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光电继电器 photoelectric relay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 20:27:12


光电继电器 photoelectric relay英语短句 例句大全

光电继电器,photoelectric relay

1)photoelectric relay光电继电器

1.The paper puts forward a new method to measure series battery voltage, mechanical relay is replaced byphotoelectric relay to select each battery voltage.提出一种串联电池组电压测量新方法:光电继电器取代机械继电器选通各节电池电压;抗共模电压电路取代隔离放大器抵消测量端的共模电压;用双AD526实现数字量设定8档电压放大倍数。

2.The voltage measurement circuit withphotoelectric relay was analyzed through the experiment,the result exhibited that thephotoelectric relay was the main factor of causing the measurement error.以此电路和目前常用的光电继电器作为研究对象,进行了电压检测实验,测量结果存在着一定误差。

2)PhotoMos relays光继电器

1.Data collection module is developed based on AT90S8535,and each signal is isolated byPhotoMos relays, so it has the ability of disturbanceprotection.利用AT90S8535单片机开发数据采集模块,每路信号使用PhotoMos光继电器进行信号隔离,模块的抗干扰能力强。


1.Radio Disturbance Restrain Technology of Flash Relay Used in Automotive汽车用闪光继电器的无线电骚扰抑制技术

2.Current Situation and Developing Trend of Automobile Signal Flash Relay汽车信号闪光继电器的现状及其发展趋势

3.fluorescent tube starter-relay日光灯管起动器-继电器

4.Research on the Application of OCT in Power System Protection;光学电流互感器在继电保护中的应用

5.time delay relay延时继电器时间继电器

6.Electrical relays--All-or-nothing electrical relaysGB/T14598.2-1993电气继电器有或无电气继电器

7.Pressure adjustment of hermetically sealed relay spring by laser-forming密封继电器弹簧片压力的激光校正研究

8.A new programe using external signal to control the laser source based on Mercury relay基于湿簧继电器的外加电信号对激光光波控制的新方案

9.armature bracket(继电器的)衔铁架

10.ABS Main Relay OutputABS主继电器输出

11.AC voltage electromagnetic relay交流电压电磁继电器

12.power off relay停电用电源转换继电器

13.Represents various relays. Type of relay can be specified.表示各种继电器。可指定继电器的类型。

14.TCM connector, Trans relay or relay connectorTCM接头,变速继电器或继电器接头

15.single element relay一元继电器单元件继电器

16.trip free relay自由脱扣继电器自由释放继电器

17.The Design and Analysis Of AC Voltage adjustment Device Controlling By Optocoupler Rlelay;光耦合固体继电器控制交流调压器的设计与分析

18.parallel relay adder并行继电器(式)加法器


PhotoMos relays光继电器

1.Data collection module is developed based on AT90S8535,and each signal is isolated byPhotoMos relays, so it has the ability of disturbanceprotection.利用AT90S8535单片机开发数据采集模块,每路信号使用PhotoMos光继电器进行信号隔离,模块的抗干扰能力强。

3)light relay光继电器光控继电器

4)flash relay闪光继电器

5)photoMOS relay光耦继电器

1.In this scheme,the voltage detecting module is composed of decoders andphotoMOS relays.方案中采用译码电路芯片和光耦继电器组成电压巡检模块,由单片机进行控制,蓄电池端电压依次进入A/D转换器,实现蓄电池组的电压巡检功能。



C17400铍铜制成的继电器簧片C17400铍铜制成的继电器簧片c1 74。C铍铜制成的继电器簧片
