2000字范文 > 巡航控制 cruise control英语短句 例句大全

巡航控制 cruise control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-01 10:13:27


巡航控制 cruise control英语短句 例句大全

巡航控制,cruise control

1)cruise control巡航控制

1.The design of embeddedcruise control system;一种嵌入式巡航控制设计

2.Research on thecruise control technology of automobile;汽车巡航控制技术的研究

3.Development of radar sensors for automobilecruise control;汽车巡航控制用传感器进展


1.Cruise Control for an Off-Road Vehicle with Automated Mechanical Transmission装有AMT的越野车辆巡航控制技术研究

2.Mazda 6 Cars Cruise Control System Fault Detection马自达6轿车巡航控制系统故障检测

3.Cruise control with SPEEDTRONIC variable speed limiter配有SPEEDTRONIC电子限速功能的定速巡航控制系统

4.Cruise Control with variable speed limiter (SPEEDTRONIC)连可变限速装置的SPEEDTRONIC 定速巡航控制系统

5.Study of Automobile Cruise Control System Based on PIC16F873 Single-chip;基于PIC16F873单片机汽车巡航控制系统的研究

6.Research on Vehicle Cruise Control System for ACC;面向ACC的车辆定速巡航控制系统的研究

7.Simulation and Design of Cruise Control System Based on PIC16F873;基于PIC16F873的汽车巡航控制系统的仿真与设计

8.Research on Automobile Cruise Control System Based on DSP;基于DSP的汽车定速巡航控制系统的研究

9.Research of Stop and Go Cruise Control Technology Based on Laser Radar基于激光雷达的Stop & Go巡航控制技术研究

10.Application of Genetic Algorithm in Automobile Cruise Control System遗传算法在汽车巡航控制系统中的应用

11.Fault Diagnosis and Servicing of Cruise Control System of New Type Saloon Car新型汽车巡航控制系统故障诊断与检修

12.Design and analysis of intelligent cruise controller based on vehicle string information基于车流信息的智能巡航控制器的设计分析

13.This switch was part of a small assembly rigged to the cruise control.这个开关是装配到巡航控制上 的小组合的一部份

14.Trouble diagnosis for the Cruise Control system of Chrysler minivan克莱斯勒小客车巡航控制系统的故障诊断与检修

15.cruising propulsion motor switchboard巡航推进电动机控制板

16.Discussion on Control Principle of Electronic Cruise Control System in Modern Automobiles现代汽车电控巡航系统控制原理浅谈

17.Study on Nonlinear Control of Vehicular Stop and Go Cruise Control Systems;车辆走停巡航系统的非线性控制研究

18.A Study on the Cruise Fuzzy Control System of Vehicles with CVT无级变速汽车速度巡航模糊控制器的研究


cruise control system巡航控制系统

1.By analyzing the fundamental principles of vehicle CCS(cruise control system),the paper presents a design of parallel hybrid electric vehicle CCS,and describes the control and implementation procedure of the system.通过分析汽车巡航控制系统的基本原理,提出了一种应用于并联混合动力汽车巡航控制系统设计方案,并阐述了这一系统的控制及实现过程。

2.Through speed sensor, thecruise control system inputs speed signals into engine control computer, which c.汽车电子巡航控制系统是一种在现代汽车上采用的电子设备 ,当按照驾驶员所要求的速度闭合开关之后 ,不用踩油门踏板就可以自动地保持车速 ,使车辆以固定的速度行驶。

3.The inspection and repair methods of trouble diagnosis, main part for thecruise control system of Chrysler minivan are introduced.介绍了克莱斯勒汽车公司小客车巡航控制系统的故障诊断方法和主要部件的检查方法。

3)adaptive cruise control(ACC)自适应巡航控制

1.To realize the aim of vehicle adaptive cruise control(ACC),a two-states model of engine was introduced on the basis of formerly developed vehicle brake system model,and giving a switch criterion between the vehicle driving and braking,a vehicle longitudinal dynamic model was constructed.为了实现汽车自适应巡航控制(ACC)的目的,在已有制动系模型的基础上,引入发动机二状态模型,给出了驱动与制动的切换标准,建立了汽车纵向动力学模型,并以Santana轿车参数为例建立了模拟仿真程序,对ACC典型工况进行了仿真。

4)automobile cruise control system汽车巡航控制

1.Base on the dynamic model and the working element of theautomobile cruise control system,which consists of a distance controller for automobile and a speed sensor and a laser rangefinders,a scheme of intelligent control is established.为了在汽车巡航控制中实现车距控制,在汽车模型及其工作原理的基础上,建立了基于模糊控制理论的基本控制策略和利用神经元修正的车距智能控制的方案,并设计了模糊控制和单神经元的控制策略,以基本的模糊控制和神经元修正模块组成车距控制控制器,根据汽车行驶的目标距离和实际距离之间的偏差和速度大小来调整控制参数,采用神经元控制对模糊决策得出的输出控制量进行加权修正。

5)Cruise Control System (CCS)巡航控制系统(CCS)

6)Adaptive cruise control自适应巡航控制

1.Design of Fuzzy PID controller for adaptive cruise control;模糊PID控制器在自适应巡航控制系统中的应用


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
