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防治效果 control effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-08 11:12:22


防治效果 control effect英语短句 例句大全

防治效果,control effect

1)control effect防治效果

1.Thecontrol effect of the mixture of Bacillus thuringiensis with Success to Plutella xylostella larva;苏云金杆菌与生物杀虫剂(Success)混用对菜蛾防治效果的研究

2.Influence of insecticide spraying time on thecontrol effect against Hoplocampa ninutominuto;不同用药时期对李实蜂防治效果的影响

3.Thecontrol effect of 70% patafol WP. for the pepper blight caused by phyophthora capsici;70%百德富可湿性粉剂对辣椒疫病的防治效果


1.Effect of hydraulic schistosomiasis control projects on disease prevention水利血防工程血吸虫病防治效果分析

2.And better effects can be achieved in prevention and treatment of brain cinerea than alba.对大鼠大脑灰质的防治效果比对大鼠大脑白质的防治效果好。

3.The control effect of DDVP. carbaryl and cypermethrin smoke agents were 95.85% 31. 51% and 97.66% respectively.西维因烟剂防治效果为31.51%,氯氰菊酯烟剂防治效果为97.68%。

4.Effect of Bactericide Junsuqing to Fowl-brood Control in Apple果树杀菌剂菌速清对苹果树腐烂病的防治效果

5.The mite, such as McGregor has excellent control.对叶螨、全爪螨等均有很好的防治效果。

6.Mathematic Analysis of Antiseptic Effect for Preventing Plasmopara viticola on Muscat Hamburg Grape数学分析玫瑰香葡萄霜霉病防治效果

7.Conclusion Effectiveness of comprehensive prevention and treatment measures for silicosis in uranium mines is significant.结论铀矿工矽肺综合防治效果显著。

8.Study on Control Effects of Different Medicament on Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fabricius不同药剂对红棕象甲的防治效果研究

9.Analysis on the Effect of TB Prevention and Treatment in Binyang County from 2002 to 宾阳县2002~肺结核病防治效果分析

10.Control Efficiency of Several Nematicides on Stem Nematode Disease of Sweet Potato几种药剂对甘薯茎线虫病的防治效果

11.Analysis on the effect of TB prevention and control among floating population in Suzhou苏州市流动人口结核病防治效果分析

12.Control Efficiency of Leprosy after Basic Elimination in Taoyuan Coutny桃源县麻风病基本消灭后的防治效果

13.Efficacy of flies control in temporary habitation地震后临时居住地蝇类防治效果观察

14.Study on Preventive Effect of Extracts from Ailanthus altissima to Aphides臭椿叶提取液对蚜虫防治效果的研究

15.Efficacy of Several Pesticides on Lygocoris lucorum M. on Jujube几种杀虫剂对枣树绿盲蝽的防治效果

16.Evaluation Effects of IDD Control and Prevention from 1996 to in Fuyang City阜阳市1996~碘缺乏病防治效果评价

17.Control Effects of Different Fungicides on Stalk Rot of Kalimeris indica不同杀菌剂对马兰茎腐病的防治效果

18.- Achievements have been made in desertification prevention and control.——防沙治沙工作取得积极效果。


Control efficacy防治效果

1.The control efficacy of Nantian-kexing bait upon an invasive insect pest,the red imported fire ant;红火蚁克星对入侵红火蚁的防治效果

2.Effects of different dosages of NBPOS bait on their control efficacy to the red imported fire ant,Solenopsis invicta;氟磺酰胺毒饵使用量对红火蚁防治效果的影响

3.Mass trapping and control efficacy on the diamondback moth,Plutella xylostell a (L.) with synthetic sex pheromone lures at high altitudes in Hubei;湖北高海拔地区性信息素对小菜蛾的诱捕和防治效果

3)controlling effect防治效果

1.Objective To study on the security andcontrolling effect of amino-oligosaccharin for Glomerella cingulata of Aloe vera.目的2%氨基寡糖素对芦荟炭疽病防治效果及安全性实验。

2.300 g/L Aimiao EC was used in the plot test and rice fields to study thecontrolling effect on rice sheath blight.采用300 g/L爱苗EC对水稻纹枯病进行了小区试验和大区示范,试验示范结果表明:在水稻孕穗末期施药15 d后进行药效调查:25 mL/667m2的防治效果极显著高于对照药剂(20%井冈霉素水溶粉剂25 g/667m2)的防治效果,在三江村和鸭塘村进行了大区示范,获得与小区试验一致的防治效果;300 g/L爱苗EC是防治水稻纹枯病的有效药剂,可作为防治水稻纹枯病的推广用药。

3.The anaerobic fermentation slurry is a universal bio-pesticide which contains much nutrition elements and had an obviouscontrolling effect on many kinds of pest.沼液作为一种广谱性的"生物农药",含有多种有机营养成分及抗病防虫作用,对多种害虫具有明显的防治效果。

4)Control Efficiency防治效果

1.Evaluation for control efficiency of different pesticide mixtures against rice plant hoppers;不同农药混配组合对稻飞虱防治效果的评价

2.Control efficiency of Weixianke to sweet potato stem nematode;维线克对甘薯茎线虫的田间防治效果

3.Determination of mound density,social form,and control efficiency of red imported fire ant,Solenopsis invicta,in Shenzhen City深圳红火蚁蚁巢密度、社会型研究及防治效果评价

5)control effects防治效果

1.In order to definitudecontrol effects of 10% imidacloprid with buprofenzin EC against rice planthopper,studies have been done with 3 different concentrations of pesticide.噻嗪酮乳油对稻飞虱的防治效果,进行了不同浓度的药效试验研究。

2.After the first application of 10% Difenoconazole at a dilution of 1∶6 000,control effects on Leveillula taurica in pepper in three replicate fields were 96.通过田间试验研究了10%世高水分散粒剂6 000倍液对辣椒白粉病Leveillula taurica的防治效果。

3.Experiments in field showed that thecontrol effects of 0.1%氟虫腈粉剂对红火蚁的防治效果优于1%奋斗呐粉剂。


1.The fieldefficacy experiment was done about kresoxim-methyl 50% WG,flusilazole 8% MF,triadimefon 25% WP and chlorothalonil 75% WP against pepper powdery mildew.结果表明:药后7d,4种杀菌剂对辣椒白粉病的防治效果在69。

2.The field experiment revealed that theefficacy of the mixture against rice sheath blight was higher than that of any of the singles,spraying either once or twice.田间试验结果表明,无论是一次防治,还是两次防治,与两个单剂相比,混剂(Pf7-14+井冈霉素)对水稻纹枯病的防治效果得到显著性提高。


Fogeffect(雾化效果)fog effect (雾化效果)雾化效果是3d的比较常见的特性,在游戏中见到的烟雾、爆炸火焰以及白云等效果都是雾化的结果。它的功能就是制造一块指定的区域笼罩在一股烟雾弥漫之中的效果,这样可以保证远景的真实性,而且也减小了3d图形的渲染工作量。
