2000字范文 > 刚度折减系数 stiffness reduction factor英语短句 例句大全

刚度折减系数 stiffness reduction factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-15 05:39:56


刚度折减系数 stiffness reduction factor英语短句 例句大全

刚度折减系数,stiffness reduction factor

1)stiffness reduction factor刚度折减系数

1.The simplified structural analysis and design method employing stiffness reduction of member bars,has been accepted by Chinese Standard, in which second-order effects already been considered through elastic finite element analysis,and its accuracy mostly depends on the rationality of thestiffness reduction factor.鉴于该规范尚缺乏确定排架柱相应折减刚度的分析研究成果,以单跨工业厂房变阶排架柱为研究对象,通过对一系列典型排架结构算例进行最不利荷载条件下的非弹性有限元全过程模拟,并采用折减刚度的弹性二阶分析所得柱顶侧向位移与非弹性有限元模拟的柱顶位移等效为条件,选定了适用于排架柱的刚度折减系数后,再以所选刚度折减系数完成的弹性二阶分析所求得的各控制截面内力与非弹性有限元模拟结果的相符性证实了初选排架柱刚度折减系数的合理性。

2.In the proper ascertainment of the value ofstiffness reduction factor considering non-elastic characteristic, it is advisable to properly choose the checking computation method of the stiffness reduction on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of RC frame.考虑非弹性特征的钢筋混凝土框架杆件刚度折减系数的合理取值应以钢筋混凝土框架非弹性分析为基础,按框架顶点位移和各层层间位移相近似的原则来确定。

2)coefficient of the link beam"s stiffness连梁刚度折减系数

3)discounting coefficients of the bend stiffness抗弯刚度折减系数

4)Stiffness degradation刚度折减

1.The "element disappear" technique is abandoned and the stiffness degradation of matrix and yarns are both in particular orientations.分析中抛弃了以往损伤研究中采用的"单元消失"技术,对破坏的基体单元和纤维束单元均按特定方向进行刚度折减。

5)stiffness reduction刚度折减

1.The iterative calculation method ofstiffness reduction for steel-concrete with cracks was obtained.针对双曲拱桥普遍开裂状况,基于截面平衡法原理,通过建立开裂截面内部平衡方程,并结合有限元通用程序,推导出钢筋混凝土开裂截面刚度折减的迭代计算方法。

2.Based on evaluation of the basic principle and error of the modal pushover analysis method,an improved method is suggested by selecting rational values ofstiffness reduction parameters of beams and columns in a reinforced concrete frame corresponding to the global target displacement ductility ratio.在对Modal Pushover方法的原理及误差进行评价的基础上,结合与整体目标位移延性系数相对应的钢筋混凝土框架构件刚度折减系数的合理取值,提出了Modal Pushover的改进方法。

6)reduced rigidity折减刚度

1.A new method is presented in which the slip effect is taken into account based on thereduced rigidity method of composite beams.在钢-混凝土组合梁挠度计算的折减刚度法基础上,考虑组合板自身的受力特点,提出了考虑滑移效应的组合板折减刚度公式。


1.Analysis of Dynamic Second-order Effect in Simply Supported Bridge System with Stiffness Correction Coefficient采用折减刚度系数法计算简支体系地震中动态二阶效应

2.Overstrength and Strength Reduction Factor of Partially Restrained Steel Frame With RC Infill Walls半刚接钢框架内填RC墙结构超强及强度折减系数研究

3.The plan for a new subway was cut off in its prime when the government decreased public spending on transportation.由于政府削减交通经费,修建新地铁的计划刚刚起步就夭折了。

4.Match and design of torsional stiffness of the DMF-CS torsional damperDMF-CS型扭振减振器刚度匹配设计

5.On strength reduction factors used for seismic design of structures结构抗震设计中的强度折减系数研究

6.On the Strength ReductiOn Factor in Plastic Design of Steel Structures关于钢结构塑性设计的强度折减系数

7.Strength Reduction Method and Ansys Simulation on Stability of Slope边坡稳定强度折减法及ANSYS模拟

8.The Seismic Behavior Factors of Single Sway Rod Concentrically Braced Steel Frames单斜杆中心支撑钢框架强度折减系数

