2000字范文 > 凉山彝族自治州 Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan英语短句 例句大全

凉山彝族自治州 Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-11 15:34:50


凉山彝族自治州 Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan英语短句 例句大全

凉山彝族自治州,Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan

1)Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan凉山彝族自治州

1.Study in population change of ethnic minority ofYi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan;凉山彝族自治州少数民族人口变化研究


1.On the educational development of Yi minority in Liangshan autonomous region浅析凉山彝族自治州彝族教育发展历史与现状

2.Study in population change of ethnic minority of Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan;凉山彝族自治州少数民族人口变化研究

3.Research and Analysis on Minor Crimes in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture凉山彝族自治州未成年人犯罪的调查与分析

4.This thesis takes the Black Yi in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture as main object of study.本文以凉山彝族自治州布拖县黑彝为主要研究对象。

5.Promotion of sustainable development of tourist commodity in multi-national area on the Experience-traveling-Take the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture as the example;以体验式旅游促进民族地区旅游商品可持续发展——以凉山彝族自治州为例

6.Investigation on Current Condition of Physical Activity for Minority Region Countryside in Sichuan Province--Take Liangshan Autonomy State as an Example;四川少数民族地区农民体育现状调查及对策研究——以凉山彝族自治州为例

7.Quantitative Analysis Method for Divising Ecological Economy of Zoology and its Application;林业生态经济分区的定量分析方法及其应用——以凉山彝族自治州为例

8.On the Factors Influencing the Construction of the Rule of Laws in the National Minority Region;论影响民族地区法治建设的因素——以四川凉山州彝族自治州为例

9.The Characteristic and Influence of a Clan for Yi People in Liangshan of Sichuan and Weining of Guizhou;四川凉山和贵州威宁彝族家支特征及影响

10.The Three-color Art of the Liang Shan yi Nationality --A study of the folk colors of the Liang Shan yi Nationality;凉山彝族的三色艺术——试论凉山彝族民间色彩

11.The Study of the Impact of Lineage Concept on Liangshan Yi Nationality"s Village-Level Governance“家支”观念对凉山彝族村级治理的影响研究

12.On the Autonomous Ordinance of Honghe Hani & Yi Nationality Autonomy Prefecture;略论《红河哈尼族彝族自治州自治条例》的修订

13.Living Fossils of National Art--Finery of Yi Nation of Liangshan;民族艺术的活化石——凉山彝族服饰探析

14.Analysis of the Roof Greening Characteristics in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture红河哈尼族彝族自治州屋顶绿化的特色

15.Symbolic Explanations of Yi Ethnic Migaha Ritual彝族民间“咪嘎哈”仪式象征解读——以峨山彝族自治县塔甸村为个案

16.Bai Yi s Social and Legal Position in Liangshan Yi People s Traditional Society;凉山彝族传统社会“白彝”的社会地位与法律地位

17.Study and Compare the Yi and Han Students Learning Strategies in Middle Schools of Chuxiong Yi Nationality Autonomy Prefecture;楚雄彝族自治州彝汉初中学生学习策略的比较研究

18.Cultural Implication of Male Hair Style “Heaven Buddha” of Yi Minority in Liangshan凉山彝族男子发髻“天菩萨”的文化内涵


Liangshan Yi Autonomous Region凉山彝族自治区

3)Museum of Yi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture of Liangshan,Sichuan四川省凉山彝族自治州博物馆

4)Yi people in Liangshan凉山彝族

1.On the Outflow of Ethnic Minority Women with Structural Functionalism:A Case Study on Yi People in Liangshan;结构功能视角中的少数民族妇女外流——以凉山彝族为例

2.On the Outflow of Ethnic Minority Women in the Process of Urbanization:A Case Study on Yi People in Liangshan试论城市化进程中的少数民族妇女外流——以凉山彝族为例

3.Basic education ofYi people in Liangshan area is weak which has reasons in history and reality.凉山彝族地区的基础教育薄弱 ,既有历史原因 ,又有现实原因。

5)Yi nationality of Liangshan凉山彝族

1.R China in last fifty years, the dance creation aboutYi nationality of Liangshan, without doubt, is very worthy to be noted .本文主要以历史与逻辑相结合的研究方法,对建国初期50年代至20世纪末凉山彝族创作舞蹈的时代特性进行一个纵向历时的脉络梳理,并对其成因进行分析与研究。

6)Chuxiong Yi Minority Autonomous Prefecture楚雄彝族自治州

1.A Research on Local Ethnic Minority Education s Legislation: Case Study of Ethnic Educational Item ofChuxiong Yi Minority Autonomous Prefecture;我国地方少数民族教育立法研究——以《楚雄彝族自治州民族教育条例》为个案


