2000字范文 > 权利保护 Right protection英语短句 例句大全

权利保护 Right protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-29 16:52:38


权利保护 Right protection英语短句 例句大全

权利保护,Right protection

1)Right protection权利保护

1.Philosophical Reflections on the Right Protection of Disadvantaged Group People in Transition;转型期弱势群体权利保护的哲学思考

2.In order to search the criminal victim s right protection,on the basis of comparative method and victims compensation system,it is necessary to construct a set of criminal victim compensation system,such as the compensation object,the condition,the scope,the amount,the capital source,the compensation way,rules of organization as well as the procedure and so on.为了探析刑事被害人的权利保护,运用比较研究的方法,在阐述刑事被害人国家补偿制度基本理论的基础上,研究了建立被害人国家补偿制度的必要性及立法构想。

3.At present,China s criminal victim right protection has been improved greatly.目前,我国刑事被害人的权利保护状况已得到了很大的改善,然而,在执法实践中公安司法机关对被害人权利的保护仍存有许多缺陷,包括立案、侦查直至审判、执行等诉讼环节都还有系列需改进之处。


1.The Constitutional Protection of Private Property;从宪法权利保护模式看私有财产权的宪法保护

2.Rights Protection and Benefits Being Balanced --Study on Spouse Right to Know and Privacy;权利保护和利益平衡——论配偶知情权与隐私权

3.On Copyrighters Moral Right Protection in Cyberspace;论网络环境下版权人的精神权利保护

4.User Rights Protection Under the DRM Technology;数字版权管理技术下的用户权利保护

5.Right Protection in the Use of College and University Academic Archives;高校学术档案利用过程中的权利保护

6.the liBerties protected By the Bill of Rights.受《人权法案》保护的权利

7.The rights of children have been effectively protected.儿童权利得到有效保护。

8.Chapter VII Protection of Patent Right第七章 专利权的保护

9.Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention维护社会保障权利公约

10.Section 3 Term of Protection of Rights第三节 权利的保护期

11.IV. Protection of the Rights of Women and Children四、妇女、儿童权利的保护

12.remedy of amparo要求保护(行使)宪法权利

13.to protect citizens" right of the person, democratic rights, and other rights; to maintain social and economic order;保护公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利,

14.Part IV: Protection and prohibition of creditor"s rights.第四部分:对债权人权利的保护与限制。

15.The right to privacy is a kind of congenital right protected by law.隐私权是受法律保护的一种天赋权利。

16.Property Protection on Which Having No Right to Punish Involves the Third Person s Benifits;无权处分所涉第三人利益的物权保护

17.A Study on Authorized Reservation for the Computer Software Copyright and Patent Right;探讨计算机软件著作权和专利权保护

mercial Rights of Personality ──Commercial Usage and Protection of Rights of Personality;商事人格权──人格权的商业利用与保护


rights protection权利保护

1.On highlighting and strengthening therights protection of social disadvantaged masses;关于重视和加强社会弱势群体权利保护的思考

2.In law-of-rule society,rights protection is the basis elements.法治社会中,权利保护是基本内容,权利主体依法追逐自身权利的行为既合法,也有助于社会发展和进步。

3.In law-of-rule society,rights protection is the basis elements.法治社会中,权利保护是基本内容,权利主体依法追逐自身权利的行为是合法的,而且有助于社会发展和进步。

3)protection of right权利保护

4)protection of rights权利保护

5)protection of right权利的保护

6)right to seek protection权利保护请求权

1.According to its original meaning, this kind of suit only exits in substantial law, so it is irrational to classify the kinds of suits in light of the kinds of substantial rights strictly, and the abandonment ofright to seek protection doctrine make the corresponding suit for change of change right lost its existence base.诉讼类型"三分说"将诉讼类型与实体权利一一对应的分类方法是不合理的,权利保护请求权说的废弃则使与形成权相对应的形成之诉失去了存在的基础。


