2000字范文 > 职教理念 vocational educational ideas英语短句 例句大全

职教理念 vocational educational ideas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-12 21:30:59


职教理念 vocational educational ideas英语短句 例句大全

职教理念,vocational educational ideas

1)vocational educational ideas职教理念

1.Huang Yan-pei svocational educational ideas of the combinatorial use of hands and brain, and, in combination with the current school-running aim, educational aims and educational principles of Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology(NIIT), systematically expounds NIIT s carrying -on, development and deepening of Mr.深入挖掘了黄炎培职教理念"手脑并用"的丰富内涵,结合当前南京工业职业技术学院的办学宗旨、教育目标与教育原则,系统阐述了南京工业职业技术学院对黄炎培"手脑并用"职教理念的贯彻、发展和深化,总结了由此取得的成绩。

2)vocational education concept职业教育理念

1.This paper expounds the similarity of enterprise management concept andvocational education concept,and introduces the concrete practice of enterprise management concept in the work of class adviser.论述了企业管理的理念与职业教育理念的共性,介绍了企业管理理念在班主任工作中的具体实践。


1.On the Concept and Practice of Vocational Education in America Based on the New Vocationlism;论美国基于新职业主义的职业教育理念及实践

2.Shaping the Future--the New Ideas of Australian Vocational Education;形成未来——澳大利亚职业教育理念解读

3.Inspiration Drawn from Australian Model for Vocational Education澳大利亚职业教育理念的借鉴与启发

4.On Vocational Education Theory of Teaching Factory in Singapore Nanyang Technological University;浅析南洋理工学院“教学工厂”职业教育理念

5.The Analysis of Vocational Education Adjustment under the Life-long Education Background;终身教育理念下职业教育的人文走向

6.Establish the Education Theory of Global View in the Vocational Education;在职业教育中确立全球观的教育理念

7.The new idea of management and the management of higher vocational education;管理新理念与高等职业技术教育管理

8.Discussion on Higher Vocational Education Teaching Reform under the Concept of Entrepreneurial Education;创业教育理念下的高职教学改革探析

9.Innovation in Education Absolute IdeaTeacher s Basic Professional Morality;教育理念创新:教师基本的职业道德

10.Starting business is best equal to getting jobs-- An innovative concept in the urgent need of higher vocational education;实施创业教育 树立高职就业新理念

11.On the Idea of Running School and Talents of Higher Vocational Education;论高等职业教育的办学理念与人才理念

12.Stick to Perfection of Human-oriented Teaching Construct Vocational Education class;秉乘以人为本理念 建设职业教育课堂

13.The Idea of Vocational and Technical Education Change during Social Transformation;社会转型期职业技术教育变革的理念

14.New Concept Should be Set up for Professional Skills Education Under the New Situation;新形势下职业技术教育应树立新理念

15.Career Ideas in Dewey"s Educational Thoughts杜威教育思想中的“职业生涯”理念

16.Construct and Hold the Idea: Colleges Serve to the Profession Requirement;树立就业教育理念构建高职教育新模式

17.The Idea of Lifelong Education Carried Out by Australia"s TAFE Institutes Concerning Vocational Education澳大利亚TAFE学院职业教育的终身教育理念

18.Research on the Initial Education of Physical Education Teachers--Comparative Research on the Special Education with the Professional Education体育教师职前教育理念浅析——“专项化教育”与“专业化教育”的比较研究


vocational education concept职业教育理念

1.This paper expounds the similarity of enterprise management concept andvocational education concept,and introduces the concrete practice of enterprise management concept in the work of class adviser.论述了企业管理的理念与职业教育理念的共性,介绍了企业管理理念在班主任工作中的具体实践。

3)higher vocational education idea高职教育理念

4)vocational and technical educational ideas职业技术教育理念

5)concept of career development education职业发展教育理念

1.The inadequate understanding of theconcept of career development education is one of the fundamental factors causing the difficult employment situation among college graduates.我国职业发展教育理念的缺失或忽视,是导致当前大学生就业难的根本内因之一;职业发展教育的主要特征是全程化、全员化、专业化;旨在为人的持续发展服务的现代职业教育应贯穿于从幼儿至成人的整个教育过程。

6)the core idea of teachers" professional ethics教师职业道德核心理念


善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of goods卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。
