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课堂文化 Classroom Culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-25 08:38:13


课堂文化 Classroom Culture英语短句 例句大全

课堂文化,Classroom Culture

1)Classroom Culture课堂文化

1.The classroom culture of bilingual education should be the classroom culture of promoting language exchange, experiencing life, regarding human as basic, promoting mutual development of teacher and students and displaying life vigor.双语教学的课堂文化是发生在双语教学课堂上的师生共有的教学观念和行为方式。

2.At the same time it is important to let students understand mathematics culture by diverse activities,of course,it is indispensable to diligently construct mathematics classroom culture which can manifest teacher s individual characteris.能否在中学数学教学中有效地体现数学的文化价值,关键取决于教师的数学观、数学教学观,其基本途径是在数学知识教学的过程中不失时机地渗透、提炼、总结和深化,还要通过形式多样的活动让学生感受、理解数学文化,并努力构建体现教师个人特色和数学文化特征的数学课堂文化。

3.Classroom cultural construction based on experience study is the organic combination of experience study and classroom culture,bearing the cultural qualities of independency,life, transcendence,contact and so on.基于体验学习的课堂文化是体验学习与课堂文化的有机结合,它承载着自主性、生活性、超越性、交往性等文化品质。


1.Promoting Culture Reconstruction in Classroom by Letting Wisdom into Class;让智慧走进课堂 推动课堂文化重建

2.On the Construction of Classroom Culture in Colleges during the New Era;论新时期高校课堂教学中课堂文化的构建

3.Analysis and Reconstruction of Classroom Culture in the Light of New Curriculum;新课程背景下课堂文化的解析与重建

4.Classroom Culture-a New Point of View about Research on Interconrse between Students and Teacher;课堂文化—师生交往研究的一个新视阈

5.On Cross-Culture Teaching in College English Classroom论大学英语课堂的跨文化教学(英文)

6.Culture of Power Worship and the Performing Model of Teaching;崇权文化与表演式课堂——文化冲突背景下的教师课堂教学研究

7.The Paradigm of Language Class--From a Lecture-oriented Class To a Dynamic Class语文课堂范式——从知识课堂到活力课堂

8.Students Centering and Optimization of Chinese Teaching;强化学生主体地位,优化语文课堂教学

9.Investigation on Classroom Learning Culture in Information Technology Environment;信息技术环境下的课堂学习文化探究

10.Developing a Model of Teaching Culture in the English Classroom for High School Learners;探究中学英语课堂中的文化教学模式

11.Classroom Management Studies in the View of Students-teachers Cultural Conflicts;师生文化冲突视角下的课堂管理研究

12.A Study on Culture Teaching in EFL Classroom in High Schools;高中英语课堂教学中的文化教学实践

13.On the Learning of Artistic Culture in the Classroom Teaching of Art in Middle Schools;初中美术课堂教学中美术文化的学习

14.Integrating Culture Teaching into the College English Intensive Reading Class;大学英语精读课堂教学中的文化教学

15.Born from Inosculation--Building a Teaching Culture of Harmonious Class;和合而生:构建和谐的课堂教学文化

16.Viewing Foreign Language Classroom Teaching Innovation from Cultural Teaching Evaluation;从文化教学评价看外语课堂教学改革

17.Cultural Teaching Tactics in Spoken English Classes for College Students;大学英语口语课堂中的文化教学策略

18.Discussion on Cultural Factor of Vocabulary Teaching in EFL Classroom;试论EFL课堂词汇教学中的文化因素


class culture课堂文化

1.Exploration of physical educationclass cultures from the perspective of sociology社会学视角下的体育课堂文化探究

2.Mathematicsclass culture is a cultural phenomenon existing in mathematics classes.数学课堂文化是存在于数学课堂中的一种文化现象。

3.The traditionalclass culture is an arbitrary one which is presented by teacher s privileged speaking right.传统的课堂文化是一种专断的文化,这种专断的文化表现在教师的话语霸权上。

3)classroom culture of politics teaching政治课课堂文化

4)classroom teaching culture课堂教学文化

1.The traditionalclassroom teaching culture centered on the master of knowledge with the teacher controlling the whole class and little communication between students, which cannot meet the need of the new curriculum standard.传统的课堂教学文化是一种以掌握知识为中心、教师主宰课堂、学生之间缺少交流的模式。

5)classroom cultural construction课堂文化建设

6)classroom culture conflict课堂文化冲突

1.As an indisputable factclassroom culture conflict has its inner root and condition of realization.在课堂教学情境当中不同文化之间的差异以及各文化以自身文化属性表达的目的性行为形成了课堂文化冲突,课堂文化冲突作为一个不争事实有其内在的根源及实现条件。


