2000字范文 > SMC模压成型 moulding processing of SMC英语短句 例句大全

SMC模压成型 moulding processing of SMC英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-08 15:14:45


SMC模压成型 moulding processing of SMC英语短句 例句大全

SMC模压成型,moulding processing of SMC

1)moulding processing of SMCSMC模压成型

1.Numerical simulation of temperature field and experimental study onmoulding processing of SMCSMC模压成型热性能参数测定与温度场数值模拟



2.Numerical simulation of temperature field and experimental study on moulding processing of SMCSMC模压成型热性能参数测定与温度场数值模拟

3.The Design and Research of Hydraulic Leveling System of SMC Molding Machine;SMC成型液压机调平系统的设计与研究

4.Research and Simulation of Short Fibre Orientation in Compression Molding of SMC;SMC模压流动中纤维取向的研究与模拟

5.Sheet moulding compounds(SMC) for general purposesGB/T15568-1995通用型片状模塑料(SMC)

6.Positive Research of SMC Models in IT Distribution Market Industry;SMC模型在IT分销业的实证案例研究

7.Development of Dedicated Film-former in Sizing Agent for SMC Rovings通用型SMC浸润剂专用成膜剂的研制

8.A Method of Solving Optimized Dynamic Client Keeping Cost by SMC Model;SMC模型求解最优动态客户保持投入的一种方法

9.Positive Research of SMC Model in the Application of Customer Potential Value Finding;SMC模型在客户潜在价值发现的应用实证研究

10.Selection and Molding Technology of SMC Used for Railway Outside Case铁路室外箱盒用SMC材料的选用和成型工艺

11.prestress forming预模压加热蠕变成型

12.The Study on Fast Cure System and Simulation in SMC;SMC快速固化体系与模拟仿真研究

13.Study on a New Type of Glass Fibers Sizing for SMC;SMC用玻璃纤维新型浸润剂的研究

14.The Synthesis and Application Study of Crystalline Resin Used in SMC;SMC用结晶树脂的合成及应用研究

15.Improvement of Compression Moulding Design and Technology of Adiabatic Parts隔热件模压成型模具设计及工艺改进

16.Study on Near-net-shape Hot-pressing of Mg Extruded Preform镁合金挤压预成形坯模压近终成型工艺研究

17.Die Design of Full Mold Casting of Small Castings Forming with Steam Pressure小型铸件蒸压成型机消失模模具的设计

18.Water Hydraulic Proportional Pressure Control for Cavity-Filling Process of Water-Assisted Injection Molding水辅成型充模流动的纯水液压比例压力控制


SMC Hydraulic molding machineSMC成型液压机

3)SMC modelSMC模型

1.SMC model is a group of models to forecast customer s buying behaviors and was provided in 1987.同时 ,针对不同客户类型提出 SMC模型的修正思路 。

2.SMC model is a group of models to forecast customer s buying behaviors and it was put forward in 1987.SMC模型是1987年提出的、用于预测客户交易行为的一组理论方法。

3.Based on the foundation ofSMC model,this article determines the single client s purchasing probability in the future when only one purchasing activity has occurred within a year.借由SMC模型的构建基础,求得个体客户在只发生一次购买行为的情况下未来每年的购买概率,再根据正向决策树构造客户保持率之公式表达,推导出未来各期客户的保持投入。


1.The Study of Molding Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Thread;玻璃钢螺纹模压成型研究

2.Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene(UHMWPE)coating was prepared on the hooked surface of metal by casting andmolding.通过铸造方法在金属表面形成“拉钩”结构,再采用模压成型,在金属表面制备了超高分子量聚乙烯涂层,对涂层性能进行了研究。

3.Simulation compress is used to study rheological behavior and major affecting factors of low density cornstalk fragment convexmolding.采用模拟压缩的方法 ,研究了低密度秸秆碎料凸向模压成型的流变特性及主要影响因素。

5)molding compress模压成型

1.The paper designs a computer_based automatic testing system ofmolding compress of non-adhesive agricultural straw.该文阐述了无胶胶合农作物秸秆模压成型自动检测系统的工作原理,并以单片机为下位机、PC机作为上位机设计了具有实时检测功能的软硬件平台。

2.Testing study on the nail withdrawl strength ofmolding compress formation for corn stalk;将无施胶条件下玉米秸秆碎料模压成型的制品作为研究对象,用正交表安排试验方案,并结合极差分析和方差分析来探讨制品握钉力与压制温度、压力和含水率之间的关系,得出了因素的显著性水平和初步最佳工艺条件。

6)press molding模压成型

1.Introduce its excellent flame resistance,low smoking,low toxic fog,thermal,mechanical and physical properties jdiscuss the SMCpress molding,pultrusion and hand lay-up molding techniques of the high reactivity phenolic resin as well as the developing direction and the applied fields of the corresponding resin system;and point out the prospect and direction of the new-type phenolic comp.介绍了其优异的阻燃、低发烟、低毒雾和热、力学、物理性能,论述了高反应活性酚醛树脂的SMC模压成型、拉挤成型、手糊成型工艺和相应树脂体系的发展方向及应用领域,并指出我国开发新型酚醛树脂基复合材料的前景和方向。


