2000字范文 > 五年制高职教育 five-year-schooling higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

五年制高职教育 five-year-schooling higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-06 15:44:28


五年制高职教育 five-year-schooling higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

五年制高职教育,five-year-schooling higher vocational education

1)five-year-schooling higher vocational education五年制高职教育

1.Marketing course is a course of electronic accounting major offive-year-schooling higher vocational education in Yunnan TV University and has a feature of strong practice.市场营销学是云南电大五年制高职教育电算会计专业的课程之一,此门课程的特色是实践性强。

2.With the development of the times, the enrollment and employment of thefive-year-schooling higher vocational education of RTVU have met some difficulties and therefore its talent training model should be taken into consideration.随着时代的发展,电大五年制高职教育的招生与就业碰到了一些困难,为此,电大五年制高职教育的人才培养模式必须进行认真的探索和思考。


1.On the Curriculum System of the Five-Year Higher Vocational Education;关于五年制高职教育课程体系的思考

2.Basic Frame To Evaluate Five - year - system HVE Coursebooks五年制高职教育教材评估指标体系的基本架构

3.Analysis and Reflections on the Status of Physical Teaching of Five-Year-Schooling Higher Vocational Education;对五年制高职教育物理教学现状的分析与思考

4.Discussion on the five year system quality education of higher vocational education;试论五年制高职教育的办学特征与目标定位

5.The Development of Five-Years Higher Vocational Education Existing Question and Countermeasure;五年制高职教育发展存在的问题及对策

6.Curriculum Reform of the Five-Year-Schooling Higher Vocational Education of RTVU Must be Imperative;深化电大五年制高职教育课程改革势在必行

7.Reflections on the Practical Characteristics of Five-year Schooling System of Higher Vocational Education;对五年制高职教育人才培养中实践特色的思考

8.On the Website-based Self-Learning Modes for Five-Year Higher Vocational Education;网络条件下五年制高职教育自主学习模式研究

9.Research on courses design in computer major for five-year higher vocational technology education;五年制高职教育中计算机专业课程设置初探

10.Probe into the Teaching Mode of Five YearHigher Vocational Education System;五年一贯制高职教育教学模式的探索

11.The Chinese Characteristics Of the 5-year-educationaI System in Advanced Professional University;试论五年制高等职业教育的办学特色

12.On Positively Developing Five-year Higher Vocational lechnological Education;论积极发展五年制高等职业技术教育

13.Study on the Development of Shandong Five-year Higher Vocational Education山东省五年制高等职业教育发展研究

14.The Educational Inquiry for Career Planning of the Students in the Five-year Higher Vocational College五年制高职院校学生职业生涯规划教育探究

15.Analysis of the Problems of Five - year - schooling Students Moral Education of Higher Vocational Education and their Solution;五年制高等职业教育学生德育问题分析与对策

16.Research on the Competency-Based Physics Teaching of Higher Vocational Education;适应能力本位的五年制高职物理教育研究

17.On Five-year Vocational Students Unhealthy Psychological Features and its Educational Countermeasures;五年制高职学生不良学习心理特征及教育对策

18.Characteristics of 5-year Vocational College Students and Countermeasures for Their Education;五年制高职学生的特点及培养教育对策


five-year higher vocational education五年制高职教育

1.Exploration and practice on mechanical specialty curriculum system forfive-year higher vocational education;“3+2”五年制高职教育机械类专业课程体系的探索与实践

2.The paper discusses how to establish the website-based self-learning instruction modes forfive-year higher vocational education on the basis of research findings in this field and the experience of Yunnan Radio and TV University.通过网络条件下五年制高职教育自主学习教学模式模块建构,结合云南电大实践经验,创建符合云南省情的网络条件下五年制高职教育自主学习教学模式。

3)five year higher vocational education五年一贯制高职教育

4)five-year vocational education五年制职业教育

1.The idea offive-year vocational education reform is put forward in the paper from training target, teaching program, curriculum system, major offering, ability training and teachers based on analysis of its characteristic.通过对五年制职业教育特点的分析,在培养目标、教学计划、课程体系、专业设置、能力培养、教师队伍等方面,提出了实施教育改革的思路。

5)system of 2 years二年制高职教育

6)two-year system HVE两年制高职教育

1., the article discusses the necessity of developing two year system HVE and tends to put forward some good suggestion on developingtwo-year system HVE in reliance on the profession, cooperation with school and enterprise , combination learning with production and to set up the thought of career education in HVE , to build student抯 learning files, to pay.本文从高等职业教育的学制、富余劳动力转移、经济学意义及人才战略等方面阐述了发展两年制高职教育的必要性,提出了依托行业、校企合作、产学结合;确立“生计教育”的办学思想;构建学生学习挡案;注重服务功能的定位;规范职业指导及改革高职教育的教学模式等办好两年制高职教育的建议。


