2000字范文 > 品牌建设 brand construction英语短句 例句大全

品牌建设 brand construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-19 16:16:21


品牌建设 brand construction英语短句 例句大全

品牌建设,brand construction

1)brand construction品牌建设

1.The problems and resolution ofbrand construction of travel agency;旅行社品牌建设的问题与对策

2.Study on the Strategy of Brand Construction for Chinese TV Content Industry;中国电视内容产业品牌建设策略研究

3.The Theory and Countermeasure of CCTV Brand Construction;CCTV品牌建设理念及对策


1.Discussion about Brand Extension Tactics Influenced on the Brand Establishment;浅析品牌延伸策略对品牌建设的影响

2.China"s Top 500 Brands and the Brand Building of Quanzhou"s Private Enterprises中国品牌五百强与泉州民企品牌建设

3.Property Management Brand Building-a Estate Brand Building Link That can not be Ignored in the Real Estate Brand Building Process;物业品牌建设——房地产品牌建设不能忽视的环节

4.Brand Consciousness and Brand-building Attempt of China s Domestic Commercial Banks;品牌自觉与中国本土商业银行的品牌建设尝试

5.Brand Relationship: A New Model for Meikang to Strengthen Service Brand Construction;品牌关系:美康强化服务品牌建设新模式

6.Reasons for the Delay of Chinese Companie Brands and Strategy for "Brand Building";中国企业品牌滞后的原因及品牌建设的策略


8.The Final Aim of the Development of Branding Principle--Brand Globalization;品牌建设理念发展的终极目标——品牌全球化

9.Brand Building in the Information Society;传统品牌建设成败分析及信息网络社会下品牌建设的建议

10.Strengthen Regional Brand Construction and Upgrade Competitiveness of Agricultural Products;加强地域品牌建设 提高农产品竞争力

11.On the Brand Construction of Chain Drug Stores in China;论我国药品零售连锁企业的品牌建设

12.A Suggestion of Reconstruct the Predominance Agricultural Products Brands in Gansu Province;对甘肃省优势农产品品牌建设的思考

13.An Empirical Research on Regional Trademark Construction--With the Fujian Regional Trademark of Agricultural Products as Example区域品牌建设实证研究——以福建省农产品区域品牌为例

14.Thinking about Brand Creation for Construction Enterprise Acting as General Contractor;关于建筑总承包企业品牌建设的思考

15.Thoughts and Methods of Brand Construction for Construction Enterprises;建筑企业品牌建设的思路及方法探究

16.A Study of the Brand Building of the Agricultural Products--The enlightenments from Pingdu City;农产品品牌建设——山东平度农产品品牌战略的启示

17.Study on the Strategy of Brand Construction for Chinese TV Content Industry;中国电视内容产业品牌建设策略研究

18.The Brand Building Research of Dalian Haitian Clothes Co.,Ltd.;大连海天服装有限公司品牌建设研究


brand building品牌建设

1.The Way From Made-in-China To Created-in-China: Brand Building;从“中国制造”到“中国创造”的品牌建设之路

2.The Brand Building Research of Dalian Haitian Clothes Co.,Ltd.;大连海天服装有限公司品牌建设研究

3.The Brand Building Research of MBA Education of DUT;大连理工大学MBA教育品牌建设研究


1.Similarlybrand-building is an essential and key factors for university libraries’ further development, it has attended large number of colleges and universities’ attraction.高校图书馆品牌建设是在办馆过程中逐渐形成的独特个性或品质,越来越为广大高校所重视。

2.Most researches ofbrand-building are focus on already established companies.企业品牌建设是企业独特性质的表现。

4)brand-based construction品牌化建设

5)Hospital brand building医院品牌建设

1.Hospital brand building includes the building of technical brand, service brand and culture brand.医院品牌建设包括技术品牌、服务品牌及文化品牌的建设。

6)construction of brand innovation品牌创新建设


CPU品牌笔记本电脑专用的CPU英文称Mobile CPU(移动CPU),它除了追求性能,也追求低热量和低耗电,最早的笔记本电脑直接使用台式机的CPU,但是随CPU主频的提高, 笔记本电脑狭窄的空间不能迅速散发CPU产生的热量,还有笔记本电脑的电池也无法负担台式CPU庞大的耗电量, 所以开始出现专门为笔记本设计的Mobile CPU,它的制造工艺往往比同时代的台式机CPU更加先进,因为Mobile CPU中会集成台式机CPU中不具备的电源管理技术,而且会先采用更高的微米精度。主要生产厂家有Intel、AMD、全美达等。 点击查看所有CPU详细技术资料
