2000字范文 > 造型美 beauty of mould英语短句 例句大全

造型美 beauty of mould英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-25 01:56:24


造型美 beauty of mould英语短句 例句大全

造型美,beauty of mould

1)beauty of mould造型美

1.Artistic features ofbeauty of mould,beauty of rhythm and beauty of disposition in calisthenics;健美操运动中造型美、节奏美、气质美的艺术特征


1.Artistic features of beauty of mould,beauty of rhythm and beauty of disposition in calisthenics;健美操运动中造型美、节奏美、气质美的艺术特征

2.On the Higher Pedagogical Fine Arts Education Innovations for Raising Creative Fine Arts Teacher s Research;高师美术教育培养创造型美术教师的研究

3.Be careful, do not buy a schlock car with a pretty design .小心,不要买品质差造型美的车

4.Be careful, don"t buy a schlock car with a pretty design.小心,不要买品质差造型美的车。

5.These plastic articles for daily use have an attractive appearance.这些塑料日用品,造型美观。

6.Fairway 14:467yd,par4,undulated roughly but nicely shaped.球道:467码,标准杆4杆,起伏较大,造型美观。

7.These art objects are beautifully shaped.这些工艺品造型优美。

8.The Enrichment of Modern Aesthetics,Styling Design for Small Vehicles浓缩的美学——小型汽车的造型设计探讨

9.A long sleek one for the Mediterranean or a tiny one for your bathtub?造型优美的狭长地中海型,还是小巧的浴缸型?

10.The Correlation between Aesthetic Concept on the Shaping of Human Body and Aesthetic Theory of Modeling Design;人体形态审美与造型设计美学原理的相关性

11.Unique in form, color beautiful, popular children"s favorite.造型独特,颜色美观,深受孩子们的喜爱。

12.The ignition sensitive products, refined aesthetic shape.该产品具有点火灵敏,造型精致美观。

13.These ancient art objects are beautifully shaped.这些古代工艺品造型优美。

14.The sleek ship slid from the harbor.那条造型优美的船徐徐驶出了港口。

15.an important feature of Ming Dynasty furniture is that the items are beautifully shaped.明式家具的一个突出特点,是造型优美。

16.Product Modern Form Aesthetic Study in Modeling Art;产品造型艺术中现代形式美感的研究

17.Application of "beauty in form" in product modeling design;“形式美”在产品造型设计中的应用

18.The Artistic Patterns and Aesthetic Traits of Yunnan Ethnic Paper-cuttings;云南民族剪纸的艺术造型和美学特点


esthetics taste审美造型

3)esthetics modelling美学造型

4)type aesthetics造型美学

5)Sculpt taste造型审美

6)Attractive appearance造型美观


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