2000字范文 > 高位侧入法 Inclined entry from high position英语短句 例句大全

高位侧入法 Inclined entry from high position英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-26 14:48:10


高位侧入法 Inclined entry from high position英语短句 例句大全

高位侧入法,Inclined entry from high position

1)Inclined entry from high position高位侧入法


parison of stellate ganglion block with two entry methods in applied anatomy气管旁入法与高位侧入法行星状神经节阻滞的解剖学比较

2.left-hand adder左侧数[高位]加法器

3.Advances in the Amplification Methods and Application of T-DNA Insertion Site Flanking Sequence扩增T-DNA插入位点侧翼序列的方法及其应用进展

4.Two stone lions flanked the entrance.两头石狮位于入口处两侧

5.Amplification of flanking sequence of the transposon Tn917 insertion sites转座子Tn917插入位点侧翼序列的扩增

6.Coronal CT Scan of Nasal Bone by Posterior Supine of the Head on Lateral Position侧卧位头后仰鼻骨冠状位CT扫描方法

7.The Clinical Therapeutic Effect of dorsally displaced distal radial fractures via palmar approach掌侧入路钢板固定治疗背侧移位的桡骨远端骨折的疗效

8.Study on Practice Teaching Reform Based on "Post Role Replacement Method"of Higher Vocational Education基于“岗位角色代入法”的高职实践教学改革

9.A Study on Technique of Detecting the Initial Location of Rotor on Brushless DC Motor with High-frequency Voltage Pulses高频电压脉冲注入法检测BLDCM转子位置研究

10.Microsurgical treatment via lateral fissure approach for hypertensive thalamic hemorrhage显微手术外侧裂入路治疗高血压丘脑出血

11.Effect of High Transfer Story on Lateral Stiffness and Study on Its Applying Technique高位转换层对抗侧刚度的影响及应用探讨

12.Improved method for non-equilibrium sediment transport equations with confluence含侧向入流一维不平衡输沙方程解法的改进

13.Transcatheter aortopulmonary collateral vessels embolization combined with corrective operation in the treatment of severe tetralogy of fallot体肺侧支介入封堵联合根治术治疗法洛四联症

14.Treatment of palm-side displaced fracture of Barton with manipuiation:A report of 12 cases旋后掌屈法复位巴通氏掌侧缘骨折12例

15.A New ECG Criterion for the Localization of the Left Accessory Pathway in Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome;预激综合征左侧旁道体表心电图定位新方法

16.Study on Positioning of Left-sided Double-lumen Endobronchial Tubes Properly by Withdrawing the Catheter回退法行左侧双腔支气管导管管端定位的研究

17.Influence Parameters of Asphalt Pavement Rutting Resistance Based on Lateral Displacement Method基于侧向位移法的沥青路面抗车辙影响因素

18.Effectiveness of a Modified 90-degree Angle Lateral Decubitus改良式90度手术侧卧位摆置方法的临床效果


High field side高场侧注入

3)Supine position and lateral approach仰卧位外侧入路

4)lateral displacement method侧向位移法

5)hot side高电位侧,高压侧,热端

6)Side-lying position and hip postlateral approach侧卧位髋后外侧入路


