2000字范文 > 显示器 display英语短句 例句大全

显示器 display英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-16 16:41:54


显示器 display英语短句 例句大全



parison study ofdisplay colorimetric characterization models;显示器颜色特性化模型比较研究

2.Localization research of train faultsdisplay on Guangzhou Metro Line 1;广州地铁一号线列车故障显示器国产化研制


1.A scope(range indicator)A型显示器(距离显示器)

2.J scope(circular sweep indicator)j型显示器(圆扫显示器)

3.electroluminescent display电发光显示器;电致发光显示器;场致发光显示器

4.moving airplane displays飞机动显示器 飞机动显示器

5.Monitor: Back, base and bottom of monitor.显示器:显示器的背面,底座及底部.

6.fixed pointer displays固定指针显示器 固定指针显示器

7.RHI scope(range-elevation indicator)RHI型显示器(距离-高度显示器)

8.PDP (plasma display panel)等离子显示器,[台]电浆显示器

9.I scope(radial range-azimuth indicator)I型显示器(径向距离-方位显示器)

10.E scope(range-elevation indicator)E型显示器(距离-仰角显示器)

11.R scope(stretch range indicator)R型显示器(展宽距离显示器)

12.F scope(angle error indicator)F型显示器(角度差显示器)

13.C scope(azimuth-elevation indicator)C型显示器(方位-仰角显示器)

14.B scope(range-azimuth indicator)B型显示器(距离-方位显示器)

15.P scope(plane position indicator)p型显示器(平面位置显示器)

16.The oscilloscope viewing screen of a radar receiver.雷达显示器雷达接收器的示波器显示屏

anic light emitting display有机发光显示屏,[台]有机发光显示器

18.A device that gives information in a visual form, as on a screen.显示器,指示器一种以视觉方式显示信息的装置,如荧光屏显示



1.Two ways of removing the troubles of KSAI interactive computermonitor;柯赛交互式显示器故障排除二则

2.Fiber communication between host computer andmonitor;计算机主机与显示器之间的光纤通信

3.Research and Implementation of Monitor Demonstration System Based on Web;基于网络的显示器展示系统的研究与实现

3)Display device显示器

1.This paper discussed the reasons of error accuring in the display de-vice of head-up display now equiped,analyses the generation of some errors and their results,and puts correcting measures forward to increase the accuracy of display device.讨论了目前装备的平视显示器中显示器的误差原因,重点分析了显示器中几种误差的形成及结果,并对误差影响较大的部分提出了补偿措施。

2.but the remainder aerial rocket display device is still not deployed to the aerial rocket launch control system used presently.为此,介绍了利用单片机技术设计剩余火箭弹数量显示器的方法,给出了较为详细的硬件设计和软件流程。

3.This paper introduces the component and technology demand of a radar display device,briefly presents the development history and present situation of a display device.介绍了雷达显示器的组成结构、技术要求 ,简要介绍了显示器装备的发展简史及现状。


1.Printed electronics, when combined withdisplays, can facilitate the integration of electronic intelligence to a virtually limitless number of products.印刷电子器件,当它和显示器联系在一起时,能促进电子智能整合到众多实际产品中。


1.Discourse on develop static stateindicator of the 4135 type diesel oil sump lubricant surface;谈4135型柴油机油底壳油面静态显示器的研制

2.This paper describes the shortcomings of hollow and delay in the PPI display mode, puts forward the new idea of the multi-expansion, the origin-off-indicator expansion and the range continuous change, and provides the diagrams and algorithm to the solution.叙述了目前所使用PPI显示器上的传统空心、延时方式的不足之处,提出了多级扩展、屏外偏心、量程连续可变的显示方式,并且给出了实现框图和算法。

3.The article concretely analysis operating and principles as well as two ways of writing forindicator through whose right-hand and left-hand to deliver by showing two typical examples of program.针对8279芯片对数码管显示器控制问题,较详细地叙述了显示器的左端送入和右端送入两种写入方式,并通过给出的两个典型程序清晰地论述了显示器的左端送入和右端送入的原理及显示过程。

6)display[英][d?"sple?][美][d?"sple]①显示器 ②显示,显像


