2000字范文 > 高位悬挑 high position cantilever英语短句 例句大全

高位悬挑 high position cantilever英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-09 09:53:12


高位悬挑 high position cantilever英语短句 例句大全

高位悬挑,high position cantilever

1)high position cantilever高位悬挑


1.Study on Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Core Walls with Cantilevered Steel Truss Platform Located at a Higer Level;钢筋混凝土筒体高位悬挑钢桁架平台抗震性能的研究

2.Design Methods and Construction Technologies of High-rise with Multiple Towers,High Position Cantilever and Linked Structure当代MOMA工程高层多塔楼、高位悬挑及连体结构设计与施工关键技术研究

3.The design and construction of bearing Strutting system for supersized cantilever structure in high air高空特大悬挑结构承重架设计与施工

4.Application of the cantilevered scaffold in high-rise building construction悬挑脚手架在高层建筑施工中的应用

5.Suspended high (13.4m) steel truss construction technology高空悬挑(13.4m)钢桁架施工技术

6.Design and Displacement Measurement of Long Span Cantilever Nut Ball Connection Network大悬挑螺栓球节点网架的设计与位移观测

7.Application of Overhang Plate in Widening of Cliffy Steep Slope Road-Section"s Subgrade in Mountain Area悬挑板在山区悬崖高陡边坡路段路基加宽中的应用

8.Application of Steel Truss Formwork in High Cantilever Structure钢筋桁架模板在高空悬挑结构中的应用

9.Information-Based Construction of Superhigh I Iron Overhanging External Scaffold超高工字钢悬挑钢管外脚手架信息法施工

10.Discuss on Design of Construction Scaffolding of Super High-rise Structure with Large Cantilevered Roof超高层屋面大悬挑结构施工脚手架设计的探讨

11.Design and construction of the template support shelf of high altitude concrete cantilever structure高空悬挑混凝土结构支模架的设计及施工

12.The external scaffolding hierarchy cantilevered erection of stereo rotary high rise building立体旋转型高层建筑外脚手架的分层悬挑搭设

13.Design & Construction of prefabricated form for spillway overhanging crest of Qilinguan Arch Dam麒麟观拱坝溢洪道悬挑部位预制模板的设计与施工

14.Situated on a sharp declivity.高悬的位于一个很陡的斜坡上的

15.Lifting Construction Techniques for Big Tonnage Saddle in High Tower Suspension Bridge高塔悬索桥大吨位鞍体吊装施工技术

16.A Design and Checking Computation Example of Super High Cantilever Outer Scaffold Combined with Ground-mounted Outer Scaffold超高层悬挑式与落地式相结合外脚手架的设计验算实例

17.(1) Rein in on the brink of the precipice and stop your provocations.第一、悬崖勒马,停止挑衅;

18.Facing the challenge of joining the WTO and increasing the competitive power of the banks omnifacetedly;直面入世挑战 全方位提高银行竞争力


cantilevered structure located at a higher level高位悬挑结构

3)cantilever part悬挑部位

1.Analysis of the cracks on the wall incantilever parts of masonry-concrete building;砖混结构悬挑部位墙体裂缝的分析

4)Formwork Supporting Programming for High-position Conversion Layer with Overhanging Beam带悬挑梁的高位箱式转换层

1.Establishment Method ofFormwork Supporting Programming for High-position Conversion Layer with Overhanging Beam;本文介绍了一带悬挑梁的高位箱式转换层的模板支撑方案编制的思路,分别就转换梁的模板支撑体系的方案选择和计算方法以及整个转换层施工后取得的经验进行了论述和总结,经方案比选,分别选用了迭合梁、钢结构支撑平台、多层支撑回顶等方案,取得较好的施工效果,对同类型建筑具有一定的借鉴作用。

5)supen-high-rise cantilever structure超高层悬挑结构

6)technical construction of bulk way with high altitude cantilever高空悬挑散装法


