2000字范文 > 校史文化 school development and culture英语短句 例句大全

校史文化 school development and culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-21 04:03:58


校史文化 school development and culture英语短句 例句大全

校史文化,school development and culture

1)school development and culture校史文化

2)cultural university history文化校史

1.Acultural university history is another kind of university history which is different from the traditional one.文化校史是不同于传统型校史的另一种校史写作形态。

3)History and Culture历史文化

1.Exploration of the history and culture tourist resources in Luzhou;泸州市历史文化旅游资源开发探讨

2.On innovative spirits as a pearl in Zhenjiang history and culture;创新精神是镇江历史文化宝库中光芒四射的瑰宝——以“三星”、“双璧”、“二米”为例

3.The paper bases on the conservation and renewal planning of old-city which is along the Xiangjiang River and in the west of that in Xiangtan,and discusses how to protect and keep history and culture in old-city renewal from material-lay and immaterial-lay,so that the city memory and historic contexture will go down.结合湘潭市河西沿江旧城保护与更新项目,从物质和精神层面来探讨旧城更新中历史文化的保护和延续问题,以期保存城市记忆,延续城市历史文脉。


1.Legal Protection for Historic Blocks in Famous Historic City;论历史文化名城历史街区的法律保护

2.(I) Protection of the Famous Historical and Cultural City(一)历史文化名城保护

3.Plan of Preservation of Historic Cities历史文化名城保护规划

4.Preservation and Opening up of Historical Cultural Renowned Cities--Structuring of Yong Zhou historical cultural features of urban civilization;历史文化名城的保护与拓展——永州历史文化特色及城市文化的构建

5.Preservation and Opening up of Historical Cultural Renowned Cities ──Structuring of Yong Zhou historical cultural features of urban civilization;历史文化名城的保护与拓展──永州历史文化特色及城市文化的构建

6.Elementary Introduction on Liu People Culture in Historical Culture of Qiqihar浅谈齐齐哈尔历史文化中的流人文化

7.Intangible Heritage and the Protection of Historical and Cultural City;非物质文化遗产与历史文化名城活性

8.The pluralism in historical culture and the regional cultural denomination of Qinghai;青海历史文化多元性及地域文化命名

9.Capital Region Culture: The Historical-cultural Foundation for the Construction of Metropolitan Beijing;京畿文化:“大北京”建设的历史文化基础

10.Historical and Cultural Origines of the Cultural Mode of "Chinese Cultures as Basis and Western Cultures as Subsidiary;“中体西用”文化模式的历史文化渊源

11.Na Culture as a Mark of Ethnic History and Culture in Rice Areas“那文化”:稻作民族历史文化的印记

12.A Study on People and Historical movements--A Review of Essayson Chinese History and Culture人在历史运动中——评《中国历史文化散论》的历史理论成就

13.Anthropological Turn of Historical Studies;历史是文化——历史研究的人类学转向

14.History,Structure and Transformation of Culture-A Reading on the Islands of History历史/结构与文化转型——读《历史之岛》

15.Chaco Culture National Historical Park厦谷文化国家历史公园

16.Highlights of Chinese Culture and History:《中国文化历史故事》:

17.Conference on History and a Culture of Peace历史与和平文化会议

18.Historical Culture and Cultural History:Two Ways of Cultural History Studies;历史的文化和文化的历史:文化史研究的两种理路


cultural university history文化校史

1.Acultural university history is another kind of university history which is different from the traditional one.文化校史是不同于传统型校史的另一种校史写作形态。

3)History and Culture历史文化

1.Exploration of the history and culture tourist resources in Luzhou;泸州市历史文化旅游资源开发探讨

2.On innovative spirits as a pearl in Zhenjiang history and culture;创新精神是镇江历史文化宝库中光芒四射的瑰宝——以“三星”、“双璧”、“二米”为例

3.The paper bases on the conservation and renewal planning of old-city which is along the Xiangjiang River and in the west of that in Xiangtan,and discusses how to protect and keep history and culture in old-city renewal from material-lay and immaterial-lay,so that the city memory and historic contexture will go down.结合湘潭市河西沿江旧城保护与更新项目,从物质和精神层面来探讨旧城更新中历史文化的保护和延续问题,以期保存城市记忆,延续城市历史文脉。

4)History of Tea Culture茶文化史

5)Historic culture历史文化

1.There is a conflict between the protection of the historic culture of Ciqikou and residents demands for the modernity in existence.在进行重庆磁器口古街区保护和更新时,从人性化的角度上提出了双系统模式以解决矛盾,即通过修缮和清理,保存和恢复历史的街巷、院落空间及民居建筑形式,以保护完整的当地的历史文化系统;根据所在的特殊地理环境,通过修建现代城市生活环线和沿环线对住宅进行模式化加建,为古街区居民营造现代城市生活系统,建立起人和物、整体和局部、传统和现代同时考虑的双系统模式。

2.Characteristic-city-building should strenghten on protecting historic culture and constructing basic and pubic service facilities.构建特色城市应坚持高标准规划,避免"克隆"现象;城市规划建设应结合地形和城市性质加大历史文化名城保护力度;加强个性化基础设施和公共服务设施建设;塑造丰富的城市特色人性。

3.At last,it pointed out that the idea of reasonable exploring urban renew has positive meaning to continue and preserve historic culture and regional characteristics.通过对青岛市中山路现状的分析,应用更新改造理论,从功能定位、设施改善、构思特点等方面提出了更新策略,以达到延续历史,突出特色文化的效果,最后指出合理探求城市更新的思路对历史文化及地域特色的延续和传承具有积极的意义。

6)salt culture history盐文化史


《绍兴校定经史证类备急本草》《绍兴校定经史证类备急本草》 《绍兴校定经史证类备急本草》 药学著作。简称《绍兴本草》。系绍兴29年(1159年)南宋政府修订刊行《经史证类备急本草》时所用的书名。其内容全与《证类本草》同。只是作了部分改订,即“考证名方五百(或作三百)余首,证舛错八千余字。”现此书仅存各种旧钞的残卷。有1933年日本春阳堂的影印本(残存图卷一-五卷)。
