2000字范文 > 高等教育办学定位 school orientation of higher education英语短句 例句大全

高等教育办学定位 school orientation of higher education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-08 13:45:41


高等教育办学定位 school orientation of higher education英语短句 例句大全

高等教育办学定位,school orientation of higher education

1)school orientation of higher education高等教育办学定位


1.The Orientation of Adult Higher Education Based on Growing Professional Education;基于职业教育快速发展的成人高等教育办学定位

2.On Educational Model of Vocational Colleges of Art from Schooling Posittion;从办学定位审视高等艺术职业学院的教育模式

3.Analysis of Development Localization of the Non-academic Private Higher Education Institutions非学历民办高等教育机构发展定位分析

4.The position-setting analysis of private higher educationin the higher education system;民办高等教育在高等教育体系中的定位

5.On Role of Locally run Higher Education and the Orientation of Locally run Colleges;论民办高等教育的任务及民办高校定位

6.Brief Discussion on Running School Lawfully--After WTO, the Educational Niche in Adults school;浅谈依法办学——走进WTO以后,成人高等学校的教育定位

7.Other tertiary institutions also offer degree courses in education.其他高等教育院校亦有开办教育学位课程。

8.Scope and Speed,Classification and Orientation,and Features of Running a School--On Current Development of Higher Education in China;规模速度、分类定位、办学特色——中国当前高等教育发展中的若干问题

9.Accurate Localization is the Foundation Makes the Characteristic is the Key--Transportation Higher Vocational Education School Localization Ponder;准确定位是基础 办出特色是关键——交通高等职业教育办学定位的思考

10.The Location of Our Country s Civilian-run Colleges and Universities in the Period of Higher Education Popularization;高等教育大众化时期我国民办高校的定位

11.Investigate Police Officers Education Mech anism Seek Vocational College Guiding Position找准高职办学定位 探索警官教育机制

12.Investigate Police Officers Education Mech anism Seek Vocational College Guiding Position;找准高职办学定位 探索警官教育机制

13.A Study of CAI Orientation in Higher Education;对高等教育中多媒体教学定位的探讨

14.On Orientation,Characters and Tendencies of Higher Education Self-study;高等教育自学考试的定位、特征与趋势

15.The Scientific Positioning of Higher Education′s Evaluation Institutions of an Intermediary Nature;中介性高等教育评估机构的科学定位

16.Developmental Niche for China s Non-governmental Higher Education in the Field of Educational System and Policies;教育制度与政策层面的中国民办高等教育发展定位

17.Development of Higher Vocational Education in Undergraduate Universities--Research on the Orientation of Applied Undergraduate Institutes;本科大学办高职教育——应用性本科学院定位研究

18.Discussion on the five year system quality education of higher vocational education;试论五年制高职教育的办学特征与目标定位


Positioning of Higher Education高等教育定位

1.The Thinking aboutPositioning of Higher Education to Local Colleges and Universities对地方高校高等教育定位的思考——为区域经济发展服务

3)Teaching English in Sino-foreign franchise programmes中外合作办学高等教育

4)school-running mechanism of higher education高等教育办学机制

5)views on higher education高等教育办学思想

6)Adult higher education organization成人高等教育办学机构


