2000字范文 > 凉山州 Liangshan prefecture英语短句 例句大全

凉山州 Liangshan prefecture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-18 01:14:39


凉山州 Liangshan prefecture英语短句 例句大全

凉山州,Liangshan prefecture

1)Liangshan prefecture凉山州

1.Studies on the Occurrence Situation of Tomicus piniperda L. and It s Preventive Measures in Liangshan Prefecture;凉山州纵坑切梢小蠹虫发生情况及防治对策研究

2.Development of Agricultural Information in Liangshan Prefecture;凉山州农业信息化建设思路分析

3.Approaches to "Turn Farmlands into Forests" in Liangshan Prefecture;凉山州退耕还林对策研究


1.The Research of Development Environment and Strategy of Tourism in Liangshan Prefecture;凉山州旅游业发展的环境与策略研究

2.An Advantage in Developing Apricot Industry and Its Regional Division in Liangshan;凉山州杏果产业发展优势与区域规划

3.The Thought on Prompting Industrialization Development of High Quality Rice in Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture;加快凉山州优质稻产业化发展的思考

4.The Formation, Present Condition and Development of the Bitter Buckwheat Industry of LiangShan;凉山州苦荞麦产业的形成、现状与发展

5.Status Quo of Leguminous Crops Production in Liangshan Prefecture and Development Measures;凉山州豆类作物生产现状及发展对策


7.Pressure Analysis of the Referee"s Spot Sanctions in Liangshan Basketball Game凉山州篮球裁判员临场执裁压力分析

8.Er-su Tibetans" Divination in the North Part of Liang Shan Area凉山州北部地区尔苏藏族的卦术研究

9.The Modest Proposal on the Exploiting Conditions and Development Countermeasures of Luoji Mountain’s Tourism Economy in Liangshan;凉山州螺髻山旅游经济开发条件、发展对策刍议

10.Characteristic and Ecological Conservation of FarmlandResources in Liangshan Canton凉山州耕地资源的利用特征与生态保护

11.Study and Proposals on the Poverty of Xide County;四川省凉山州喜德县贫困探究及对策建议

12.Survey on Converting Farmland back to Forest or Pasture s Influence on the Income of Peasant in Liangshan State;退耕还林对凉山州农民收入影响的调查

13.Investigation and Analysis on the Teachers Troop of the Basic Education of Liangshan Prefecture;凉山州基础教育教师队伍现状调查与问题分析

14.On the Teachers Troop Construction of the Occupation Education in Liangshan Prefecture;大力加强凉山州职业教育的师资队伍建设

15.The Existent Problems and the Development Counterplans of Liangshan s Feed Industry;凉山州饲料工业存在的问题及发展对策

16.Pondering and Advices of Development on Present Status of Potato Production in Liangshan;凉山州马铃薯产业现状的思考及发展建议

17.Status Quo of Potato Production in Liangshan Prefecture and Its Development Measures;凉山州马铃薯产业现状及发展对策浅析

18.Measure Economy Model Analysis of Liangshan State in Panxi Area;攀西地区凉山州经济发展的计量模型分析



1.A Preliminary Study on the Sustainable Development of Silkraising Industry inLiangshan;浅议凉山州蚕业的可持续发展

2.The Investigation on Animal Production inLiangshan;凉山州畜牧业生产调查报告

3.Present Situation And Countermeasures of Soil Erosion inLiangshan;凉山州水土流失治理现状及对策

3)Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture凉山州

1.Ore-forming Geological Conditions and Prospecting Potential for Pb-Zn Deposits inLiangshan Autonomous Prefecture,Sichuan Province;四川省凉山州铅锌矿成矿地质条件及找矿前景分析

2.Geological Features and Prospecting Potential for High-grade Fe Ores inLiangshan Autonomous Prefecture,Sichuan;四川凉山州富铁矿地质特征与找矿前景分析

3.Based on the records of rice yield and experimental data in many years forLiangshan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province,a systematic analysis was made of the critical period of low temperature in mid-summer for rice crops and the quantitative indexes.利用凉山州水稻社会产量和多年地理分期播种试验资料,较为详细地分析了盛夏低温对水稻产量影响的关键时期和定量指标。

4)Enterprise in Liangshan Prefecture凉山州企业

5)LiangShan of Sichuan四川省凉山州

1.LiangShan of Sichuan is a widespread area of bitter buckwheat distributing and planting in china; The bitter buckwheat of LiangShan implies the abundant nourishment with care the function composition, its medicine to use the value, nourishment value more and more quilt people good raw material for pay attention, is developping producing Health care food, medicine producting, cosmetics.四川省凉山州是中国苦荞麦分布最集中,种植面积最大的产区;凉山苦荞麦含有丰富的营养和保健功能成分,其药用价值、营养价值越来越被人们所重视,是开发生产保健食品、医药制品、化妆品的优良原料。

6)Distribution and Yield in Liangshan Prefecture凉山州分布产量


