2000字范文 > 私家车 private cars英语短句 例句大全

私家车 private cars英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-11 11:22:55


私家车 private cars英语短句 例句大全

私家车,private cars

1)private cars私家车

1.Research onprivate cars influence on residential space based on residents travel behavior: Taking Dalian as an example;基于居民通勤行为的私家车对居住空间影响研究——以大连市为例

2.The number ofprivate cars has increased and changed the traffic structure,which strengthens the space accessibility,thus,expands the range of residential space in the city.交通系统的发展是触发城市成长的诱导因素,私家车数量的增长改变了交通结构,增强了空间可达性,从而拓展了城市居住范围。

3.Aiming at the gap between the consumers consciousness of the environment protection and their actual deed, and with a view to setting up a harmonious market for greenprivate cars, this paper puts forwards relevant proposals to the governme.本文针对消费者环保意识与实际行动之间的差距,为建立和谐的绿色私家车市场,对政府、企业、社会提出相关建议。


1.multi-storey car/ lorry park私家车/货车多层停车场

2.a man paid to drive a privately owned car.雇用来开私家车的人。

3.A: More buses and trai mea le cars.更多的公共汽车和火车意味着私家车的减少。

4.The private car inspection scheme is carried out at 23 designated car-testing centres.私家车检验计划现于23个指定验车中心实施。

5.Another primary reason is that there seem to be too many private cars and not enough public buses.另一个主要原因是私家车过多而公交车不够。

6.In 1960 Peugeot changed from being a specialist to a generalist: the production of classic sedans and small models.1960年标志汽车从专业化走向多样化:生产小型轿车和经典私家车.

7.The popularity of private cars is changing the people"s life style.*私家车的普及正在改变着人们的生活方式。

8.The rear seat belt law currently applies only to private cars.现时法例只规定私家车后座须装设安全带。

9.A: And fewer cars mea le pollution and fewer traffic jams.私家车的减少意味着污染和交通堵塞的减少。

10.Research on Grey Model about Forecast and Control for Total Number of Private Cars;基于私家车保有量预测与调控的灰色模型研究

11.A Reflection on the Setting-up of a Harmonious Market for Green Private Cars;关于建立和谐的绿色私家车市场的思考

12.Trams have been supplied to entice them out of their cars.有轨电车已投入使用,意在引导人们减少使用私家车。

13.Car design and the designer s social responsibility--feel in current and local private car market;汽车设计与设计师的社会职责——私家车市场发展带来的思考

14.Moller foresees a future where skycars routinely zip around taxis or personal vehicles.莫勒遇见一个未来,那时飞天汽车在出租车或私家车周围呼啸而过会成为常事。

15.In my view, if people use private cars as less frequently as possible, air pollution will be reduced.*我认为,如果人们尽可能少地使用私家车,就会减少空气污染。

16.In our modern days, too many people depend on their cars to get to work or to drop off their children to school.在现代社会里,太多的人依赖私家车上班或者送孩子上学。

17.Sets up fittings limited company of the automobile triumphantly, it is a private enterprise.凯立汽车配件有限公司,是一家私营企业。

18."Electric automobile: Battery-powered motor vehicle, originating in the 1880s, electric cars were used for private passenger, truck, and Bus transportation in cities."电瓶车:由电池驱动的机动车,源于1880年代,用作私家轿车、卡车和城市中担任运输的公车。


private car私家车

1.The swift development ofprivate car meets with the requirements of people s traffic demand, but also arouses the negative externality.私家车的迅猛发展满足了人们的个性出行需求,但也引起了严重的负外部性问题。

2.With the growing popularity ofprivate cars, its colors gradually become the important basis of modern consumer purchase car.随着私家车的日益普及,其色彩逐渐成为现代消费者购车的重要依据,正凸现着其重要性。

3.with the rapid increasing of theprivate car .随着私家车的迅速增多,自驾游在我国蓬勃兴起,同时也出现一些问题,需要我们认真思考,找出对策。


4)Mass Car Ownership私家车普及

5)Private cars consumption私家车消费

6)amount of private cars私家车总量


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