2000字范文 > 涉外继承 inheritance with foreign elements英语短句 例句大全

涉外继承 inheritance with foreign elements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-25 18:35:57


涉外继承 inheritance with foreign elements英语短句 例句大全

涉外继承,inheritance with foreign elements

1)inheritance with foreign elements涉外继承

1.As such,we should carefully examine the existing laws in China and putinheritance with foreign elements in a proper position.涉外继承案件是否属于专属管辖范围,从我国《民事诉讼法》的规定看,答案似乎是肯定的,但理论上存有相当大的争议,且实践中,这样的理解也难以变成实际操作。


parative Study on International Succession Law of Civil Law Countries;大陆法系国家涉外继承法律适用法比较研究

2.Study on Application of Law for Legal Succession Concerning Foreign Interests in China;我国涉外法定继承法律适用问题之研究

3.The Research on the Application of Law of Legal Portion in Foreign Succession by Testament涉外遗嘱继承中特留份法律适用问题研究

4.of or relating to or involving a reversion (especially a legal reversion).属于、关于或涉及继承权的(尤指法律继承权)。

5.Shows all inheritance relationships that involve the selected types显示所有涉及所选类型的继承关系

6.On Foreign Divorce Jurisdiction and Recognition of Foreign Divorce Judgments;论涉外离婚管辖权及涉外离婚判决的承认

7.Widowed women have the right to dispose of the property inherited by them, and no one may interfere with the disposition thereof.丧偶妇女有权处分继承的财产,任何人不得干涉。

8.Study of the Law Applied to Foreign Construction Engneering Contract;涉外建筑工程承包法律适用问题研究

9.The inheritance of property is the most substantive issue in the family relationship. It concerns interests of each kinsfolk.财产继承往往是家庭继承关系中最实质问题,它关涉到每个家庭成员的切身利益。

10.Widows have the right to dispose of property they inherit, without interference from anyone.丧偶妇女有权处分继承的财产,任何人不得不干涉。

11.Contracted projects overseas as well as labor-export services should be further expanded继续发展对外承包工程和劳务合作。

12.On the Scope of Successors and Their Shares in Intestate Succession in China and Abroad: a Comparative Law Approach中外法定继承之继承人范围及其份额的比较法研究

13.He accepts the need for government intervention to deal with externality.他承认需要政府的干涉,以处理外部因素。

14.Some problems need to be noticed in cement engineering designing of foreign turnkey project;涉外总承包水泥工程设计应注意的问题

15.Weakness of the Management of EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction) in the Foreign Investment Project;从涉外角度看我国工程总承包管理的几点不足

16.Studying and suggesting for the management of international water project investment and turn-key way construction;涉外水务工程投资和总承包管理的思考与建议

17.Analysis of Economic Cooperation Motiveto Develop Foreign Project Contractingin our Country;我国开展涉外工程承发包的经济合作动力分析

18.Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgment Concerning Punitive Damage涉及惩罚性赔偿的外国判决的承认与执行


Foreign Legal Heritance涉外法定继承

1.The choice of laws methodology forForeign Legal Heritance is one of the important subjects that foreign and Chinese legal .涉外法定继承的法律选择是中外诸多法学专家、学者研究的重要课题之一。

3)foreign testamentary succession涉外遗嘱继承

4)Extraneus heres家外继承人

5)recognition of foreign divorce judgments涉外离婚判决的承认

6)Foreign Construction Engineering Contract涉外建筑工程承包


涉外继承公证涉外继承公证 :指公证机关办理的继承人中有外国人、居住在国外的华侨,或被继承人生前居住在国外,或所继承遗产的一部或全部在国外的继承公证活动。
