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终止剂 terminator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-11 11:35:56


终止剂 terminator英语短句 例句大全



1.Polymerization of NiBR without addingterminator;镍系顺丁橡胶生产中不加终止剂技术

2.Effects of polyfunctionalterminator in PVC production;多功能终止剂在聚氯乙烯生产中的作用

3.The result showed that the polymerization could be terminated automatically withoutterminator.结果表明,聚合不加终止剂即可自动终止。


1.Controlled/living Radical Polymerization in Presence of NBS as an Iniferter and an ATRP Initiator;NBS作引发转移终止剂及ATRP引发剂的可控/活性自由基聚合

2.Halogen radicals produced by the reaction of hydroxyl radicals with halides, such as HX, may serve as terminators for the chain reaction.卤素自由基是由羟基自由基与卤化物如HX反应而产生的,它可被用作连锁反应的终止剂。

3.When coolant goes through ON/ OFF devices, contact surfaces automatically closes to prevent leakage. Contact surfaces automatically detaches from each other upon exhaustion of coolant to avoid dry grinding.当冷却剂穿越开/机构时,接触面自动闭合防止洩漏,冷却剂终止时接触面马上打开、免乾磨擦。

4.they may react with chemical species within the flame to stop the combustion reaction.阻燃剂可以与火焰中的化学物质起反应,使燃烧反应终止。

5.Clinical study on effect of different doses of misoprostol on early pregnancy failure cases不同剂量米索前列醇终止早期妊娠失败的临床研究

6.chain termination method链终止(DNA测序)法

7.terminate a pregnancy,eg by means of an abortion终止妊娠(堕胎).

8.A progression of chords moving to a harmonic close or point of rest.终曲,终止式和弦进行到和谐的终曲或终止乐句

9.Initializer list must be terminated by预设值列表必须用终止符终止

10.An expiration, especially of a contract or an agreement.满期终止,特别是合同或协议的终止

11.Involuntary terminations must be reported concurrent with the termination.偶然终止必须告知发生终止的事件。

12.Events for terminating the securities investment trust agreement, the termination procedure, and items to be handled after termination.一三证券投资信?契约之终止事由、终止程序及终止后之处理事项。

13.Clinical observation on treatment of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia with intravenous low dose adenosine triphosphate小剂量三磷酸腺苷静脉注射终止阵发性室上性心动过速的临床观察

14.Notice of Termination of Tenancy by Landlord业主终止租约通知书

15.Declaration on the end of the rebellious action关于终止叛乱的声明

16.Notice of Termination of Principal Tenancy终止二房东租约通知书

17.apply the closure to a debate以投票表决终止辩论.

18.Statement Block must be terminated by "}"语句块必须用""终止


radical scavenger终止剂

1.The hydroquinone asradical scavenger could inhibit it by removing radical produced in the reaction process.结果表明,自由基链反应引发剂铜离子能够加速亚硫酸盐与氧的反应,自由基链反应终止剂对苯二酚能够通过消除亚硫酸盐氧化过程中生成的自由基而抑制反应,水的pH值、碱度和硬度成分则无影响。

2.The first kind isradical scavenger, inhibiting reaction by removing radical produced in the reaction process.结果发现,下列三类物质能够阻滞亚硫酸盐与氧的反应:第一类物质是自由基链反应终止剂,通过消除亚硫酸盐氧化过程中生成的自由基而抑制反应;第二类物质是螯合剂,通过螯合亚硫酸盐溶液中的过渡族金属元素催化剂杂质而减缓反应速度;第三类物质是链反应引发剂,由于添加过量而由引发剂转变为终止剂,试验结果为亚硫酸盐氧化的自由基机理提供了有力的证据,也为防止亚硫酸盐的贮存失效提供了多种有效的方


4)termination agent终止剂;终止剂

5)termination agent终止剂;链终止剂

6)terminating agent(Vc)终止剂(Vc)