9.Strength Reduced Method Applied in Slope of Foundation Pit强度折减法在基坑边坡设计中的应用

10.Feasibility of strength reduction FEM used in slope stability analysis强度折减有限元法分析边坡稳定性的精度探讨


12.Design of the Suspension Damping System Based on Variable Stiffness for Vehicle基于变刚度的车辆悬架减振系统设计研究

13.Impact Absorbing Control of Magneto-rheological Variable Stiffness and Damping System磁流变刚度阻尼可控缓冲系统冲击减振控制

14.Analysis of dynamic characteristics and control performance of structures with pseudo-negative stiffness and viscous dampers拟负刚度与粘滞阻尼混合减振结构的动力特性与减振效果分析

15.Initial hardening and strength reduction of compression saturated soft rock and its constitutive model饱和软岩受压硬化、强度折减及本构模型

16.Research on the Stability of Soil Slope Based on Shear Strength Reduction FEM;基于强度折减有限元法的土坡稳定性分析研究

17.DDA with Strength Reduction Technique and Its Application in Slope Stability;强度折减DDA法及其在边坡稳定分析中的应用

18.Research on the Stability of Homogeneous Soil Slope Based on Shear Strength Reduction;基于强度折减法的均质土坡稳定性研究


coefficient of the link beam"s stiffness连梁刚度折减系数

3)discounting coefficients of the bend stiffness抗弯刚度折减系数

4)Stiffness degradation刚度折减

1.The "element disappear" technique is abandoned and the stiffness degradation of matrix and yarns are both in particular orientations.分析中抛弃了以往损伤研究中采用的"单元消失"技术,对破坏的基体单元和纤维束单元均按特定方向进行刚度折减。

5)stiffness reduction刚度折减

1.The iterative calculation method ofstiffness reduction for steel-concrete with cracks was obtained.针对双曲拱桥普遍开裂状况,基于截面平衡法原理,通过建立开裂截面内部平衡方程,并结合有限元通用程序,推导出钢筋混凝土开裂截面刚度折减的迭代计算方法。

2.Based on evaluation of the basic principle and error of the modal pushover analysis method,an improved method is suggested by selecting rational values ofstiffness reduction parameters of beams and columns in a reinforced concrete frame corresponding to the global target displacement ductility ratio.在对Modal Pushover方法的原理及误差进行评价的基础上,结合与整体目标位移延性系数相对应的钢筋混凝土框架构件刚度折减系数的合理取值,提出了Modal Pushover的改进方法。

6)reduced rigidity折减刚度

1.A new method is presented in which the slip effect is taken into account based on thereduced rigidity method of composite beams.在钢-混凝土组合梁挠度计算的折减刚度法基础上,考虑组合板自身的受力特点,提出了考虑滑移效应的组合板折减刚度公式。


轧机刚度系数轧机刚度系数rigidity coefficient of rolling millzhalj gongdu xishu轧机刚度系数(rigidity eoeffieient of rollingmill)使轧机产生纵向单位弹性变形所需施加的轧制力。其几何意义为轧机弹性曲线直线段的斜率,记作 dPK~~共气“m ds式中d尸为轧制力增量;ds为辊缝增量;Km为轧机刚度系数,其量纲为kN/mm。因此,某一轧机的刚度系数可根据轧机的弹性曲线的斜率计算确定。实际上,由于轧制时轧棍和整个车L机在负荷作用下温度升高,辊缝发生变化而成为一个变值,轧辊的圆度和安装偏差会造成轧件的纵向厚度偏差呈高频周期性变化,轧件、一公淤叮派李点- 翻~香爪~~咋今粉~ 轧钢机按机架排列分类 a一单机架;吞一横列式;一顺列式;d一棋盘式;~半连续式;了一连续式宽度也会影响轧辊的弯曲弹性变形等,所以为了提高轧件厚度控制的精确度,轧机的刚度系数一般都通过现场实测方法得到。但也可以在用解析方法分别算出轧辊的刚度系数K,、机架的刚度系数KZ、安全臼的刚度系数K3、压力传感器的刚度系数K4等之后,按下式计算1K,~—1 .1 .1 .1 分+分十含+亡 K:1 KZ’K3’K4因此,K。又称等效刚度。 (赵以相)
