2000字范文 > 民族中学 Nationality School英语短句 例句大全

民族中学 Nationality School英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-26 10:33:45


民族中学 Nationality School英语短句 例句大全

民族中学,Nationality School

1)Nationality School民族中学

1.A Study on Bilingual Teaching inNationality School of Shihezi City in Xinjiang;新疆石河子市民族中学双语教学研究


parative Study of the Coping Style between Han and Ethnic Minority Students in Inland Schools;内地民族中学汉族与少数民族学生应付方式的比较研究

2.The nationality law in the context of nationality jurisprudence is in the broad sense of nationality law.在民族法学语境中的民族法是广义民族法概念。

3.The Use of Ethnology and the Modernizationof Ethnic Minority Regions in China;民族学的应用与中国民族地区现代化

4.Chinese Society of Folk Orchestral Music中国民族管弦乐学会

5.Chinese minority linguistics中国少数民族语言学

6.Ianguage teaching of Chinese national minorities中国少数民族语言教学

7.On the Nation-state Morphology of Ethnology--History of Ethnology in China;民族学的民族国家形态及其他——中国民族学史散论

8.Inquisition & Countermeasure Research on the Situation of National Views of Students in Central University for Nationalities;中央民族大学学生民族观情况调查及对策研究

9.Scientific View on Nationality and the Construction of Chinese Nationality科学民族观与中华民族建设——民族主义的反思与中华主义的弘扬

10.The Research of Xinjiang Uygur Middle School Students" Ethnic Identity新疆维吾尔族中学生的民族认同研究

11.Collected Cultural Relics and Its Value of the Taiwan Minority in Ethnic Museum of Central University for Nationalities;中央民族大学民族博物馆馆藏台湾少数民族文物及其价值

12.A Study on the Inheritance of Ethnic Culture in an Integrated Multi-ethnic School;多民族一体化学校中的民族文化传承研究

13.A Study of the Ethnic Culture Education in the Teaching of Ethnic Theory;民族理论教学中的民族文化教育问题研究

14.The Thought of Community Involving School Curriculum in Our Country;对我国民族社区参与民族中小学课程的思考

15.Japanese National Class and Its Enlightenment on Chinese National Education;日本的“民族学级”及其对中国民族教育的启示

16.Protections & Salvages:A Study on Ethnic Cultural Relics from Ethnology;从民族学视角论中国民族文物及其保护与抢救

17.The Concept of Ethnos in the Ethnological Theory of Former Soviet Union and Russia(Continued);前苏联-俄罗斯民族学理论中的“民族”(этнос)(下)

18.The Concept of Ethnos in the Ethnological Theory of Former Soviet Union and Russia;前苏联-俄罗斯民族学理论中的“民族”(этнос)(上)


the Study of Chinese Nationalities中国民族学

3)ethnic middle and primary schools民族中小学

1.Currently,in courses ofethnic middle and primary schools,ethnic local knowledge is neglected,and there is no introduction of local knowledge in textbooks and classroom teaching of those schools.现行的民族中小学课程缺少对民族本土知识的关照。

4)primary school students in national middle school民族中学初中生

5)Chinese ethnic literature中华民族文学


1.Cultivating Campus Culture with Distinctive Features and Cultivating Qualified Talents with High Level of Attainments——Reflections upon Cultivating Campus Culture atSCUN;建设特色校园文化 培养高素质合格人才——对中南民族大学校园文化建设的若干思考

2.In the same way,putting the motto of "faithfulness,learning,harmony,generosity" ofSCUN into effect depends on the good command of the principles it reflects.对中南民族大学"笃信好学,自然宽和"新的校训的理解和实践,有赖于建立在对它所反映的办学理念的准确理解和把握基础之上。




横县民族中学创办于1992年,占地10.8亩,位于县城城西柳明路,是横县唯一一所县直初级中学。现有10个教学班680人,少数民族学生占51%;教职工50人,其中专任教师38人。横县民族中学面向全县招生,侧重于平马、灵竹两个壮文进校实验小学。横县民族中学有一流的教学设施和较好的教学设备,现有教学楼、学生宿舍楼、教工宿舍楼、办公楼、综合楼各一幢,校园全部硬化、绿化。学校配有九室一场,配备有仪器1877件,图书18987册,基本满足师生教学活动和课后阅读的需求。现在每班配备闭路彩色电视,可直接利用电化教学开展教学活动。 在教学上,民族中学积极推行素质教育,注重学生的自我能力的培养,促进学生全面发展。在教育上,坚持对学生进行爱国主义教育,促进学习奋发向上。在管理上,实行半封闭管理,有效预防外界对学生的干扰和影响,学生自觉遵守学校规章制度,促进了学校"学风、校风、教风"的建设。
