2000字范文 > 连锁品牌设施建设 chain brand facility construction英语短句 例句大全

连锁品牌设施建设 chain brand facility construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-02 00:02:53


连锁品牌设施建设 chain brand facility construction英语短句 例句大全

连锁品牌设施建设,chain brand facility construction

1)chain brand facility construction连锁品牌设施建设

1.Based on the analysis ofchain brand facility construction characteristics,the paper proposed the difficulty and important content of project management in this special construction mode for project management consultant.基于对连锁品牌设施建设特点的分析,引出项目管理咨询在该特殊建设模式中管理工作的难点和重点内容,并最终提出针对性的项目管理控制方法以及该方法在某汽车连锁品牌中的具体应用。


1.Experience of Chain Brand Facility Construction Project Management浅谈连锁品牌设施建设项目管理的体会——以某汽车连锁品牌设施建设为例

2.On the Brand Construction of Chain Drug Stores in China;论我国药品零售连锁企业的品牌建设

3.The Brand Building Research of Dalian Haitian Clothes Co.,Ltd.;大连海天服装有限公司品牌建设研究

4.The Brand Building Research of MBA Education of DUT;大连理工大学MBA教育品牌建设研究

5.Study on Implementation of Regional Brand in Industrial Clusters of Our Country;我国产业集群实施区域品牌建设研究

6.The Significance of Brand Strategy and Implementation Model in a Library图书馆品牌建设的意义及其实施模型

7.On Designing Visual Image for Brand Chain Stores of Female Fashion;论品牌成衣女装连锁经营专卖店的视觉形象设计

8.The Research of ABC Company of Strategy Setuping and Implementation建材连锁超市ABC公司战略设定及实施的研究

9.Discussion on the Laws and Regulations Construction in the Management of Retail Pharmacy Chain论我国药品零售业连锁经营管理的法规建设

10.Research on Government Support Policy of Farm Product Brand Construction in China;论农产品品牌化建设的外部性及政策支持措施

11.Empirical Study on Development of Private Brand for Pharmaceutical Chain Stores in Shenzhen;关于深圳连锁药店实施自有品牌战略的研究

12.Establishment of credibility in implementation of brand strategy in real estate enterprise;论房地产企业品牌战略实施中的诚信建设

13.Considerations about Implementing the Service Brands Construction in the Libraries of Agricultural Colleges and Universities农业院校图书馆实施服务品牌建设的思考

14.Discussion about Brand Extension Tactics Influenced on the Brand Establishment;浅析品牌延伸策略对品牌建设的影响

15.China"s Top 500 Brands and the Brand Building of Quanzhou"s Private Enterprises中国品牌五百强与泉州民企品牌建设

16.Property Management Brand Building-a Estate Brand Building Link That can not be Ignored in the Real Estate Brand Building Process;物业品牌建设——房地产品牌建设不能忽视的环节

17.The Development of Special Industries to Create Brand Tea--My Suggestionson the New Constructionin Rural Areas of Anxi发展特色产业 创建茶乡品牌——安溪推进新农村建设措施之我见

18.Research on the Construction of Chain Supermarket Logistics and Distribution System in China;我国连锁超市物流配送体系建设研究



1.Similarlybrand-building is an essential and key factors for university libraries’ further development, it has attended large number of colleges and universities’ attraction.高校图书馆品牌建设是在办馆过程中逐渐形成的独特个性或品质,越来越为广大高校所重视。

2.Most researches ofbrand-building are focus on already established companies.企业品牌建设是企业独特性质的表现。

3)brand construction品牌建设

1.The problems and resolution ofbrand construction of travel agency;旅行社品牌建设的问题与对策

2.Study on the Strategy of Brand Construction for Chinese TV Content Industry;中国电视内容产业品牌建设策略研究

3.The Theory and Countermeasure of CCTV Brand Construction;CCTV品牌建设理念及对策

4)brand building品牌建设

1.The Way From Made-in-China To Created-in-China: Brand Building;从“中国制造”到“中国创造”的品牌建设之路

2.The Brand Building Research of Dalian Haitian Clothes Co.,Ltd.;大连海天服装有限公司品牌建设研究

3.The Brand Building Research of MBA Education of DUT;大连理工大学MBA教育品牌建设研究

5)brand-based construction品牌化建设

6)Chain-like Urban Development and Infrastructure Improvement连锁型城市建设和基础设施改良


CPU品牌笔记本电脑专用的CPU英文称Mobile CPU(移动CPU),它除了追求性能,也追求低热量和低耗电,最早的笔记本电脑直接使用台式机的CPU,但是随CPU主频的提高, 笔记本电脑狭窄的空间不能迅速散发CPU产生的热量,还有笔记本电脑的电池也无法负担台式CPU庞大的耗电量, 所以开始出现专门为笔记本设计的Mobile CPU,它的制造工艺往往比同时代的台式机CPU更加先进,因为Mobile CPU中会集成台式机CPU中不具备的电源管理技术,而且会先采用更高的微米精度。主要生产厂家有Intel、AMD、全美达等。 点击查看所有CPU详细技术资料
