2000字范文 > 标度因素 scale factor英语短句 例句大全

标度因素 scale factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-07 14:38:59


标度因素 scale factor英语短句 例句大全

标度因素,scale factor

1)scale factor标度因素

1.Under the condition of ascale factor of 9.测试结果表明:有用信号和正交信号实现很好的相位解耦,互不影响;在满量程±300(°)/s、标度因素9。

2)factor index因素指标

1.The establishment of influentialfactor indexes of cascade profit of mining resources;级差矿利影响因素指标量化的确定

2.Based on analyzing the present methods of drawing up the correction coefficient system of base land price,this paper brings up the principles of selecting the factors which influences the land price,and the methods of dividing thefactor index and deciding the correction coefficients.在对现行基准地价修正体系编制方法分析的基础上 ,提出了因素的选择原则和因素指标分段及修正系数的确定方


1.Problems in Index System of Farmland Evaluation;农用地评价因素指标确定的若干问题

2.Empircial Study on Performance Evaluation of Single Index单因素指标评估投资业绩的实证研究

3.A Method and Application to Multi-objective Decision Based on Multi-factors Indexes基于多因素指标的多目标决策模型方法及应用

4.An Analysis of Two Three-factor Total Index Systems;两种三因素总量指标指数体系的分析

5.The Exponent of Factor 7 in the Standard Factorization of Fibonacci Number;Fibonacci数的标准分解式中素因子7的指数

6.Quality optimization of the multi-factor and multi-index product;多因素多指标产品的质量优化(英文)

7.Research on Evaluation Indices System for Risk Investment Project;考虑风险因素设计项目评估决策指标

8.Factors and the Evaluation Framework of the Success of Supply Chain Management;供应链管理影响因素及评价指标分析

9.Discuss Power Factor as the Important Quota of Computers;功率因素作为计算机重要指标的探讨

10.The Political Factors Affecting Social Stability and Its Evaluation Standards;影响社会稳定的政治因素及评估指标

11.A Comparative Study of Tourism Targets of Western Regions;西部各地旅游业指标因素之比较分析

12.Factors Affecting the Quality of Working Life and Its Evaluation System;工作生活质量的影响因素及评价指标

13.Drawing Curve of a Independent Variable and the Same Behavior of Different Object by EXCEL用EXCEL绘制多对象的因素——指标关系曲线

14.Influence factors and control indexes of highway roadbed compaction公路路基压实影响因素及其控制指标

15.Target & Index System - Basics of Factor Analytical Theory;指标体系和指数体系是因素分析法的理论基础

16.Both elements are signs of increasing globalization, it said.报告指出,这两大因素标志着全球化的不断加速。

17.Results: The accuracy of the statistical index need to improve.结果:人为因素影响医疗质量指标准确性。

18.Preliminary study on the value indexes of tartar stabilization of wine and the affecting factors葡萄酒酒石稳定评判指标及其影响因素初探


factor index因素指标

1.The establishment of influentialfactor indexes of cascade profit of mining resources;级差矿利影响因素指标量化的确定

2.Based on analyzing the present methods of drawing up the correction coefficient system of base land price,this paper brings up the principles of selecting the factors which influences the land price,and the methods of dividing thefactor index and deciding the correction coefficients.在对现行基准地价修正体系编制方法分析的基础上 ,提出了因素的选择原则和因素指标分段及修正系数的确定方

3)bidding factor投标因素

4)Targeting System目标因素

5)the successful bid factor中标因素

6)indicative factor标示因素


