2000字范文 > 符号系统 symbol system英语短句 例句大全

符号系统 symbol system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-20 13:57:15


符号系统 symbol system英语短句 例句大全

符号系统,symbol system

1)symbol system符号系统

1.It illuminated in the light of symbology principle that the folk dress of waterside villages of Southern Yangtze was not only daily consumer goods,but also asymbol system of folkcustom culture.采用了符号学的原理进行解析江南水乡民间服饰既是人们的日常生活用品,又是一种表现民俗文化的符号系统。

2.The televisionsymbol system including structure,color,material and brand symbol consumption were elaborated.分析了家用电视机中符号的能指与所指,通过对电视机外观符号系统中的结构符号、色彩与材质符号及品牌符号消费的系统研究,指出现代高清电视机会出现新的设计符号特征并日益被消费者理解接受,电视机品牌符号也将成为消费购买决策的关键所在。

3.This paper mainly diccussed the development of the vectorizedsymbol system of digital mapping, including its platform and technical characteristics.主要阐述了数字测图矢量化符号系统研制的原因、系统所采用的平台、系统技术特色以及在实验教学、科研中的应用,并对使用效果进行了介绍。


1.A system of characters or symbols representing sounds or things.符号系统用以表示声音、事物的字符或符号系统

2.the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech.语言符号系统的常规字符。

3.The Poetic Language in a Dynamic Sign System: A Semiotic Interpretation of in Chancery;动态符号系统中的诗性话语—《骑虎》的符号学解读

4.The Systemic Nature of Signs and the Meaning of Language: Contrastive Study Between the Semiotic System of Chinese and That of English;符号的系统性与语言的意义系统——汉英语言符号系统对比

5.Arbitrary Sign System and Natural Sign System: A Comparison of the Philosophy of Language between Saussure and Halliday;任意符号系统和自然符号系统——索绪尔与韩礼德语言哲学思想探索

6."Language is not a system of signs in the mechanical sense of the word", says Reul.勒尔说:“语言不是机械的单词符号系统。"

7.Language is a system of signs that express ideas.语音是一种表达观念的符号系统。

8.On the Features of the Ancient Bai Script;从书写符号系统看“古白文”的文字属性

9.The Existing Forms of Poems as a System of Image Signs;论作为意象符号系统的诗歌存在形态

10.a system of symbols and symbolic representations.符号和符号标示的系统。

11.he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet.他说空格是系统符号里最重要的字符。

12.a technical system of symbols used to represent special things.用符号表示特殊含义的技术系统。

13.automatic control-system certified核准的自动控制系统符号

14.Graphical symbols for piping systems--Piping accessoriesGB/T6567.3-1986管路系统的图形符号管件

15.navigational aids and bridge system导航设备及驾驶室系统符号

16.Graphical symbols for piping systems--PipingGB/T6567.2-1986管路系统的图形符号管路

17.Symbols for ships ventilation systemGB/T4299-1984船舶通风系统图形符号

18.Graphical symbols for piping systems--Basic principlesGB/T6567.1-1986管路系统的图形符号基本原则


symbolic system符号系统

1.Symbolic System of Furniture Design;家具造型设计符号系统初探

2.Ancient Chinese myths in different editions take on various forms, which is partly caused by the uniqueness of Chinesesymbolic system.中国上古神话存留在不同文本中呈现出不同的面貌,其部分原因在于汉字符号系统的独特性。

3.Only by regarding the works as the wholesymbolic system of metaphors can we analyze and explain the codes of the profound meaning in order to understand the “deep expression”and “peculiar style”.只有将作品当作整体性的隐喻象征符号系统,才有可能破解深藏的意义密码,把握其“表现的深切”与“格式的特别”。

3)semiotic system符号系统

1.Language as asemiotic system viewed from a functional perspective;语言符号系统的功能分析


5)system of symbols符号规则系统

1.Rational morphological analysis is based on the understanding of language as asystem of symbols and rules,and representative approaches include stemming approach and two-level morphological analysis.理性主义将词形分析建立在语言是一个符号规则系统基础的认识之上,代表性的方法有词干分析法和二层词法分析模型。

6)symbolic dynamics符号动力系统

1.In this paper, usingsymbolic dynamics, we study the continuity of the Hausdorff dimension of sub-self-similar sets introduced by K.应用符号动力系统 ,讨论了由Falconer定义的子自相似集的Hausdorff维数的连续性 ,得到了子自相似集的Hausdorff维数和盒维数的新公


