2000字范文 > 象征天皇制 Symbolic Emperor System英语短句 例句大全

象征天皇制 Symbolic Emperor System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-18 19:05:32


象征天皇制 Symbolic Emperor System英语短句 例句大全

象征天皇制,Symbolic Emperor System

1)Symbolic Emperor System象征天皇制

1.On the Establishment of the Japan sSymbolic Emperor System after WWII;论战后日本象征天皇制的确立


1.On the reasons of the establishment and Continuity of the Japan"s Symbolic Mikado System after the Second World War战后日本象征天皇制的确立及其存续的原因

2.A Study of the Substance and Its Modern Sense of the Post-war Symbolic Tennoism from the Thought of the Kingdom of God in Japan论日本战后象征天皇制的实质及其现代意义

3.a crown is emblematic of royalty; the spinning wheel was as symbolic of colonical Massachusetts as the codfish.王冠象征皇室;手纺车和鲟鱼是马萨诸塞的象征。

4.scales, the symBol of justice;天平,公平的象征;

5.Analysis on the Emergence and Development History of Japan Mikado and Japan Mikado Institution日本天皇和天皇制产生和发展历史探讨

6.The state eagle holds a golden scepter and a golden orb.鹰爪持象征皇权的金色权杖和金球。

7.This throne symbolized the supreme power of the feudal society.这个宝座是封建皇权的象征。

8.In Russia, the highest sign of recognition from the Crown meant a kiss from the Tsar himself.在俄国,得到皇室承认的最高象征就是沙皇本人给予的亲吻。

9.Phoenix Tree,Phoenix and Empress:Empress Historical-Cultural Symbol of Phoenix Tree and its Good Environmental Civilized Value梧桐·凤凰·女皇——梧桐的女皇历史文化象征及其生态文明价值

10.It was carved with a nine-dragon design, symbolizing the supreme power of the emperor.御座上刻着九条龙,象征着皇帝至高无上的权力。

11.Ceremony for Releasing Family Souls From Purgatory and Symbol Significance--Take the Dinghuang Village of Dahua County as an Example;家族超度仪式与象征意义——以大化县定皇屯为例

12.In China, dragon and phoenix symbolism is associated closely with the imperial family-- the emperor( dragon) and the empress( phoenix).在中国,龙凤长久以来一直是皇室的象征,龙代表了皇帝,而凤则代表了皇后。

13.The Constructing of Personality of Farmer s Image in Heaven Mother Earth;论《皇天后土》中农民形象主体人格的建构

14.Snow indicates the coming of winter.雪象征着冬天的来到。

15.The Mikado System in Modern Times--A Chief Criminal That Japan Had Taken External War of Aggression近代天皇制:日本发动对外战争的罪魁

16.The Tax System of China"s Feudal Imperial Autocracy:A Study of its Basis,Characteristics and Harms(2)中国皇权专制赋税制基础特征与危害研究(2)

17.The blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of justice.蒙着眼睛手执天平的形象象征着正义

18.The king is portrayed wearing the royal nemes headcloth, the royal beard and the double crown, symbolizing his rule over Upper and Lower Egypt.这个国王被刻画佩带皇家头巾、皇家胡子和双层冠帽,作为统治着上、下埃及的象征。


the symbol of imperial authority皇权象征


1.A Tentative Study of the JapaneseTennoism and Militarism from Ancient Times to Modern Time——Penetrating the Militaristic Nature ofTennoism from the Theocratic Thought;从日本神国思想看天皇制的军国主义之本质

4)Mikado system天皇制

1.retained theMikado system in Japan out of its own interest.战后 ,美国从切身利益出发 ,在实施对日占领过程中保留了天皇制。

5)the Mikado system天皇制

1.The reasons forthe Mikado system s existing and developing have many aspects,among these aspects,the Mikado and his household s closing to national,the ruling clique s safeguarding and strengthening the Mikado s authority,the national s worshiping the Mikado for a long time are the main factors.导致象征天皇制生存和发展的因素是多方面的 ,天皇和皇室努力与国民接近 ,统治集团极力维护和强化天皇权威 ,广大国民长期以来对天皇的崇仰感情是其中主要因素。

2.In the Meiji ages, along with the establishment of the absolute regime ofthe Mikado system all the social strata struggled for the redistributed rights.在明治时代 ,随着天皇制绝对主义政权的逐步确立 ,日本社会各阶层围绕着权利再分配的宪政问题 ,展开了激烈的斗争。

6)the contemporary Mikado system近代天皇制


