an unacceptable violation of personal freedom.上流社会不接受的一个词;对个人自由的不可接受的侵害。

15.In the manner of its concern with guilt and evil, it exemplifies what Melville called the" power of blackness" in Hawthorne"s work.小说的主人公年又无知,既总体上接受社会,又接受自己认为值得接受的个人----自己的同伴。

16.to make children fit to live in a society By persuading them to learn and accept its codes通过劝说孩子们学习和接受社会规范使他们适应社会生活

17.At that time, actors were not accepted by the best society.在那个年代,演员是不被上层社会所接受的。

18.In order to keep law and order, every one of us is supposed to get a law education.为了维护社会治安,我们每人都应该接受法制。


social reception社会接受

1.Thesocial reception of the target culture deeply affects his reception as a translator,the special reader.鸠摩罗什的佛经翻译体现了译者个体接受的主体性和客体性,而其客体性突出体现在深受当时对译入文化的社会接受的影响。

3)Social Acceptability社会接受度


1.Acceptability of Female Condom Among Female Sex Workers;女用安全套在女性性工作者中可接受性研究

2.Survey on the Acceptability of the Japanese B Encephalitis Vaccine of the Vaccination Staff in Baoji City of Shaanxi Province;宝鸡市预防接种工作人员对流行性乙型脑炎疫苗可接受性调查

3.Acceptability study on "partner notification" in reproductive tract infections patients in one of centered districts of Shanghai;上海市某中心城区生殖道感染“性伴通知”的可接受性研究

5)accepting social support接受社会支持

parative study of university sports majors and students majoring in liberal arts and science in offering andaccepting social support;体育类大学生与文科、理科大学生提供和接受社会支持的对比研究

6)on welfare接受社会救济


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
