2000字范文 > 法律维权 rights protection by law英语短句 例句大全

法律维权 rights protection by law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-17 07:31:15


法律维权 rights protection by law英语短句 例句大全

法律维权,rights protection by law

1)rights protection by law法律维权

2)legal right法律权利

1.Meta rules which have the properties of justice,steadiness,effect and operationalness can not necessarily transform thelegal right to actual right.但是符合这些要求的元规则仍然无法保证法律权利转化为人们实际拥有的实然权利。

2.Once interest is selected and confirmed as a legal interest, it will become alegal right.利益一旦被选择和确认为法律利益 ,它就成为法律权利。


1.of or relating to law or to legal rights and obligations.有关法律或法律权利和义务的。

2.Regional Forum on Women"s Legal and Human Rights in Africa非洲妇女的法律权利和人权区域论坛

3.The legal right is a key component in the right system.法律权利是权利体系中的核心组成部分。

4.Information Rights:the Interaction and Meaning of Information Ethic Rights and Information Legislation信息权利:伦理与法律权利的互动及其意义

5.right to the process of la按法律程序审判的权利

6.indefeasible right法律上不可取消的权利

7.Interests,Rights and Law--On Women s Law by Four Mechanisms;利益·权利·法律——从四大机制看妇女法

8.Lawyers" Committee for Civil Rights under Law律师促进法律规定的公民权利委员会

9.Research into the Legal Problems of Patentee s Carrying out the Rights of Patent Technology;专利权人实施专利技术权利的法律问题研究

10.China has three laws governing the protection of intellectual property, which are: Trademark Law of P.R.C.; Copyright Law of P. R.C.; Patent Law of P.中国知识产权法律三大法:《商标法》、《版权法》《专利法》。

11.The right to privacy is a kind of congenital right protected by law.隐私权是受法律保护的一种天赋权利。

12.A Study on Intellectual Property Rights Abuse and Its Legal Regulation;知识产权权利滥用及其法律规制研究

13.The Law Division by the Rights and Power Theory;以“权利权力”为界对法律进行的划分

14.Right Conflict and the Law Boundary of the Consumer s Right to Know;权利冲突与消费者知情权的法律边界

15.A Study on Legal Rights and Contract Rights of Seaman;船员法定权利与合同权利的法律问题研究

ments on The Right-Right Jurisprudence--“The law sort theory” pattern construction;权利-权利法理学论纲——“法律的一般理论”模式建构

17.Research on Regulating Abuse of Patent in Patent Licensing by Law专利许可中权利滥用的法律规制研究

18.Civil Rights in Public Law and the Return of Legal Characteristics of the Constitution;主体公法权利与宪法法律特性的回归


legal right法律权利

1.Meta rules which have the properties of justice,steadiness,effect and operationalness can not necessarily transform thelegal right to actual right.但是符合这些要求的元规则仍然无法保证法律权利转化为人们实际拥有的实然权利。

2.Once interest is selected and confirmed as a legal interest, it will become alegal right.利益一旦被选择和确认为法律利益 ,它就成为法律权利。

3)Authority of Law法律权威

1.The view of authority of law is the important content of Deng Xiaoping s thought on rule-by-law.法律权威观是邓小平法治思想的重要内容。

2.The prerequisite of achieving it is that authority of law is founded.但在实践中法律的权威性并没有真正树立起来,因此,探讨树立法律权威有它的必要性。

3.The content and requirement of authority of law consist in paramountcy, supreme sacredness, utmost valuableness and complete faith.法律至上、法律至圣、法律至贵、法律至信共同构成法律权威的内容和要求。

4)legal rights法律权利

1.Thoughts onlegal rights;关于法律权利的若干思考

2.Definition of freedom of the press——As an interpretation oflegal rights新闻自由界说——作为一种法律权利的阐释

3.It distincted betweenlegal rights and moral rights,begging and professional beggars.本文对学界关于"乞讨权"争论之主要焦点进行了整理归纳,在区分法律权利和道德权利、生存乞讨和职业乞讨的前提下,从社会分工、社会契约和无知之幕三个角度论证了"乞讨权"作为道德权利的正当性基础,并对"乞讨权"作为一项法律权利进行了实证分析。

5)law authority法律权威

1.Right standard is the political base for law control;law authority, the concept base; and interest adjustment, the social base.权利本位是法律控制的政治基础,法律权威是法律控制的观念基础,利益调节是法律控制的社会基础。

6)legal authority法律权威

1.This article showsthat if we want to push forward managing by law effectively,we must put our back to maintaining thelegal authority.要有效推进依法治理,必须在维护法律权威上下功夫。

2.Setting up thelegal authority is the necessary basic requirement for any states establishing a society of legal system.树立法律权威是任何国家建立法治社会必备的基本要求。

3.The establishment of socialismlegal authority is an important legal system thought in Dengxiaoping s theory.树立社会主义法律权威是邓小平理论中的一个重要法制思想 ,随着我国市场经济的逐步建立和法制的逐步健全 ,树立法律权威日益显得迫切和重要。


