2000字范文 > 防烟排烟系统 smoke preventing and dispelling system英语短句 例句大全

防烟排烟系统 smoke preventing and dispelling system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-17 01:59:38


防烟排烟系统 smoke preventing and dispelling system英语短句 例句大全

防烟排烟系统,smoke preventing and dispelling system

1)smoke preventing and dispelling system防烟排烟系统

2)smoke control system防排烟系统

ments onsmoke control system design for underground railway stations;地铁车站防排烟系统设计刍议

2.Performance-based design ofsmoke control system in atria;中庭防排烟系统性能化设计

3.The performance-based design ofsmoke control system in atrium;中庭防排烟系统性能化设计探析


1.Discussion on Smoke Exhaust Rate in Smoke Control System for Atrium Buildings关于中庭建筑防排烟系统设计中排烟量的探讨

2.Analysis of Air-Flow Rate of Smoke Control and Extraction System in Superstore大型商场防排烟系统风量问题的分析

3.The Ventilation and Smoke Prevention and Exhaust System Design of a Certain Big Basement某地下大空间通风及防排烟系统设计


5.The Search to Properties of Fire Smoke Flow and Air Supplement and Mechanical Smoke Extraction Systems in Corridor of Building;建筑物走廊型通道中火灾烟气流动特性及其防排烟系统特征研究

6.Analysis and countermeasure of common questions in smoke management acceptance of high-rise civil building高层民用建筑防排烟系统审核验收中的常见问题分析及相应对策

7.Study on the Compound Hydraulic System of Fire Smoke Exhaust Robot消防排烟机器人复合式液压系统研究

8.The Research of Common Problems for Defend to Line up the Smoke Design in the Construct;建筑防排烟设计系统若干常见问题的分析研究

9.Discusses on Ventilation and Smoke Exhaust System Design for Civil Buildings民用建筑防排烟通风系统设计若干问题的探讨

10.Control and Design on Ventilation and Smoke Exhaust System for Civil Air Defense Underground Garages人防地下车库通风与排烟系统的控制和设计

11.Its water spray system protects the exhaust duct from catching fire,highly reducing fire hazard.自动循环水系统,能防止烟罩及排风管道着火,有防火功能.

12.smoke extraction system排烟系统井、 排烟风机和控制设备等组成

13.land drainage and flood path system土地排水及防洪道系统

14.High-rise residential ventilation and exhaust flue gas flow backward Road Analysis System高层住宅的通风与排烟道烟气倒灌系统的分析

15.Optimizing the Ventilation and Exhaust System of Underground Garage;地下车库通风与排烟系统的优化设计

16.Verification of continuous emissions monitoring system in thermal power plants火电厂烟气排放连续监测系统的检测

parison of Two Exhaust Systems of an Underground Garage地下车库排风排烟系统设计两种方案比较

18.Site Measurement of Extraction System of a Beijing Subway Station and Research on Optimal Extraction Mode北京某地铁车站通风排烟系统现场实测与最佳通风排烟模式研究


smoke control system防排烟系统

ments onsmoke control system design for underground railway stations;地铁车站防排烟系统设计刍议

2.Performance-based design ofsmoke control system in atria;中庭防排烟系统性能化设计

3.The performance-based design ofsmoke control system in atrium;中庭防排烟系统性能化设计探析

3)smoke control and extraction system防排烟系统

1.Presents the general situation of the project and the design characteristics of cold and heat sources,water system,ventilation system andsmoke control and extraction system.介绍了该工程的概况和空调冷热源、水系统、通风系统及防排烟系统设计特点。

2.Presents the design of air conditioning cold and heat sources,smoke control and extraction system and water system in the project.介绍了该工程的空调冷热源设计、防排烟系统设计和空调水系统设计,并结合大型商场设计的特点提出了应注意的问题。

4)exhaust and smoke control system防排烟系统

bined with works of Zhongyin Shimao Market cooling load index is introduced as well as design methods of cold/heat source,air treatment system,mechanical ventilation system,exhaust and smoke control system, energy saving and other system of air-conditioning.结合中茵世贸商城的工程概况,介绍了冷负荷指标,并对空调冷热源、空气处理系统、机械通风及防排烟系统、节能与自控等的设计过程进行了阐述,最后结合设计谈了几点体会,供类似工程参考借鉴。

2.Emphasises on the design thoughts and strategy in the air distribution, water system,exhaust and smoke control system and automatic control system.介绍了广东省公安指挥中心的空调系统设计 ,重点说明了气流组织、水系统、防排烟系统、自控系统等的设计思路和对策 ,根据使用效果总结了设计经

5)ventilatory system通风防排烟系统

6)Fire prevention and smoke extraction system防火排烟系统


烟蓟马蓟马科昆虫的1种,又称棉蓟马、葱蓟马。国内外广泛分布,为害棉、烟草等多种作物。雌虫体长 1.2毫米,淡棕色、触角第 1节色淡,第2、6~7节灰棕,第3~5节淡黄棕,但4、5节末端色较浓。翅淡黄。腹部第2~8节背片前缘有两端略细的栗棕色横条。头宽大于长。单眼间鬃较短,在前单眼之后,位于3个单眼中心连线之外缘。下颚须3节。触角7节,第3和4节有叉状感觉锥。前胸稍长于头,后角有2对长鬃。中胸腹片内叉骨有刺,后胸无。前翅前脉基鬃7或8根,端鬃4~6根,后脉鬃15或16根。腹部背片第5~8节两侧有微型弯梳,第8节后缘有梳,两侧缺。腹片无附属鬃。孤雌生殖,雄虫极罕见,国内尚未发现。年发生10余代,世代历期9~23天。每雌虫产卵十至数十粒。冬季无滞育,但可冬眠。葱、蒜常年受害,并成为棉田的重要虫源基地。成虫多在寄主上部嫩叶反面活动、取食和产卵。若虫多在叶脉两侧取食,造成银灰色斑纹。棉苗受害后,生长点枯死,继而有死苗,或形成"无头棉"、"多头棉",以致现蕾结铃迟、脱落多及晚熟,造成减产和品质下降。50年代,烟蓟马曾是中国棉苗主要害虫之一。后来由于推广了清除杂草、"三九一一"农药拌种及棉田中施药等综合措施,基本上控制了为害。气温在23~25℃,相对温度在44~70%条件下,对发生有利;久雨或暴雨、相对湿度在70%以上,对它不利,因而干旱地区或干旱年份和季节,常大量繁殖,形成灾害。
