2000字范文 > 主机房 main computer room英语短句 例句大全

主机房 main computer room英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-13 16:42:55


主机房 main computer room英语短句 例句大全

主机房,main computer room

1)main computer room主机房

1.Taking the lightning protection grounding system design and practice in Guangxi libraries\"main computer room for example,this paper gives us introduction about the utilization of lightning-protecting technology in library.图书馆主机房是图书馆信息资源存储和利用的核心地带,一旦遭遇雷击,不仅会造成设备的损坏,还会因图书馆自建资源丢失而造成无法估算的损失,因此主机房的防雷保护工作十分重要。


1.Design and Implementation on Lightning Protection and Grounding System of Main Computer Room in Library图书馆主机房防雷接地系统的设计和实施

2.Discussion on Main Building Layout of 1000MW Ultra Super Critical Unit1000MW超超临界机组主厂房布置格局探讨

3.The move is an attempt to curb the rise in house prices and speculation in the property market.这一举措主要是为了控制房价的上涨和房地产市场的投机行为。

4.Structural Design & Study of Non-conventional Unit Piers in the Underground Powerhouse of Paunglaung Hydropower Station in Myanmar缅甸邦朗水电站主厂房异形机墩结构设计研究

5.Control methods of the construction in main workshop of turbogenerator plant;汽轮发电机主厂房土建施工重点的控制方法

6.CA-MAS Based Hybrid Simulating Model for Housing Choices;基于元胞自动机和多智能主体的房屋选择模型

7.Rebuild Main Workshop Building for 180m~2 Sintering Machine of No.1 Sintering Workshop in Iron-making Plant包钢炼铁厂一烧车间180m~2烧结机主厂房改造

8.Discussion on layout of temperature slots of the main power building longitudinal frame with 1000MW units1000MW机组主厂房结构纵向温度伸缩缝设置的探讨

9.Main Building Arrangement of Guodian Huozhou Supercritical Air-cooling Unites国电霍州超临界空冷机组工程主厂房布置

10.Research on Temperature Control Scheme of Foundation Slab for Powerhouse of Small-scale Hydropower Plant小型水电站厂房主机间底板温控方案研究

11.The owner seemed to be weakening about his price, so, thrusting home our advantage, we mentioned again the faults in the house and offered a lower price.房主要价的口气似乎有些软,我们趁此机会再次指出房子的毛病,将价压了下来。

12.Effects of Autonomic Nerves System on Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Originating from the Pulmonary Veins;自主神经在起源于肺静脉的阵发性房颤机制中的作用

13.An Exploration and Reflection on Problems in Computer-Aided Autonomous Learning of Non-English Major College Students;非英语专业大学生机房自主学习中的问题探究及反思

14.Factors of Real Estate Prices Changed and Power Mechanism on the Nonequilibrium State;非均衡条件下房地产价格变化的主要因素及动力机制

15.A Research about the Incentives Mechanism between the Main Body of Regulation Which Based on Game Theory基于博弈分析的房地产市场规制主体激励机制研究

16.Finite Element Analysis for the Mechanical Performance of the Support Joint of Flight Hanger Building in Airbus A320空客A320总装线机库厂房主桁架支座节点受力性能有限元分析

17.Brief analysis of influence of post-poured strips on thermal stresses in concrete main power building for 600MW unit后浇带对600MW机组混凝土主厂房温度应力影响浅析

18.Current Main Problems and Present Research on Interflow Unit Hydroelectric Station Structure Vibration当前混流式机组水电站厂房结构振动的主要问题和研究现状


main machine hall主厂房,主机房

3)master control computer room主控机房

1.This paper analyzes the unstabilizing factors existing in the computer room,and advances some effective measures for ensuring the secure and stable operation of network system ofmaster control computer room in library.分析了机房内存在的不稳定因素,提出了确保图书馆主控机房网络系统安全稳定运行的有效措施。


5)machine hall[发电站]主机室,机房

6)main structure of pulverizer workshop粉碎机车间主厂房


主机1.在成套动力设备中起主要作用的机器。 2.即长机。率领和指挥机群或僚机执行任务的飞机。
