2000字范文 > 非碳负极材料 noncarbonaceous anode materials英语短句 例句大全

非碳负极材料 noncarbonaceous anode materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-24 06:53:33


非碳负极材料 noncarbonaceous anode materials英语短句 例句大全

非碳负极材料,noncarbonaceous anode materials

1)noncarbonaceous anode materials非碳负极材料

1.And the unconventional anode materials-noncarbonaceous anode materials was particularly reported.寻找性能更为优良的非碳负极材料仍然是锂离子电池研究的重要课题。


1.Development of Noncarbonaceous Anode Material of Li-ion Secondary Battery锂离子二次电池非碳负极材料的研究进展

2.Researches on the Application of Carbon Nanotubes for Negative Material of Ni/MH Battery;纳米碳管在镍氢电池负极材料中的应用研究

3.Reasearch on the Nano Composites of Graphite Materials锂离子电池纳米复合碳负极材料的研究

4.Research Progress in Si/C Composites as Anodes for Lithium-ion Batteries锂离子电池硅/碳复合负极材料的研究进展

5.Electrochemical performance of carbon nanotubes as anode materials for lithium ion battery锂离子电池碳纳米管负极材料储锂性能研究

6.Carbon hybrid as anode material for super lithium ion capacitor超级电容电池用碳类复合负极材料的研究

7.Nano-Sn/Hard Carbon Composite as Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries纳米锡/硬碳复合材料作为嵌锂负极的研究

8.CAW were firstly reported to be applied as a cathode of the lithium-ion secondary batteries in the dissertation.本文首次将碳原子线用作锂离子二次电池的负极材料。

9.Synthesis and Electrochemical Studies on High Capacity Si/C Composite Anodes for Lithium-ion Batteries;二次锂电池中高容量硅/碳复合负极材料的合成及电化学研究

10.Preparation and Investigation of Carbon-based and Tin-based Anode Materials for Li-ion Batteries碳基及锡基锂离子电池负极材料的制备及性能研究

11.Cycleability of Silicon/Carbon Composite for Lithium-Ion Batteries锂离子电池负极硅/碳复合材料循环稳定性的研究

12.Structure and electrochemical performance of nanostructured Fe_3O_4/CNTs composites as anodes for lithium ion batteries碳纳米管/Fe_3O_4纳米复合负极材料的制备与储锂性能研究

13.Preparation of Amorphous Carbon-coated Nano-scale SnO_2 and its Performance for Anode Material of Lithium Ion Secondary Battery碳包覆纳米SnO_2锂离子电池负极材料合成及其性能研究

14.The investigated anode materials include modified carbons,nitrides ,silicides ,oxides and novel alloys.研究的负极材料主要有:改性碳材料、氮化物、硅化物、氧化物和新型合金。

15.Linear and Nonlinear Responses in Double-negative and Single-negative Materials;双负材料与单负材料的线性和非线性响应

16.Carbon nanotube( CNT) is perfect material as field emission cathode.碳纳米管(NT)为理想的场发射阴极材料。

17.The Research on Preparation of Carbon Electrode Materials by Microwave Radiation for Supercapacitors;超级电容器碳电极材料微波制备研究

18.Synthesis of cathode material LiFePO_4/C with a carbon bath calcining process碳浴焙烧工艺合成LiFePO_4/C正极材料


carbon material used as anode负极碳材料

3)carbon negative electrode materials碳负极材料

1.Development ofcarbon negative electrode materials for lithium ion batteries;锂离子电池碳负极材料的研究进展

4)negative electrode materials负极材料

1.Research progress on novel non-carbonnegative electrode materials for lithium ion batteries;非碳类新型锂离子蓄电池负极材料研究进展

2.The methods for improving the properties of graphitenegative electrode materials in Li-ion battery;锂离子电池石墨负极材料的改性方法

3.Development of Li-ion batteries for military fields and itsnegative electrode materials;军用锂离子电池及负极材料研究进展

5)negative electrode material负极材料

1.Study of Co_3O_4 with doped PTFE asnegative electrode material;掺杂PTFE改性Co_3O_4负极材料的研究

2.The solid solution alloys showed easy activation behavior(to reach the maximum capacity within 3 cycles) and favorable rate dischargeability as anegative electrode material in Ni-MH batteries.4)Cr_x系列合金作为镍-氢化物电池负极材料具有良好的活化性能(3次循环可以达到最大放电容量)和倍率放电能力;由于Cr取代Mn抑制了合金中吸氢元素V充放电过程中在电解液中溶解,显著改善了此系列合金电极的循环寿命,20周循环后循环稳定性系数S20从6。

3.Polyacrylonitrile(PAN)-based carbon felt and nickelfoamor carbon felt with Ni or Co coat were used as positive andnegative electrode materials for the polysulfide/bromine battery(PSB).结果表明:泡沫镍及镀镍或钴的碳毡可做电池负极材料;充放电电流密度为30mA/cm2时,电池的能量效率约 80 %;电池循环性能较好。

6)anode material负极材料

1.Amorphous carbon nanotubes as newanode material for lithium ion batteries;非晶碳纳米管新型锂离子电池负极材料

2.Nano Sn-SnO-Znanode material synthesized by solid state reaction;固相反应法制备Sn-SnO-Zn纳米负极材料

3.Graphite wastes used asanode material for lithium ion batteries;石墨电极废料用作锂离子蓄电池负极材料


