2000字范文 > 校史研究 history of universities英语短句 例句大全

校史研究 history of universities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-01 05:00:41


校史研究 history of universities英语短句 例句大全

校史研究,history of universities

1)history of universities校史研究

1.The study ofhistory of universities demands a multilateral perspectives and methodologies because of its complexity and many-folded objectives.校史本身的纷繁复杂,加上多重目标的现实服务需求,校史研究必须从多角度来解读,用多元化的方法来指导,以多样化的方式来呈现。


1.A Case Study of the Oral History of University of Science and Technology of China口述历史与高校校史研究——以中国科学技术大学口述校史研究为例

2.The Development History of Tianjin Normal University--The Basis for School History Research栉风沐雨话师范 蓝青相继说校史——兼议校史研究的依据

3.School History Compilation and Studies: A New Realm of Contemporary Historical Studies;校史编研:当代史研究的一个新领域

4.Theoretical & Practical Research on the Development of History School-based Curriculum;历史校本课程开发的理论与实践研究

5.On Two Problems Existing in the Teaching and Research of History In Colleges and Universities;关于高校历史教学研究中的两个问题

6.Preliminary Research on the Old Campus Outdoor Environment of the Nanjing Historical Famous Universities;南京历史名校老校区室外环境研究初探

7.To develop file resources and devote to study of school history--From the compilation of school history of Longxi Normal School of Fujian;开发档案信息资源 致力学校历史研究——从福建龙溪师范学校校史编研谈起

8.School-Based Teaching and Research and Research on History Teachers Specialization Development;校本教研与中学历史教师专业发展研究

9.Keep History in Mind and Grasp the Future--Study on the Teaching of "Outline of the Chinese Modern History"在牢记历史中把握未来——高校《中国近现代史纲要》教学研究综述

10.A Study on the Conservation and Renewal for Historic Landsacpe of Zhijiang Campus of Zhejiang University;浙江大学之江校区历史景观的保护与更新研究

11.Study of the Function of History Education in Moral Education Course in Vocational School;历史教育在中职学校德育课程中的作用研究

12.Research on Development of Ideological and Political Education History in Hubei Universities and Colleges;湖北高校大学生思想政治教育发展史研究(1978-)

13.To Research the History of American Rural Elementary Education School Distribution;美国农村初等教育学校布局的演变史研究

14.The Application and Practice of Bio-science History Education in Biological Teaching in Nursery Schools;生物科学史教育在卫校生物教学中的应用研究

15.A Research on the Developmental History of Physical Education of Sports Major in Hunan Colleges and Universities;湖南省普通高校体育专业教育发展史研究

16.Historical Research in the Study of School Culture--from the Perspective of International Comparison;学校文化研究的历史考察——中外比较的视角

17.University Library under the Information Environment and Study of History;信息环境下的高校图书馆与历史学研究

18.History,Status quo and Problems on University-running authority in China;我国高校办学自主权研究的历史、现状与问题


The Research on Historical Buildings of Compus校园历史建筑研究

3)compilation of school history校史编研

1.To develop file resources and devote to study of school history——From thecompilation of school history of Longxi Normal School of Fujian;开发档案信息资源 致力学校历史研究——从福建龙溪师范学校校史编研谈起

4)research on wine history酒史研究

5)research history研究历史

1.Theresearch history of the family Tamaricaceae;柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)植物的研究历史

2.The superior species of poplar in China and abroad and theirresearch history and our achievements in breeding are introduced in thepaper.介绍了国内外杨树造纸材适生良种及其研究历史和我国在杨树育种方面成就;探讨了造纸用杨树新品种存在的问题;论述了杨木造纸良种的科学标准及其相互制约与优势补缺;提出了我国杨木造纸良种的分区规划方案;展望了杨树造纸适用良种的发展前景。

3.Our country sresearch history of soil erosion was reviewed.回顾了我国黄土地区土壤侵蚀研究历史。

6)Study on sociocultural history外史研究

1.Study on sociocultural history of therapeutic efficacy and processing of Chinese materia medica;中药疗效和炮制的外史研究


