2000字范文 > 消防报警 fire alarm英语短句 例句大全

消防报警 fire alarm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-04 04:26:50


消防报警 fire alarm英语短句 例句大全

消防报警,fire alarm

1)fire alarm消防报警

1.Design of City Fire Alarm System Based on Wireless Network;基于无线网络的城市消防报警系统的设计

2.This article simply analyzes the hazards and forms of lightning and specially introduces the characteristics of circuit and lightning protections of thefire alarm system.本文简要分析了雷电的形成及危害,重点介绍了消防报警系统的线路特点及防雷保护措施,提出消防报警设备应增强浪涌抑制能力,消防报警系统及建筑物应采取综合防雷保护措施。

3.This paper discusses mechanism of fiber bragg grating,fiber grating sensor and itsfire alarm temperature theory.详细论述了光纤布拉格光栅的传感机制和光纤光栅温度传感及其感温火灾报警工作原理,以及感温光纤光栅报警器在油库原油储罐消防报警中的应用。


1.ionic automatic smoke detector离子感应消防报警器

2.Carry out fire alarm system routine maintenance &test.按计划实施消防报警系统的日常测试。

3.A Wireless Fire Alarm and Localization System Based on ZigBee Technology;基于ZigBee技术的无线消防报警定位系统

4.The Use of MapObjects in Fire and Alarm SystemMapObjects在消防报警系统中的应用

5.The Research of the Simulation for Fire Alarm Network System Based on OPNET;基于OPNET的网络化消防报警系统仿真研究

6.Design and Implement on Fire Protection Alarm System Based on CAN Bus基于CAN总线的消防报警系统设计与实现

7.On the statistic and treatment of the control point in the fire alarm system谈消防报警系统控制点的统计及其处理

8.Reconstruction of Fire Fighting Alarm System for Transformation and Hydrogen Making Zone of Coke Oven Gas焦炉煤气变压制氢区域的消防报警系统改造

9.automatic fire department notification自动向消防部门报警

10.When firefighters answer a call,当消防员接到报警电话,

11.an ambulance/a fire-engine racing along with its sirens wailing响着警报器急驰而过的救护车[消防车

12.Three fire companies answered the alarm.听到警报后,3个消防队都来了。?

13.The Approach to Preventing and Clearing the False Distress Alerting of the GMDSS Facilities;GMDSS设备虚遇险报警防止及取消的探讨

14.Alarm calls were placed to central district police and fire units first.首先向市中心区警察当局和消防队发出警报。

15.The firemen sprang to their places when the alarm rang.警报器一响,消防队员跳到他们各自位置上。

16.FAS( Fire-fighting Automation System), includes automatic fire alarm system and sprinkler system.FAS 消防自动化系统,自动火灾报警、动喷淋系统。

17.Design on the Systemic Automatization of Hydrogen Alarm and Decreasing the Concentration of Hydrogen in Launch Center;发射场氢报警及氮消防系统自动化研制

18.Journal of the Chinese People"s Armed Police Force Academy and the Institutionalization(or Re-institutionalization) for the Discipline of the Fire Protection Engineering《武警学院学报》与中国消防学科的建制化


fire alerting消防报警

1.The Application of PLC infire alerting and manage system;PLC在消防报警及处理系统中的应用

3)fire alarm apparatus消防警报器

4)fire alarm system消防报警系统

1.On the statistic and treatment of the control point in thefire alarm system谈消防报警系统控制点的统计及其处理

2.For instance,the composition and characteristics of thefire alarm system designed for electric cable galleries of Three Gorges Shiplock from lock-head No.以三峡船闸二闸首至陈家冲变电所之间的电缆廊道火灾自动报警系统工程设计为例,分析了电缆火灾事故原因,探讨了电缆廊道消防报警系统的特点、组成以及设备维护的注意事项。

3.The improvedfire alarm system of the Shisanling Pumped Storage Power Plant is a concentrated alarm and locally distributed control system.十三陵蓄能电厂主变、机组消防报警系统采用现地分散控制、集中报警形式,当主变、机组出现火情后,由现地主机进行控制联动,并且通过对主消防报警系统NF-3消防主机进行软件修改,将机组、主变的火灾报警信号送入主消防报警系统。

5)fire alarm network消防报警网络

1.In order to realize the localization of wireless notes infire alarm network based on ZigBee standard,a localization method used the value of receive signal strength indicator(RSSI)to evaluate the targets location was researched and designed.为了在基于ZigBee标准的消防报警网络中实现对无线节点的定位,研究设计了一种使用接收信号强度指示(RSSI)值来估算目标位置的定位方法。

6)Fire Alarm Controller消防报警控制器

1.Design on theFire Alarm Controller Based on Embedded System;基于嵌入式系统的消防报警控制器的设计


城市消防城市消防 urban fire control【概念】为预防和减轻因火灾对城市造成损失而采取的各种预防和减灾措施。
