2000字范文 > 习俗 custom英语短句 例句大全

习俗 custom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-04 22:03:25


习俗 custom英语短句 例句大全



1."Negotiation in a Teahouse",the Custom with which Civil Dispute Solved;“吃讲茶”习俗与民间纠纷解决

2.The Confront between the Identity and Economic Profits——The Study about the Chinese Divides-family Custom;名分与经济利益的博弈——中国民间分家习俗研究

3.Sublimation of the Village Approval Consciousness——A cultural and anthropological interpretation of thecustom of dragon dance in village Yongfeng of Edong Region;村庄认同意识的升华——对鄂东永丰村舞龙灯习俗的文化人类学解读


1.make conventional or adapt to conventions.使成为习俗的或适应习俗。

2." Customs change every ten li," says a proverb which is true enough.俗话说得好:“相隔十里,习俗不一”。

3.The Folklore Pattern s Implication of Spring Festival in Qixian County of Shanxi Province;山西祁县“过年”习俗的民俗模式解读

4.ancient history, customs, etc古代的历史、习俗等.

5.Even the ancient rites of spring有关春天的古代习俗

6.according with custom or propriety.与习俗和礼节相一致。

7.unrestrained by convention or morality.不被习俗或道德束缚的。

8.an obsolescent custom在逐渐过时中的习俗

9.It is none of our custom.这绝不是我们的习俗。

10.Most licentious custom.这是再淫荡不过的习俗。

11.Custom is the guide of the ignorant习俗是无知者的向导

12.Those old practies have faded out.那些旧习俗已经绝迹了。

13.the interrelation(s) between custom and morality习俗与道德的相互关系

14.primitive culture, customs, tribes原始文化、习俗、 部落

15.He is foolishly attached to old customs,他愚昧地执着于旧习俗。

16.age-old `customs,`ceremonies,etc古老的习俗,礼仪等.

17.The custom still obtains.该习俗仍然沿用着。

18.Eastern customs, religions, etc东方的习俗、 宗教等



1.The Cultural Interaction Between Fashion and Customs——the folkcustoms analysis of the grand triangle structure of Chinese culture among Beijing, Shanghai and Henan;时尚与习俗中的文化互动现象——北京、上海、河南,中国文化大三角格局民俗分析

2.The Past and Present Conditionof Marital Customs in Japan;日本婚姻习俗的历史与现状

3.Throughout history,consumption can never be separated from people and establishedcustoms and conventions.古往今来,凡有人群之处便有消费;有消费就有既定的历史习俗惯制。


1.It is shown that confinement in childbirth is an importantconvention,which highly values the intake of a large amount of protein-rich food,care and support fr.建议提倡有利于产妇恢复健康的习俗与措施,努力克服和避免不利于产妇健康的因素。

2.The villagers idea of seeking the good and avoiding the evil makes them focus the decorations on special elements,which is also a reflection of theirconvention.趋吉避凶的心理更使村民对特定构件进行重点修饰,从而显示出他们的习俗。



1.To know about scythians social form through theirhabitude;从习俗看斯基泰人的社会形态

2.Habitudes and Construction Techniques of Tunpu Building in Anshun;安顺屯堡建筑营造技术与习俗

3.Started with the traditional regional compartmentalization,the farm and herd culture and the folkhabitude in Tibet,the application of colour to the building of bonze and vulgar and the trait of the costume colour in this plateau area are analyzed.从藏区的传统宗教形态、藏区的农牧文化以及藏区的民间习俗入手 ,分析了这一高原地区僧俗民众的建筑色彩应用及服饰色彩特征 ,探讨了藏区色彩形态的外在表现 。

6)Customary practice; usage.风俗习惯;习俗


