2000字范文 > 潜能激发 potential stimulating英语短句 例句大全

潜能激发 potential stimulating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-30 05:00:55


潜能激发 potential stimulating英语短句 例句大全

潜能激发,potential stimulating

1)potential stimulating潜能激发


1.Motivating Learning Potential of Gifted Students in Regular Classes;普通班级中超常学生的学习潜能激发

2.Practice of Construction of Higher Vocational School Classes for Potential Stimulating;以潜能激发为抓手的高职班集体建设实践

3.who can develop the capabilities of each student.是一个能激发每个学生 潜能的导师.

4.An instructor who develops the capabilities of each student.激发每个学生潜能的导师

5.How to Inspire Students" Potentiality in Aid of Multimedia借助多媒体技术激发学生学习的潜能

6.Building Good Campus Innovation Environment,and Bringing Students Innovative Potentials into Active Play;构建校园创新环境,激发学生创新潜能

7.Constructing Incentive Mechanism,Stimulating Employee′s Potential;企业激励机制的建立与员工潜能的激发

8.Responsibility can inspire a person"s potential and waken conscience as well.责任能激发人的潜能,也能唤醒人的良知。

9.From Fuzhou merchant: Foster the DIY ability Stimulation creation potential福州商之口:培养动手能力 激发创造潜能

10.Use Artful Impelling Mechanism Exploring Human Resources Potential to Promote Business Development;巧用激励机制 发掘人力资源潜能 促进企业发展

11.On how to motivate the students potentiality in P.E teaching;论在体育教学中如何激发学生的思维潜能

12.Potential Enlightening to the Students in the Little Teacher Cultivating Mode“小老师”培养模式对学生潜能的激发作用

13.Inherent capacity for growth, development, or coming into existence.潜力,潜能成长、发展或形成的潜在能力

14.Believing in people before they have proved themselves is the key to motivating people to reach their potential.在别人证明自己之前,你就先信任他,这是激励他发挥潜能的关键。

15.Laser printers may emit high levels of potentially hazardous particles, according to a new study.根据最新研究报告,激光打印机可能发射出高标准潜在的有害粒子。

16.Seek the personal potentiality, activate the creativity of team, set up the idea for taking the lead, and overcome the framed formula of thinking.发掘个人潜能、激活团队创造力、树立敢为人先的理念,克服思维定式。

17.Efficient Excitation System, A Important Ensurance of Taking Advantages of Talent Potential for Enterprises;有效的激励机制是企业发挥人才潜能的重要保障

18.New Experiements about Introducing Musical Means into the Teaching of College Chinese;挖掘潜能 激发活力 提升功效——将音乐手段引入《大学语文》教学新尝试


inspiring potential激发潜能

3)motivation potential激励潜能

1.The paper analyzes job burnout from the perspective of interaction among jobmotivation potential,job characteristics and job burnout.从工作激励潜能、工作特性及其与个体变量的交互作用的角度来分析工作倦怠,结果表明:激励潜能对工作怠慢有着预测作用,从工作本身中所获得的激励潜能越大,则工作怠慢程度越低,并且与性别、工作年限、婚姻存在着交互作用;此外,性别变量与工作完整性有着交互作用。

4)Developmental potential发育潜能

1.Objective To detect the gene expression level of mitochondrial genome in single human oocyte or embryo,and to explore the relationship between the gene expression level of mtDNA and oocyte developmental potential.目的检测人卵和胚胎中线粒体基因组的表达,探讨线粒体基因表达水平与卵母细胞发育潜能的关系。

5)potential development潜能开发

1.In the light of the management of the library of China West Normal University, this paper analyzes thepotential development of human resource of the library from four aspects.针对西华师范大学图书馆的管理现状,从4个方面对人力资源潜能开发进行了剖析。

2.This article studies the content is the enterprise staffpotential development.本文研究的内容是企业员工潜能开发。

3.The establishment of the research subject ofpotential development and deepening the dance training concept of "whole-brain" requires us to clearly understand the historical background of the formation of the concept of "whole-brain".潜能开发与"全脑型"舞蹈训练理念深化研究课题的确立,要求我们必须清楚地了解"全脑型"理念形成的历史背景。

6)potential ability to develop发展潜能

mercial bank spotential ability to develop can be measured,controlled and is relative to eternal superiority,and can act as the symbol of commercial bank s core competence.商业银行的核心竞争力是其企业文化、资源禀赋、资源整合能力和创新能力有机结合而形成的,能带来持续竞争优势的合力;商业银行核心竞争力的表现形式存在于概念之外;商业银行的发展潜能具有可测性、可控性以及与持续竞争优势的相关性特征,是商业银行核心竞争力的具体表现;商业银行旨在培育和提升核心竞争力的各项措施应围绕增强发展潜能这一目标来实施。


晶体中的元激发(见固体中的元激发)晶体中的元激发(见固体中的元激发)elementaryexcitationin crystal晶体中的元激发eleme讯ary excitation Incrvstal见固体中的元激发。
